If you have found this article, then chances are you have an inkling that you are a starseed and want to know more. Or you know you are a starseed and you’re curious about which type of starseed you are.
Learning your starseed and star system origins can be a fascinating journey. Some starseeds will naturally feel their energy drawn to certain clusters, while others may need a little more guidance to know where their origin is.
The starseeds have been coming to Earth for thousands of years but their presence here has been amplified as the world begins to experience a monumental shift into the Age of Aquarius.
Starseed Awakening
Here, the Astrology Age of Pisces begins to meet its end and we begin to notice the beginning stages of the new age. To many around the world, this seems to be a daunting and even frightening process as societal norms are crumbling and things are changing at a rapid rate.
Starseeds are thought to be appearing now to help ease humanity through this transition. Starseeds have their individual roles to play and the star cluster, galaxy, and realm they originate from bestows them with their unique gifts and talents to help navigate the world and bring forth spiritual awakening.
Starseeds are not so much determined by their appearance. Instead, their individual energy is what amplifies their starseed qualities. Below is a list of different types of starseeds and their descriptions. Which one resonates with you?
Starseed Types
Pleiadian Starseed
The Pleiadian starseeds are some of the most numerous on Earth at this time. These starseeds originate from the Pleiades star cluster, known as the seven sisters. These loving, wise, kind and gentle souls are healers. People and animals are naturally drawn to them for their compassionate natures and strong desire to help others. The healing energy of the Pleiadian starseed is so powerful that at times that many individuals from all walks of life are drawn to them. This starseed should be sure to take good care of themselves as they can often be prone to people-pleasing tendencies and experience burnout in their desire to help others. Pleiadians are highly sensitive beings and typically have very powerful gifts of clairvoyance with a deep connection to the cosmos.
Read this next: Are You a Pleiadian Starseed?
Sirian Starseeds
This starseed comes from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B. They are guardians and peacekeepers of this world. These Sirian starseeds carry excellent leadership abilities and their wisdom and loyalty is admired by many. This starseed is very drawn to ancient civilisations, myths and legends. They are highly creative and drawn to creative professions. Sirians are very water-based beings so spending time around bodies of water helps to soothe and replenish them.
Arcturian Starseeds
Arcturian starseeds originate in Arcturus which is within the Bootes constellation and realm. This starseed has great powers of innovation. There is a powerful will and formidable energy to this starseed. They are fantastic at getting things done and manifesting their ideas into reality. The Arcturian is drawn to the sciences, technology, communication and engineering. There is a gift for merging spirituality with science. Sometimes this starseed can come across as cold or distant but this is a misconception for the Arcturian has a warm and loving heart. They can be quite guarded with their emotions but once you get to know them, they are deeply warm and loving friends.
Read this next: Are You an Arcturian Starseed?
Andromedan Starseeds
The Andromedan starseed is a freedom-seeker and adventurer who operates outside of the box. They are silent warriors who are highly gifted clairvoyants. This starseed is a healer who is especially prone to holistic healing forms. It is important for this starseed to take time out when things become overwhelming as the heavy energy of the world can take its toll at times. This is a teacher and a guide that has a specific purpose to help humanity and they often experience a journey toward self-love so that their love may radiate to others.
Orion Starseeds
The Orion starseed has an excellent logical mind and is able to separate rationality from their emotions. They are very tuned to ancient wisdom. However, their great powers of ration and reason can make them appear emotionless to others at times and part of their journey is to open their heart centre and learn to be more trusting of others. These starseeds often find themselves drawn to entrepreneurship, with an excellent business mind.
Mintaken Starseeds
The Mintaken starseed originates from Mintaka, a planet within our galaxy in Orion’s Belt. Mintakan starseeds are lightworkers, here to uplift humanity and provide comfort in times of stress. They are lifecoaches who teach others how to tap into the highest parts of themselves. There is a powerful interest in crystals and a strong intuition that this starseed possesses. Sometimes this starseed may be taken advantage of by others because they naturally see the best in all and learning to trust their powerful intuition is key to their overall development.
Lyran Starseeds
The Lyran starseed originates from Vega, the brightest planet in the Lyra constellation. They are keepers of ancient knowledge and are very wise and old souls. There is often a strong connection with cats as the healing energy of the feline is potent for them. They can feel very at home on Earth as the chaotic nature of the planet resonates with them. Lyrans are great champions of freedom and will often choose professions or hobbies where they can promote freedom in all forms.
Reptilian Starseeds
The Reptilian starseed is a complex character. There are those who are hostile to humanity and work to oppose the freedom that humanity needs in order to evolve. There are also Reptilian starseeds who work in favour of humanity. They possess great telepathic powers and are a warrior people. They are strong and have excellent powers of deducing people and situations. They are often drawn to positions of power on Earth where they can execute their influence.
The Power of Starseeds
Starseeds possess great powers which are innate within them. At some point in their life, a starseed will go through an awakening process where they will become aware of their purpose. Trusting their intuition and practicing self-belief will help them listen to their inner wisdom with greater clarity.
As the world shifts into a new era, the starseeds are here to help humankind ease into the new age. It can often be a daunting task for a starseed but the more they go inwards and trust themselves, the more they will access the great power that resides within them.
If you are a starseed, know that your role on this Earth is an important one. Humanity needs you and appreciates you. Never doubt yourself for your purpose is to shine a light in this world and help pave a path forward during this important ascension of the planet.
Related article: Why Are So Many Starseeds Incarnating in the New Earth?