Major Arcana Articles

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The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Keywords Withdrawal, the past, isolation, inner wisdom, inner guidance, elder, lonely/loneliness, spiritual knowledge, solitude, self-reflection, going inward The

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Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Strength Keywords Fortitude, power, confidence, courage, bravery, encouragement, self-control, stubborn, resilient Strength Numerology 8 Strength Astrology Zodiac Leo Strength Tarot Suit Major

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The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Keywords Commitment, relationship, union, responsibility, marriage, choice, contract(s), partnership, agreement(s), harmony, next level, balance, feminine/masculine  The Lovers Numerology:

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The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant Keywords Tradition (traditional), spiritual guidance, (higher) education, religion (religious), seeking expert information/counsel/advice, beliefs, marriage, convention, conforming The Hierophant Numerology

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The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning

The Emperor Keywords Divine/Sacred Masculine, control, leadership, law, order, strategy, rigidity, rules, power, discipline, stability, fatherhood, father figure The Emperor

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The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

The Empress Keywords Abundance, wealth, prosperity, goddess/sacred feminine, motherhood, mother nature, creation, leisure, luxury, compassion, nurturing,  The Empress Numerology 3

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