Cancer New Moon Magic July 2023: Invitations, Ritual & Horoscopes

Cancer New Moon July 2023 Girl and Her Moon

The Moon in astrology speaks to our intuition. Not as something outside of us, rather an internal compass guiding our every direction. Intuition that is deep within our bodies. Our hearts that speak to us. Our guts that advise us. Our knowing that comes from deep inner reserves.

While in Cancer, the Moon is at home, nurtured, supported, buoyed. There is a natural receptivity and harmony between the Moon and Cancer and this richness is reflected in the invitations of this new Moon.

Cancer New Moon Times & Dates

  • Wellington: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – 6.31 am
  • Sydney: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – 4.31 am
  • Tokyo: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – 3.31 am
  • Singapore: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – 2.31 am
  • New Delhi: Tuesday, 18 July 2023 – 12.01 am
  • Dubai: Monday, 17 July 2023 – 10.31 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Monday, 17 July 2023 – 9.31 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Monday, 17 July 2023 – 8.31 pm
  • London: Monday, 17 July 2023 – 7.31 pm
  • New York: Monday, 17 July 2023 – 2.31 pm
  • Los Angeles: Monday 17 July 2023 – 11.31 am


On 17 /18 July 2023, the Moon begins again in the watery sign of Cancer, inviting us to dream and move, feel and heal, crack open and fill ourselves with nourishment, and reflect and close so that we may open and step forward.

Cancer invites us to nurture ourselves. To take yourself by the hand and guide you into your sacred space whispering words of love and healing along the way. To show you the safe spaces in your body, the supportive worlds that live inside of you, and the magic, healing, and insight that flows within the waters of your emotions.

Cancer takes us into our emotional experience so that we may be with, listen, feel, and receive the awareness from it. And to allow that awareness to translate into the new seasons and changes that our emotions, and Life, are guiding us into.

Receiving and transmitting from the planets around it, the Moon acts as a vessel for the cosmos to land on the Earth and in our bodies. The planets and their movements during the moment of this New Moon shape and colour what is ours to receive.

As the Moon opposes Pluto, there is an emotional depth that we are being invited into. Cancer already takes us within, to swim in our waters and nurture our experience. Pluto, however, takes us even deeper. Pluto takes us into the spaces and places within us that we turn from, hide from, discard into the shadow. It does so, so that we may reclaim ourselves, shadow and all, fear and all, discarded and all, and bring the love of Cancer into the spaces within that are calling out for it.

Neptune sits in a position that supports both Pluto and the Moon acting as a gateway that bridges compassion, inspiration, enlightenment, and universal love into this depth that Pluto takes us into and the healing that Cancer offers. Neptune brings our consciousness higher, attuning us to that of love, and the dreams that await us in the cosmos, calling our name.

Uranus also offers presence tonight, reaching out and offering entirely new perspectives. It offers insights into new realities, flipping our understanding of possibility on its head and opening our eyes to even greater potential, to the ideal, to a readiness for change with what could be felt as a restlessness in anticipation for something new.

A major shift of the year, it is under this Moon that a sacred transition takes place. Closing an 18 month cycle and beginning a new one, the Lunar Nodes alter their path tonight which you can read more about here.


Representing the collective direction of evolution and purpose, here we are invited into new themes to explore together, new healing opportunities, growth potential, and a focus of consciousness. As the North Node moves into Aries and the South Node into Libra, we have an even greater flush of cardinal (beginning) energy under this lunation.

Invite Cancer to bring you into your body so that you may feel this shift taking place within you. So that you may curiously explore the inner Aries that lives within you, and how it desires to emerge in this new chapter.

Independence, fire, inspiration, action, intrinsic desire and directional purpose, courage, and fierce determination – What is your relationship with these themes?  What do they feel like in your body? What emotions do they invoke? And how can you support the emerging of these energies from within your emotional body, comforting, nurturing, and supporting yourself as you initiate this new season of your life journey?

As all of existence invites winds of change, the Moon holds us in a loving embrace reminding us that we can step forward, we can let go, we can let these winds change us into the self that is emerging through this new chapter.

We know this journey. We love this journey. We are here, in this moment in time in all of history and future, time and space, to be living this journey.

Cancer New Moon Ritual

Cracking Open to Life Energy Practice, with Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Find out more about this ritual here.

Cancer is the crab, building a shell around itself to keep its sensitivity and softness safe. There can come a time, or many times, on our journey however, when we need to explore whether the shell that we’ve placed around us is keeping us safe, or keeping us from Life?

This energy practice holds the intention of journeying deep within our bodies, into the shadow and fear, the constricted and the innate needs of our humanness that drive us either consciously or unconsciously, and bringing healing, resources, support, compassion and permission to be with.

It is through this presence, acceptance, and being with, that we allow ourselves to move through, to crack open, to reach what lies within and beyond these hidden realms of ourselves.

This ritual is exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

In the Flow with the Moon Membership we hold monthly ritual and workshops under the new and full moon, as well as astrology classes and studies each month – along with access to all past ritual, workshops, healings, and classes.

Join us here for July’s Cancer New Moon Ritual, along with access to the Capricorn Full Moon Workshop, and Live Astrology Masterclass. See all upcoming events in the membership here.

By joining you will also receive instant access to over $10,000 of past workshops, classes and ritual.

Phases of the Moon Astrology Class GIRL AND HER MOON (2)

Cancer New Moon Horoscopes

Watch your New Moon Tarot Horoscope by Dilosh here.

Happy New Moon,

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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