

How to attend GAHM events

Events include live classes, recorded workshops, and Soul/energy journeys.

All events, classes, and workshops are exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

By joining you will also receive instant access to over $10,000+ of past classes, rituals and practice, plus continued astrology classes.

Emitting you: Teachings of Leo and the Sun


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Together we will explore the evolutionary purpose, wisdom, offerings, and frequency of Leo and the Sun, with the intention of developing a relationship with this archetype and planet.

This class is a mixture of knowledge and attunement so that we can begin to learn more about ourselves, how this zodiac lives within us and expresses itself through us, how it filters life experience through us and therefore shapes the way we engage with reality, and how it can become a supportive tool in our human experience.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Being Seen


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

An energy practice engaging with our relationship to being seen, whether by others, or ourselves. Together we will clear, clarify and update our own self-concept so that we may witness ourselves with greater truth – receiving the vast and transformative healing energy of that self-witnessing. And we will create the space to receive the beauty of being seen by others – the Earth, cosmos, and Life.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

The Liberated Creator


With Spiritual Conduit and Visionary Artist, Delta Venus (Paige Hasaballah)

Liberate your creative essence by reconnecting to the innate joy of self-expression.

In this workshop with Spiritual Conduit and Visionary Artist Delta Venus, we will explore the fundamentals of creative expression, why creation is foundational to your spiritual experience as a human being, and how to bring a childlike sense of joy and pleasure to the expression of your being.

A mixture of teachings and practices, together we are connecting with our creative channel, opening to the joy of self-expression, and exploring real-world ways to facilitate flow state & liberate the inner creative.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Conduit: A Channelling Workshop


With Healer, Channel, Reader and Guide, Dilosh

We are all channels. Attuned to higher intelligence, wisdom, and universal knowing just as we are attuned to the physical, tangible, and material. Bridging these worlds is innate to us all.

Activate and open your psychic circuitry in a safe and embodied container with healer, channel, reader and guide, Dilosh. Remember yourself as a channel while receiving tools and practices to continue building your intuitive and channelling abilities in both listening/receiving and transmitting/sharing.

In this workshop we will explore the mechanics and history of channelling, various techniques of channelling, and supportive boundaries, practices, and tools to strengthen your channelling abilities with time, intention, and continued practice.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Temple of Soul


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

An enriching journey into the temple of your Soul to remember, receive, dream, and heal. A reminder of your medicine. A reconnection with your truth. A weaving together of the seen and unseen, tangible and intangible, spiritual and mundane.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

The Sacred Vessel with Virgo and Mercury


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Together we will explore the evolutionary purpose, wisdom, offerings, and frequency of Virgo and Mercury, with the intention of developing a relationship with this archetype and planet.

This class is a mixture of knowledge and attunement so that we can begin to learn more about ourselves, how this zodiac lives within us and expresses itself through us, how it filters life experience through us and therefore shapes the way we engage with reality, and how it can become a supportive tool in our human experience.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Harmony: An Energetic Process

With Intuitive Energy Master Patti Higgins.

As we lead up the Sacred Gateway of the September Equinox, this energetic process by Girl and Her Moon’s Intuitive Energy Master Patti is both a preparation for our live session (23 September), and a process you can continue to use to anchor you into your light, body, and current season of transformation.

We recommend journeying through this process throughout the week before the Equinox. And we recommend using it as a tool after the Equinox to anchor all that was shifted.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Eclipse Alchemy


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Eclipses are a turning point. A portal of destiny. An unlocking of evolution. And a quickening of energy.

They bring us to the edge of what we know and ask us to take another step. They represent something opening, catalysing, and shifting beneath the surface. They represent something awakening, activating, alchemising from within ready to come alive, ready to transform the path of our life that calls us forward.

When we collaborate with the potentials of Eclipses, they offer opportunities for heightened intuition and destiny filled insights – where the voice of Soul gets louder, felt deeper, palpable in its presence.

When we work with Eclipses, present with the energies, present with ourselves, truthful in our intentions, a space is created.

A space that is the perfect environment for our psychic awareness, spiritual gifts, and deep inner knowing that flows within us to be activated, to be remembered, to be integrated into our awareness.

Eclipses bring beginnings and endings, marking a new chapter in the journey of our lives. It’s a time where the veil between the self and the Soul becomes thinner, allowing them to mix and merge. Allowing more of our Vaster Self into our bodies. Allowing more of our Ancient Selves into our awareness. Allowing more of our own light into our own beingness. Allowing a realignment of our path.

Together in this workshop with Girl and Her Moon founder and Astrologer Jordane Maree, we will explore the timeless symbolism and invitations of Eclipses in astrology, before specifically exploring the two Eclipses of September (Pisces Lunar Eclipse) and October (Libra Lunar Eclipse) and how they are collaborating with you based on your astrology chart – with an opportunity to have your chart featured.

We will also engage the energetics – the most important piece. After bringing insight and information into our awareness, we will attune to what is stirring within us, and the energy desiring to be heard and felt from within. We will make space to clear and prepare our channel for what is to come. Space within our bodies, emotional currents, mind, and hearts. Space for the invitations, whispers, change, and awakenings occurring at this time.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Dreams & Spirit Guides


Taught by Energy Worker, Reader, Healer & Intuitive Dilosh

Inspired by our final zodiac, Pisces is intuition. It is water. The subtle sensing of energy, emotion, vibration. It lives in both the energetic and the physical, conscious awareness and the unconscious, the body and the psyche. Receiving insight. Feeling knowing. Moving with the cosmic tides of existence.

In this workshop with Dilosh, we will be creating with Pisces intuition that lives within us all and tapping into the unseen realm of our dreams and spirit guides. Learning how to fine tune our sensing so that we may open to, connect, and collaborate with our spirit guides. Learning how to commune with the subtle stream of communication from the unconscious that moves through our dreams, sharing insight, guidance, and messaging from parts of us less travelled.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Live Equinox Gateway Session: Balance

With Intuitive Energy Master Patti Higgins.

Welcome to the Sacred Gateway that is the September Equinox.

Guided by Venus and Libra, in this gateway we are offered a sacred initiation; a portal of consciousness and remembering.

As the Earth comes into balance on this day, we will come together live to meet balance within ourselves, too. Through beauty we will lean into alignment. Through harmony we will restore wholeness. Through balance we will remember and realign to our sacred role in all of creation.

Join us live with Girl and Her Moon’s Intuitive Energy Master Patti to harmonise energy – within our minds, bodies, fields, energy centres and beyond.

Replay will be available if you cannot make it live.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Embodying You: Your Sun Self


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

To fall head over heels in love with our Sun, and our Sun sign, is a transformative and life changing experience. It is to claim ourselves. Align with ourselves. Fall in love with ourselves. There is immense healing in awakening to our Sun.

The Sun in Astrology is the centre of who we are. It is our core, spirit, selfhood, and life force. It is our light, and our energy, and the more we claim and embody our Sun and the unique way it desires to express through us and as us, the more alive we are. The more tapped into our path, our inspiration, our joy, and our creativity.

Throughout this class we will attune to the Sun, letting it awaken and enliven each cell within our being. And we will explore the Sun throughout the natal chart – the sign, house, and aspects – and how each of these layers add to the brilliance that is you.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Coming Home: Returning to your Moon


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

The Moon in astrology speaks to our intuition. Not as something outside of us, rather an internal compass guiding our every direction. Intuition that is deep within our bodies. Our hearts that speak to us. Our guts that advise us. Our knowing that comes from deep inner reserves.

Where the Sun in astrology relates to our outward expression, the Moon is our internal expression. Our inner dialogue, emotions, and sensitivities. The mysteries of self. The sides of us less shown to the world, rather kept closely by our hearts. It is how we support and nurture ourselves, opening to the wisdom and memories held within us beyond the mind.

Throughout this class we will attune to the Moon, letting it whisper and move through our bodies and hearts. And we will explore the Moon throughout the natal chart – the sign, house, and aspects – and how each of these layers add to the beauty that is you.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Engaging with Life: Your Ascendant


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Your Ascendant is the sign, and possibly planets, that were rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your first breath. It is the interface through which we meet life and how we engage with reality – weaving together our inner with the outer.

Within us are entire worlds, contradictions, depths, directions – the worlds within us are endless – and to express all of that into our surroundings in every moment would be impossible. The Ascendant helps us with this expression so that we can effectively move through the world, focusing all of us into one direction, and channelling us through one lens – the lens of the zodiac and planets on the ascendant. It is the outer expression that best serves our inner needs, supporting us in moving through the world and channelling all our magic into a direction that helps us clarify who we are, who we are here to be, and our sense of purpose in this life.

Throughout this class we will explore how we can better claim and lean into our ascendant, and explore it in the natal chart – the sign, possible planets, and aspects – – and how each of these layers add to the life you are here to live.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

The Language of Aspects


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

How are your inner planets connecting, activating, and dancing with one another? Welcome to Astrological Aspects – a layer of insight revealing some of our greatest soul invitations and explorations of our lifetime.

Aspects are the communication, relationship, and collaboration taking place between each planet in our skies and within our psyche, representing their expression and energy flow. They are how the many nuanced layers, energies, and archetypal forces within us activate one another.

Building upon our understanding of the Elements and Modes, Zodiacs, Planets, and Houses – Aspects are the next layer of natal chart analysis and understanding, revealing profound depth and insight into our own energetic make up.

This class will explore the five major aspects in Astrology, and will support you in unveiling the aspects in your chart, how they are operating within you, and what they are inviting.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Transits and the Moving Sky: The Unfolding of You


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Transits – the living, breathing, moment-to-moment movement of the cosmos. Transits are the breath of the Universe, the seasons and cycles expressed in symbols and archetypes and the way in which these cosmic movements are interacting with our natal chart and energetic make up is completely unique to us.

Each planetary movement makes a relationship with your natal chart in a way that is highly unique and individualised to you, and to your Souls evolution and growth in this lifetime. With major transits, we find new chapters of our lives emerging, old aspects transforming, and specific invitations presenting themselves.

Together in this class we will explore the nature of astrological transits, how to locate major transits in your own life and chart, and how to begin collaborating with them, uncovering their invitations of evolution, transformation, and insight.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Themes of Destiny: The Astrological Nodes


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

While exploring, discovering, embodying, and living our entire chart – and by extension exploring, discovering, embodying, and living all of who we are – could be seen to be our ultimate purpose in each life, within the natal chart there are additional indicators that speak specifically to purpose.

The Lunar Nodes are not just one of them, but are the most insightful and prominent points of destiny in the chart and in our skies.

Together in this class we will explore the nature of destiny and purpose in partnership with free will and conscious choice as we dive deep into the North Node and South Node and what they mean in your chart.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Unlocking Chiron: Healing, Wisdom and Service


With Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Chiron is a cosmic key unlocking and activating the wisdom of entire chart/selves. It is a doorway into our own healing as much as it is a stepping into our own role as a healer, a sage, a teacher, and mentor.

It is the rainbow bridge ruling our initiation to the higher consciousness of the transpersonal planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. A cosmic messenger dipping between future potentials and present grounded reality, reaching into new consciousness so that we may begin building with that energy in this beautiful tangible world.

Together in this class we will explore the wisdom of Chiron within and beyond the archetype of the Wounded Healer, as well as insights into Chiron in your natal chart.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Join us in the membership for access to this event.

Past Events

Access all past events, classes, workshops and Soul/Energy work in the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Instant access to over $10,000+ of spiritual practices, classes, meditations, rituals and past events created and shared exclusively in the Flow with the Moon Membership over 2+ years.