Cancer Season 2024 Horoscope and Astrology Based on Your Sign

Welcome to Cancer Season. A healing sanctuary of emotion and intuition, sensitivity and belonging. An internal season, a private time. A space to explore what lives within us, what matters to us, letting emotions guide and whisper direction and meaningful change.

Cancer Season is an invitation to come home – to yourself, your heart, your body, your family, to what matters.

As the Sun moves into the waters of Cancer, as do we.

Cancer Season 2024 Dates: June 20 – July 22

Cancer Season begins June 20 or June 21 depending on your timezone, and continues into July 22, 2024.

Astrology of Cancer Season

As the Sun shifts from Gemini Season, an air sign, and into Cancer Season, a water sign, it also shifts from the intellect into the heart, from the mind and into the body.

The body that holds our inner currents of emotion and the memories moving within them. The body that intuits and reads energy as if a tuning fork of our environment. Our body that holds both vast wisdom and stored hurts.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the way it mirrors the ever-changing emotional landscape within us all.

It’s a space of feeling. Of stripping away the noise so that we may hear the quiet whispers of our own heartfelt knowing. Of replenishing these ever-moving seas within us, swimming in the depth, receiving their healing.

Cancer Season is an invitation to tend to ourselves – to become both the mother and child archetype, to both become and receive the medicine that are craving.

A cardinal sign, Cancer initiates a new chapter in the wheel of the zodiac and the seasons of the year.

Beginning on the Summer Solstice, a day of receptivity and blessings as the Sun stands still for a moment in our skies bringing our longest day of the year, Cancer Season ushers us into this second half of the year and a new season of the Earth. It is a shift in the tides.

While Cancer is intrinsically linked to the past, its new beginnings are born from our reflection and presence of what lives in our emotional bodies.

Bringing love, healing, and acceptance to all that we have lived in a way that seems to transform our present and open our path forward with greater clarity and meaning.

As the Sun enters Cancer, it is soft movement and safe spaces for emotion that invite us forward. It is deep feeling and sacred moments with yourself and your chosen people. It is inner child healing, re-parenting, soul-tending, and deep reflection.

Cancer Season Important Astrological Dates

Cancer Season Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign

As the Sun is carried by the tides of Cancer throughout this next month, it also travels through the area of our own natal charts that the sign of Cancer lives within. By looking to your rising sign, we can begin to hear the unique whispers, directions, and invitations of Cancer Season based on our own astrology chart.

Aries Rising

This season invites you to slow down, Aries Rising. To soften your fires and tend to yourself with compassion. To embrace the value in reflection and observe how feeling can bring you closer to yourself, and to life itself.

It’s a season that invites you to explore down into the core of yourself, observing the inner patterns, memories, and energies that have been gathered and stored throughout our formative years and beyond – and how they seem to colour, shape, and express themselves outwardly into our current experiences. This season, tending to your past with love and healing means also tending to your present and future.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Taurus Rising

It’s a season of reflection and reshaping, tending to the mind and all that lives within it with compassion and insight. Where speaking and writing seem to move energy and free emotion. Where sharing your voice or journalling in private become a mirror for you to observe all that has been living within you, waiting for awareness, ready to be seen.

Cancer season brings us deep into our emotional body and the roots of who we are and all that we have been, and it is throughout these few weeks that the mind becomes a doorway into all of that, the voice becomes the medicine for those spaces. We heal through conversations here – with ourselves, with our trusted people, with a journal, with our bodies, with life.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Gemini Rising

Welcome into the world of emotion, Gemini Rising, a shift from your realm of quick thinking and light airy movements. Cancer Season slows us down and invites you into the heart of your inner worth. A space that objectively holds no question in value, yet objectivity isn’t where this season travels – subjectivity is, feeling is.

Do you feel worthy, Gemini Rising? Of love. Of goodness. Of belonging. Not just in your mind, but in your body, in your heart? It’s a season to remind yourself that you deserve goodness in your life, bringing this reminder into every crevice of yourself as if medicine for whatever it touches.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Cancer Rising

Welcome to your space, energy, atmosphere, Cancer Rising. A season to reconnect to yourself and the person that you are blooming into. A season to observe your shifting identity and beliefs, your changing desires and the way you see yourself. It’s been 12 months since the Sun was last shining in your sign. How have you changed since then? What is birthing in you and through you and how can you create a safe space for yourself to emerge? And perhaps, even surprise yourself?

Celebrate who you have been and who you are becoming, Cancer Rising. As the Sun shines in your sign, it brings to light all that has been waiting beneath the surface in you, now ready to come alive.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Leo Rising

Cancer Season invites a sacred retreat into yourself, Leo Rising. A season to close any doors that no longer need to be open, leave any spaces that no longer nurture you, tune out of any noise that adds no value. And instead create a space of peace, reflection, spaciousness, and quiet. It’s a season of release, clearing, forgiving, letting go. It’s a season of finalising this chapter of our lives that will soon come to an end, before beginning again in the light of Leo Season next month.

Intuition heightens and emotions clarify this season, Leo Rising. There is much to be brought into your awareness as you create space for these soft whispers.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Virgo Rising

Emotions hold within them information, Virgo Rising. Emotions hold within them hopes, desires, directions, guidance. Emotions mirror what matters to us. And what matters to us, matters. What you care about, matters.

This season invites a spaciousness to allow for this vast information within our emotions to be heard and seen. It invites our intuition to become louder, connecting us to what is opening in our lives, what is calling us forward. And it invites us to step back and observe the interconnectedness of all life and the sacredness in interdependence and collaboration. What you care about matters. And what calls you forward opens a path for you, and for all that lives beyond you, too. We all feed into this living breathing body that is the collective. Open a door, and you open it for us all.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Libra Rising

Cancer invites us to connect with what really matters to us, Libra Rising. At the heart of it all, living in our emotional currents – what matters to you? It’s a season that reminds us that as we tend to ourselves, the more we can offer ourselves into our lives. The more we tend to ourselves the more we can then tend to what matters to us. The more we can build what is sacred and meaningful. The more creativity, energy, and time we can channel into what we are intentionally building. You are the instrument through which your dreams move through into the world. You are the bridge. You matter in this process.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Scorpio Rising

Cancer Season is in invitation to be held by the currents of something vaster than yourself, Scorpio Rising. To lay back and let the river take you on a journey. Life is always speaking to us, revealing vaster truths and deep wisdom of what this human experience means for us. This season, it is through your emotional tides that life is speaking with you. It is through opening up to life and letting more of it in.

Allow yourself space to ponder on the bigger questions. Why are we here? Why are you here? What is your meaning? What is your purpose? Feel your way through these spaces with your emotions and intuition, letting it open you wider to all that is speaking to you.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Sagittarius Rising

It’s a journey deep into your body, Sagittarius Rising. As if travelling through the spaces and shadows of yourself with a lantern, shining a light on all that lives within you. It is a season of meeting yourself in new ways – the parts of yourself you are aware of and in communication with, and the parts of you that you are yet to meet, yet to welcome into your heart. This season is a cracking open through allowing and feeling. It is transformation through surrender and letting emotion move through us. It is a rebirthing through discovering more of ourselves. We are journeying through unconscious memories and emotions stored beneath the surface. Allow safety, compassion, and tenderness towards yourself.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Capricorn Rising

As the Sun journeys through Cancer it is moving through your opposite sign, Capricorn Rising. Opposite – yet somehow, simultaneously a doorway into more of yourself. Part of your magic in the building of your tangible realms is your connection to the meaning behind and imbued in your building. This season invites you to descend into your inner waters and be replenished by the meaning living within you.

It invites connection, love, partnership – to allow others to see you and you them. It invites others to be your mirror, what are you ready to see, remember, be brought into the light of consciousness? It invites the kind of healing that comes through being with our favourite people, the way they seem to hold the very medicine we need.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Aquarius Rising

Create space in your days, Aquarius Rising. Create intention and healing in your days.

Our days can be our medicine, if we allow them to be. The offerings we give ourselves in the mornings. The movements, thoughts, actions, and people we allow into our days. The way we bring it all to a close as the night draws us in. Create moments in your day that are healing pockets filled with medicine, that allow you to offer and receive what you most need. Allow habits, ritual, practices that support you to support you. It’s about tending to yourself this season, and bringing into your life the structures and choices that allow you to do so.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Pisces Rising

What is in your heart, Pisces Rising? And how could it be anything but art? It’s a season of connecting to your emotions and allowing them to inspire you. To feel in a way that opens you to the ever moving flow of creativity wanting to express through you. And it’s a season of connecting to your inner child, letting them speak through you, letting them remind you of the healing found in play. When we play, life moves through us. Stagnant emotions are cleared. Stories are shifted. And, what is yours to express and create can move through you with joy and with love.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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