April 2024 Horoscopes: Mercury Retrograde & Eclipse Season Magic

Welcome to April 2024. This month brings a cosmos filled with invitations for movement and change, healing and insight, reflection and becoming.

April is filled with shifts and transformation, we held within the divinity of Eclipse Season, after all.

It sets the stage and creates the space for deep development of who we are at a core level, where the changes that invite us into their arms this month act as seeds that will continue to bloom and unfold for the remainder of the year.

If we so allow, we will emerge from April changed. Different. Yet somehow… more of ourselves. 

This month invites spaciousness and reflection for re-meet ourselves through the untangling and release of who we are no longer. It is a mirror, bringing a focus into the self, who we have been, who we are becoming, and how we feel at home, or not, within our own selves.

With Chiron sitting at the core of April, it holds the space for deep inner healing, the kind of foundational healing of who we are that this healing cannot help but reverberate throughout our entire lives. It is a month where we are building the safety within, so that we may be a clear and direct channel for our own self, needs, wants, individuality, and path.


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April 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview

And, it brings some of the major astrological events of the year – all within a few weeks of one another.

Continuing with fiery Aries Season, April begins with our first Mercury Retrograde of 2024 also in the fires of Aries. Soon after, we meet the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, a Mercury Cazimi, and the coming together of Mars and Saturn in our skies.

As the Sun moves and Taurus Season begins and we are welcomed deeper into our bodies, later in the month Jupiter and Uranus also come into a partnership in our skies, activating a fresh, innovative, abundant and growth-filled portal for each of us.

With a Full Moon in Scorpio bringing closure, Mercury Retrograde also comes to an end on April 25, where its deep dive into the underworld of reflection can now offer up its wisdom, insight, and perspective shifts for us to begin integrating, updating and refreshing who we are.

There is an undeniable force of creation etched into the very fabric of this month. April is the divinity within transformation and the light that pours through the cracks of change. Siting at the core of this month is a strength, a presence, a purposefulness, an alignment, a change. A change that seems to only bring us closer to who we are, and closer to life itself.

April brings an undeniable swirl of creativity in the air. Vast cosmic movement. Transformation. Purpose. And deep inner soul alignment.

For April/monthly readings, horoscopes, astrology classes, new and full moon rituals, and a library of sacred teachings, practices, workshops and more – join us for March and beyond in the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Important Astrological Events in April 2024

Aries Season: March 19 – April 29

Aries is the first zodiac. Its season represents the Astrological New Year and holds the essence of birth, beginning, heat and passion. It is inspiration, fierce courage, and a glorious glow of new beginnings.

Aries is the inner flame that burns within us all, giving us direction, connecting us to desire, drive, and movement. Aries is seeing to it that we do not stand still rather that we continue birthing ourselves again and again and again. It is demanding that we stand as ourselves for ourselves and that we take the risk, face the fears, and muster the courage to live this life with as much depth, passion, creativity, presence, adventure, and presence as possible.

Read more about Aries Season, with your Aries Season Horoscope here.

Eclipse Season

Just like life, astrology seems to ebb and flow in waves of intensity and calm. As we continue to move through our first Eclipse Season of the year, we are invited into the high tides of inner and outer transformation.

As we look back on our life’s journey, there are often moments in time where our direction took a clear shift.

Perhaps something ended or a new journey began. We meet the beginning and end of chapters in our lives so much so that we could say we have lived multiple lifetimes in the one whether these changes were initiated through blissful moments of joy, or our deepest cracking open.

Eclipses are often at the heart of these changes. Where what is for us is as clear as what is not for us. April begins mid-Eclipse Season following the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse March 25.

Mercury Retrograde in Aries: April 1 – 25

Mercury will be retrograde in Aries from April 1 – April 25. A time of reflection and realignment, ancient Astrologers believed that when in retrograde, the planet was moving through the underworld on a quest for new perspectives, for greater wisdom, and deeper insight.

What more is beckoning to be seen, known, made aware of within our consciousness? 

What perspectives are we unable to meet with usual path forward, requiring instead we turn back, review, reflect, witness from a new vantage?

Retracing its steps through the sign of Aries, while Mercury, our planet of communication, is retrograde it invites us to reflect on the experiences, beliefs, narratives, and perspectives that have gone into the building of our identity, our sense of self, our spark and life force, our relationship with courage, and with owning our desires.

It’s a retrograde that desires for us the kind of healing and re-writing that when we allow, reverberates into every corner and experience of our lives. For Aries teaches us that we must start with ourselves. To meet healing and fulfilment in our relationships, our career, our creativity, our health, and every other area of our lives – we must first start with the self. And if there is any zodiac reminding us that we are worth standing fully in ourselves as ourselves, it’s Aries.

Mercury goes direct April 25, 2024. Read more about Mercury Retrogrades for 2024 here.


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Venus enters Aries: April 4 – April 29

It’s an opportunity to pour the love we so deeply deserve into ourselves. To fill ourselves up. Every corner. Every layer. The spaces we openly express and the spaces less often tended to. It’s self-love. Self-ownership. Self-worthiness. Self-reclamation. And it’s the healing of our relationship with desire, courage, and the honoring of our wants and needs.

Welcome to Venus in Aries. Beginning 4 April 2024 and taking us into 29 April 2024, this movement in our skies is an opportunity to bring the healing of Venus – love, beauty, pleasure, value, abundance, harmony, and art – into ourselves. While Mercury retrogrades in the same sign untangling the narratives and beliefs of who we are, Venus pours profound love into these spaces.

Venus in Aries says – you deserve love. You are worthy of your dreams. Desire is a beautiful expression of being alive. Your wants and needs are worthy of being heard and honoured.

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse: April 8

It’s a new Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8. Where the Moon begins a new cycle whilst held in the arms of the Eclipse Season Portal of destiny, change, and Soul growth. It’s a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries – the first sign of the Zodiac all about the Self, individuality, courage, purpose, our own spark of life and creative flow.

There is an underlying strength present in the energy swirling around this Eclipse.

A strength to lovingly and wholly claim ourselves. To claim our unique spark of energy and our beauty. To claim our space in this existence as needed, worthy, on purpose, loved. To claim our desires, dreams, and needs as sacred and on purpose. To claim our courage to walk the path and live the life that calls our name. To claim our inherent goodness. To claim our belonging, both to ourselves and the world. To claim our joys, our creativity, our drive, our excitement, our life force, and our individuality. And, to claim our healing.

Read more about the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, with your Horoscope here.

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces: April 10

In Astrology, Mars rules Aries. And while the openings and shifts presenting themselves from the Eclipse will still be very present throughout the remainder of the month, as Mars and Saturn come together in our skies on 10 April 2024, we are bringing attention an energy to our focus and drive. We are invited to explore how we use our own Aries and Mars courage, passion, fire, towards the building of the new beginnings that are at the heart of our own Eclipse invitations.

In mythology, there are two very different perspectives of Mars. In Greek mythology, Mars was impulsive, reckless, aggressive, and destructive. In Roman mythology, Mars was wise, virtuous, a protector representing military strength as a way to secure peace. Two archetypes –  one that knew how to intentionally wield its fire, another that had its own fire control him.

We all have Mars within us. We all have passion, fire, boundaries, and strength. We all have drive, will, and courage. As the North Node is in Aries for the next year, and while Mercury is also in Aries until 25 April 2024, we are all learning how to work with our own Aries and Mars selves. We are exploring how we honour ourselves, our boundaries, our needs, wants, and desires. We are exploring how we express our passions and courage, how we exert our strength and life force.

And as Saturn and Mars come together in a partnership, Saturn is supporting this exploration so that we may evolve into our own Roman version of Mars, intentionally directing our drive into the direction that calls our name. We are invited to express our willpower with focus and patience towards long term building. We are learning how to channel the immense force of creation that we all hold, the motor that propels us towards our dreams and desires, in a way that serves us, and serves all.

Taurus Season: April 19 – May 20

As the Sun shifts into the Earth sign of Taurus, it brings with it a reminder of the richness of life. Taurus also invites stability, balance, pleasure and beauty.

Whatever Sun sign you might be or wherever sector of your chart the Sun will be highlighting, after the movements and transformations of Eclipse Season and Mercury Retrograde, Taurus Season arrives at the perfect time to sink into ourselves, remember beauty and abundance, and tend to the peace of our nervous systems.

Read more about Taurus Season, with your Horoscope here.

Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus: April 20

The exact Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 20 is a highly anticipated cosmic event of the year, with it’s energy active from 3 April – 7 May.

Jupiter in Astrology is our planet of growth. It magnifies whatever it touches. It expands whatever touches it. It brings potential, opportunity, optimism, hope and meaning to the spaces it travels in our skies.

Uranus is our planet of change. It is the lightning bolt cracking open what is expired so that what is new can be planted. It is liberation and innovation, inspiration, and freedom.

It is also a planet concerned with social awareness, the evolution of humanity, and awakening consciousness, and often plays out in surprising, yet wildly impactful, ways.

As Jupiter and Uranus come together, it is a meeting in our cosmos is a spark of fresh, innovative, abundant new energies.

It is an invitation to explore new frontiers, both collectively and within our own lives. It is a moment in time for us to completely crack open the narrative of what we feel is possible for ourselves and reach into new opportunities for our lives.

Collectively, it invites a new wave of liberation and freedom, societal change, and evolution.

There can also be a deeply spiritual energy to this transit, where we are held by and within the hands of something greater. Hands that are opening doors to support us uniquely on our journeys.

While Jupiter invites a beautiful stream of faith and trust in life, Uranus gifts us with what could only be likened to foresight. It opens sight, pulls in future potentials and ideas that were floating around in the ethers waiting for us, and it allows us to see the positioning and purpose in where we are right now, the steps we are guided to take in this moment, and how each is leading us deeper into fulfilment and purpose.

Read more about the Jupiter Uranus conjunction of 2024 here.

Scorpio Full Moon: April 23

It’s a full Moon that asks that we stand with all of who we are, and with all that rests within us – the parts of us we shine brightly and the parts of us that we are still learning to love. The parts of us we own within our identity and sense of self, and the parts of us that live beneath the surface, cast from the light either consciously or unconsciously.

To shine a light into the shadow, onto our fears, and into the basement of our underworld, offers us the opportunity to love the corners of ourselves that perhaps, have never received love. It offers the opportunity to begin reaching into acceptance, piece by piece reclaiming ourselves. And it offers the opportunity to become, with greater wholeness and depth, the truth of who we are.

Read more about the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse, with your Horoscope here.

Venus enters Taurus: April 29 – May 23

Venus enters Taurus on 29 April 2024 until 23 May 2024 where it is at home, safe, happy, loving, thriving.

In Astrology, each zodiac has a planetary ‘ruler’, or ‘partner’. Taurus is ruled by Venus, and as these archetypes and bodies come together in our skies, they hold one another, support one another, bring out the best in one another.

Venus is love. Love of being alive. Love of self. Love of pleasure, beauty, abundance, others, joy. And while in Taurus, this love gets to come deep into ourselves, into our bodies, and this tangible experience of ourselves and living. Venus in Taurus is simple pleasures, slow pleasures, savouring pleasures. It is the invitation to tangibly remind ourselves that we are worthy through the way that we tend to ourselves. It is the invitation to build a life that is a piece of art, a devotion to beauty, in service to the love we hold for ourselves and the offerings that nature is forever presenting us with. Venus in Taurus brings greater depth and focus to the energy of Taurus Season, into the pleasure of being alive, choosing to notice beauty, sinking into this tangible experience and moving in a way that honours our own pace.

Mars enters Aries: April 30 – June 8

Mars enters through the fiery gates of Aries on 30 April 2024 where it will remain until 9 June 2024.

Just as Venus rules Taurus, Mars rules Aries. They move together, coherent in their vision, intentions, desires, and energy. Aries is where we begin again, the first of the zodiac it is an influx of energy, inspiration, excitement, and passion. Mars in Aries is where we claim our direction and leap into it, pouring this life force, passion and energy into the desire that is calling our name. Creating our lives. Claiming our expression. Owning our space.

As Mars moves transitions from Pisces into Aries, amplified with the meeting of Neptune earlier in the week, there is a clear timeline of ‘receiving’ into ‘creating’. This dance of intangible and tangible, surrender and exertion, receiving and expressing calls forth our awareness. What inspirations were received from Mars in Pisces and Mars conjunct Neptune, and how do you now desire to move through the world with these inspirations? How do you desire to move them through your body and create with them? Where do you desire to go with them?

April 2024 Monthly Horoscopes for all Zodiac Signs

For April monthly horoscopes and zodiac sign tarot readings, astrology horoscopes, astrology classes, new and full moon rituals, and a library of sacred teachings, practices, workshops and more – join us for April and beyond in the Flow with the Moon Membership.

April in the Flow with the Moon Membership

Astrology Class: The Power of Self: Aries and Mars Astrology Class

Aries Solar Eclipse New Moon Workshop:  EFT Tapping, Self-Expression & Somatic Dance

Scorpio Full Moon Ritual: Healing Waters of Scorpio

Tarot Reading: April Zodiac Horoscope Tarot Reading

Astrology Reading: Collective Astrological Energy of April

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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