North Node In Aries, South Node in Libra 2023-2025: Horoscopes and Destiny

Lunar Node Astrology 2023 North Node In Aries, South Node in Libra Girl and Her Moon

In Astrology, we look to the Lunar Nodes for insights into our Souls purpose, spiritual growth, destiny, and evolution. On 17 July 2023, the Lunar Nodes change sign, shifting from Taurus and Scorpio and into Aries and Libra where they will remain into January 2025.

Astrology is continuously beckoning us into change.

Whether through the daily movements of the Moon, the seasonal changes of the Sun, or the larger planetary bodies shifting once a decade. In this way, it mimics life. The ways in which we continue to meet opportunities, invitations, challenges, or new pathways into our personal growth. The way the Earth shifts through her seasons or trees continue to grow even after thousands of years. The way our bodies grow, change shape, age, decay.

All we know is change, whether subtle or overt, quiet and inward, or loud and tangible, our existence is that of change.

Floating in the tides of change this year is a shift in the direction of collective evolution for the next 18 months. Read on for astrological insights and horoscopes, and everything you need to know about the Lunar Nodes.

Lunar Node Transit Dates

  • July 17, 2023 – January 11, 2025: North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra

What Is The North Node, What is the South Node?

In Astrology, we look to the Lunar Nodes for insights into purpose, soul growth, destiny, and evolution. And just like the essence of destiny itself, the Lunar Nodes also known as the Nodes of the Moon, made up of the North and South Node, aren’t a tangible object in our skies. Rather, they are mathematical points in space calculated by the Moon’s intersection with the ecliptic. The Lunar Nodes are always in a retrograde motion, moving backwards through the zodiac signs.

We each have a path of individual purpose shown by the location of the Lunar Nodes at our birth, and simultaneously, a shared destiny as a collective body, shown by the movements and cycles of the Lunar Nodes in present time. The location of the Lunar Nodes also dictates the zodiac signs that the Eclipses occur in for that period of time, bringing fated opportunities and destiny fuelled invitations.

Whether seen from an esoteric perspective as a guiding force inviting us into destiny and purpose, or the inevitable movement, change, and growth of life over time, the shift of the Lunar Nodes represent new themes that we are exploring as a collective, a new focus of consciousness, and a new direction of growth.

Soul Purpose Astrology Reading Girl and Her Moon

July 17th 2023 brings a shift of the Lunar Nodes from the Taurus-Scorpio Axis (North Node in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio), where they have been since January 2022, and into the Aries-Libra Axis, where they will remain until January 2025, inviting the cultivation of a new relationship to  independence, action, courage, desire and selfhood.

The last time the North Node was in Aries was from December 2004 to June 2006. Meaning anyone born during this time will have their own Aries North Node and Libra South Node and will be having a Nodal Return.

The North Node, representing the direction we are collectively evolving into and the life lessons that call us forward, always sits in the opposite zodiac sign to the South Node, which represents what we are releasing.

Within each zodiac there is a primal or lower expression, and an evolved or higher expression. Since the Lunar Nodes work with signs opposite to one another, a movement in one direction is a natural movement away from the opposite direction. As the Lunar North Node enters Aries we are invited to explore the higher expressions and potentials of this fiery sign, we naturally move away from, or heal, the more primal expressions of Libra, where the Lunar South Node sits.

North Node In Aries 2023

Aries is the very first of the zodiac. Born from the all-encompassing consciousness of All-That-Is, it represents the initial introduction into a separate self, an individual self, an ‘I’.

It is a zodiac sign of fire, fuelled with inspiration and passion, desire and direction. Aries is here to begin, spark, create, and forge a new path. It needs the freedom, independence, and empowerment to move where guided, create where inspired, and take action based on its own knowing.

Aries as an archetype exists within each of us, and as the North Node shifts into and journeys through this sign, we are invited to reach into deeper and higher reserves of courage. The North Node transiting Aries ushers in a new age where we are cultivating the courage to be wholly and independently ourselves. Where we are building the courage to claim our desires and take action towards our visions. And the courage to say yes to ourselves, even if that means saying no to others.

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South Node In Libra 2023

Sitting on the other side of the axis is the South Node in Libra. If Aries is the Self, Libra is the other. It is partnership, collaboration, and another’s perspective. Libra harmonises the environment through intuitive adaptation, always keenly aware of what the other, or others, need at any moment to arrive in a state of peace, harmony, and fairness.

While Libra holds a beautiful medicine of diplomacy, grace, and elegance, as the South Node journeys through its realm it highlights the potentially harmful dimensions of the Air sign, the ones that, as a collective, we are ready to heal and evolve. Like the ability and need to be so in tune with another, that we leave the needs of the Self. As the South Node leaves Scorpio and begins transiting Libra, the requirement for peace and harmony so that we feel safe – so much so that we fall into unhealthy people-pleasing, passivity, and turning an eye to that which is not peaceful yet still deserves our attention, becomes highlighted.

Shifting of the Lunar Nodes: North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra

These 18 months are a deep exploration into where and how we tend to the other to the point of losing the Self, where and how we adapt to the environment to the point of losing the Self, and where and how we compromise on the desires and path that calls our name, so that another may shine.

As South Node is in Libra 2023 – 2025, fears and beliefs that we are not whole, capable and safe as an individual self come to the surface so that we may offer them healing, and all that we placed to the side or ignored in the name of peace return to the centre to remind us of what matters, and of what we deserve.

This time is offering healing to the fears we hold of what others think of us, and where and how we allow others perceptions, emotions, and energies to rule us, control us, hinder us. It asks us to bring love to the corners of ourselves we have given up in the name for another or others, so that we may revive these parts of ourselves and come into a fullness of our individual self.

There is a freedom that comes with directly claiming yourself, your path, your passions, and your needs, and this is the invitation of the North Node in Aries. To channel more of yourself into yourself, your desires, and your fulfilment.

As we tend to the fires of passion that burn within you and no one else, that fire begins to grow. It fuels us. It motivates us. It inspires us. It guides us. And it propels us forward. It burns so bright and beautiful that we cannot resist moving forward with it. And it burns so bright that we cannot sit still. We must move towards the dreams that are for us. And we must do it for ourselves.

There is a focus on the Self throughout these next 18 months, and a healing of all the beliefs, wounding, patterns, and outside noise that tells us that this is a selfish, or bad thing. We all have our own path. We all have our own passions. We all have our own needs. We all have our own worlds that live within us, and dreams that call us towards them. This chapter is a reminder that your path, passions, needs, dreams, and all of who you are, is worthy of time, attention, energy and focus.

Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

What it means for your Sign: Horoscopes for the North Node in Aries

The North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra 2023-2025 is a shift of destiny, soul’s purpose and guidance, both collectively and individually. We will all feel this shift, no matter your zodiac sign. Whether you are a Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, this movement is interacting with your natal chart in a unique way. If you are an Aries or Aries Rising, a Libra or Libra Rising, as the North Node moves you’ll feel like as if you are moving through an important and purpose-fuelled time.

To explore the North Node in Aries transit uniquely with your natal chart, we invite you to explore a personalised mini-reading that looks at how this shift interacts with your unique cosmic blueprint. We all have the sign of Aries in our chart, and as we look to the houses the Nodes move through and the invitations presented there, as well as any major aspects being made from the Nodes, or any other planets at the time of this shift, there is much to be revealed. Is it moving through your 11th house, highlighting themes of community and visioning, or perhaps your 10th house, transforming your career and long-term building?

The rhythm and flow of our cosmos is no coincidence. Life is always guiding us through ebbs and flows in the most divinely orchestrated and articulate ways.

We are deeply guided, held, supported, and one with the cosmic movement and flow of life, always.

And when we surrender, when we ride the wave and open to the divine dance – instead of pushing against the flow…

True magic reveals itself.

By looking at Nodal Shift and how this movement is influencing your unique energy, we will seek to do the following:

⊹ Unravel the possibilities opening themselves to you

⊹ Explore the healing potential presenting itself to you

⊹ Decode your unique guidance

⊹ Explore aligned decisions and steps

Book yours here.

If you have your own North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra

Unless you have other planets in the same zodiac sign that your North Node sits in, we often find that particular sign foreign or unknown. Can you begin learning more about the value, invitations, intentions, and overall essence of that sign? What are some of the traits of this sign that you admire and desire to possess? These traits live within you, too, and are calling out to be embodied and expressed through you. Looking to the sign of the South Node and giving thanks to its traits and how they support us can also provide a beautiful deepening of roots and a strong foundation upon which our growth sits.

The Nodes represent a lifelong exploration, a pathway that is with us for as long as we breathe. With the Nodes falling in both Aries and Libra or the 1st and 7th House, there is a lifelong journey of exploring the self and the other, and then the self among others. We are journeying with individuality and collaboration, independence and relationship, standing strong in our own needs and desires and knowing how to collaborate and bring balance to our desires with another’s.

Throughout 2023 to January 2025 may feel like a very purposeful time for you, where you find yourself making decisions and taking actions that have profound impacts for many years to come.

North Node in Aries and/or the 1st house

We are learning to actualise the individual self and stand strong in owning our needs and desires. This is a lifetime of mastering the Self, leaning into the fires of inspiration and creation, independence, and excitement.

This placement often indicates a life path that will teach you how to assert yourself, set healthy boundaries and encourage you to develop a sense of autonomy and independence. You may find yourself in situations that bring out a need to stand up for yourself, and express your needs and desires with clarity. This is the placement which encourages you to explore your personal identity and rediscover your true essence.

North Node in Libra and/or the 7th house

We are learning through the other. Through this journey we are expanding our sense of self by interacting with others and bringing their perspectives, ideas, thoughts and needs into our awareness. This path is towards that of beauty and harmony, balance and equilibrium, collaboration and partnership.

Being born with the north node in Libra emphasises the importance of partnership in this lifetime. One of the main lessons which you may be faced with may have to do with navigating interpersonal dynamics so that you can develop grace and fairness in your approach with others. This is a life of embodying diplomacy, which can then evolve into a deep appreciation for beauty and art.

Read more about the North Node and South Node in your Natal Chart here.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

One Response

  1. My South Node is in Libra (my ascendent, 1st house) and my North Node is in Aries (descendent, 7th house). What does this 2023-2025 nodal shift mean for mean, considering the nodes are the opposite of my natal nodes? Thank you!

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