Cancer New Moon July 2021 + ritual!
Inner healing. Deep nurturing. Beginning this new cycle with the core of who we are in a supported, strong, and
Inner healing. Deep nurturing. Beginning this new cycle with the core of who we are in a supported, strong, and
So, we surrender. We surrender to unseen forces that hold and support us. We surrender the desire to manage and
It is taking the awareness that the Lunar Eclipse brought us, and turning it into a new beginning.
Let’s look at this from a higher perspective. From the perspective of Source itself. From the perspective of our infinite
Eclipses serve as celestial checkpoints, turning points, a divine re-alignment of our Souls destiny. TIMES & DATES: Wellington: Wednesday
A resourceful, sensual, and fertile New Moon in Taurus bringing a touch of magic to our senses.
As we step into eclipse season, we step deeper and deeper into ourselves.
How deeply can you trust Life? How deeply can you surrender to any change, transition, transformation that retrogrades can bring? How
Trust in the process. Trust in the safety of your heart. Trust that Life is holding you.
A fiery New Moon here to ignite every cell in our bodies to awaken us into the most magnetizing, powerful,