Gemini New Moon June 2023: New Beginnings, Horoscopes & Ritual

Gemini New Moon June 2023 New Beginnings, Horoscopes & Ritual Girl and Her Moon

Gemini is a mutable Air sign, and just as Air moves quickly, freely, and without bounds, as does Gemini. Just as Air clears stagnant energy and brings in fresh new life, as does Gemini – as does this new Moon.

This new Moon is an invitation of new inspirations, new ideas, curiosities, and a flow of communication. In the sign that governs the perspectives through which we label reality, we are invited to reflect on what narratives we wish to breathe new life into, where we are ready to bring an openness into our minds, where we intentional desire to create a new way of seeing, and therefore experiencing, our reality.

There is an essence of love, connection, romance, and creativity, paired with imagination, dreams, and spirituality. There is also an invitation to ground this energy, and to remember the responsibility that comes with being a bridge between two worlds – the spiritual and the physical – and the gift that this responsibility is.

We are connected to one another under this lunation, and we are connected to the very Source from which we all came – with the very support, flow, and divinity it holds us in always. We are reminded that our ideas, curiosities, dreams, and desires are never just for us. While they are for us, they are also for our loved ones, they are also for nature, they are for all of time past, present, and future, they are for the unfolding of Life itself.

Learn Astrology Girl and Her Moon

The magical tool that is our minds cannot exist in isolation. The ideas we tap into. The thoughts we think. The curiosities that excite us. The words we speak. The art we create. The prayers we whisper. The knowledge we learn. The wisdom we teach.

It is all together. And it’s all a part of something greater.

Gemini New Moon Times & Dates

  • Wellington: Sunday June 18 – 4.36 pm
  • Sydney: Sunday June 18 – 2.36 pm
  • Tokyo: Sunday June 18 – 1.36 pm
  • Singapore: Sunday June 18 – 12.36 pm
  • New Delhi: Sunday June 18 – 10.06 am
  • Dubai: Sunday June 18 – 8.36 am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday June 18 – 7.36 am
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday June 18 – 6.36 am
  • London: Sunday June 18 – 5.36 am
  • New York/Toronto: Sunday June 18 – 12.36 am
  • Los Angeles: Saturday June 17 – 9.36 pm

A New Moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle. The Moon has emptied herself all so that she may rebirth herself. It is here that we too, rebirth ourselves. It is here that we plant the seeds of which we desire to bring to fullness. It is here we set the intentions, directions, and dreams for this new chapter to grow with.

As the Sun and Moon dance with Neptune in our skies, a lunation that could otherwise be rather analytical is offered a softness of spirituality.

Neptune brings a haze to the world around us clouding the clarity of our surroundings. And it does so in an effort to draw us inward. While there are new beginnings seeded within this lunation, they may not reveal themselves in clarity just yet with Neptunes haze. This is where we instead trust.

Neptune clouds what we have labelled as real, tangible, and important, so that we may remember the truth, Oneness, divinity and potential that lives beyond those labels, offering a greater perspective.

Neptune in Pisces invites this lunation into the imagination with dreaminess and heightened intuition. It brings the already present curiosity, communication, and flow of Air into the realm of dreams, connection with the divine, and Oneness with all of Life. It invites us to lift our minds into higher consciousness, to dance with possibility, and to float in the realm of ideas. It asks our minds to become a vessel and open channel for love.

As this aspect is a Square, there can be a sense of tension in balancing the practical and logical with the imagination and intuition, and the desire for clarity and beginning with the unknown, trust, and patience.

The gifts of this tension is its invitation to explore inner conflict present within you;

Do you favour one way of thinking over the other? How could these seemingly opposite perspectives co-exist, and even support and hold one another?


Venus inviting us into her arms brings love to all that is present in the cosmos.

It allows our heart and mind to come together. It brings loving expression, communication, creativity, blessings, beauty, and intimacy. It favours the dreams, ideas, and desires that present themselves to us supporting their fruition into being.

Saturn beginning it’s retrograde on the same day of this lunation invites a groundedness.

While retrograde it brings us inward to contemplate our responsibility to these dreams that this new Moon is highlighting, and our role in bringing them into fruition. Building bridges between worlds is something that is innate to all of us. Building bridges between worlds is something that is innate to all of us. 

Saturn is the structure through which divinity can flow through, and it is the foundations upon which it can land.

There is a beautiful presence of connection under this new Moon. A reminder that life is relational. And an invitation to lean back into that of trust.

The steps we take and dreams we hold are never in isolation of others. And when centred in truth and reverence, are never void of divine essence, and Oneness with the evolution of Life itself – the very substance from which we are held throughout the process.

Gemini New Moon Ritual

Playing with Reality: Engaging the Game of Life – find out more here.

With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

All that we can see, feel, smell and taste is energy playing its game, creating its art, wearing its costume, manifesting in its desired fashion and loving every minute of it.

What we see as physical, solid, or unchangeable is one of the many illusions that we opted into in order to experience the human journey.

It is one of the many veils we place before ourselves to deepen into what it means to be human in this lifetime.

This illusion and this veil is a gift in so many ways. It allows us to be here, alive, in this form.

Yet there is a playful invitation present that asks us to be both aware of this game of Life and devoted to playing it.

To know the illusion and still lovingly dance within it.

Together in this session we will aim to do just that.

This ritual is exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

In the Flow with the Moon Membership we hold monthly ritual and workshops under the new and full moon, as well as astrology classes and studies each month – along with access to all past ritual, workshops, healings, and classes.

Join us here for June’s Gemini New Moon Ritual, along with access to the Sagittarius Full Moon Workshop, and Live Astrology Masterclass. See all upcoming events in the membership here.

By joining you will also receive instant access to over $10,000 of past workshops, classes and ritual.

Gemini New Moon Ritual June 2023 Girl and Her Moon

Gemini New Moon Horoscopes

Watch your New Moon Tarot Horoscope by Zofiia here.

Happy New Moon,

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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