What is the North and South Node in Astrology?

What is the North and South Node in Astrology? Girl and Her Moon

Astrology is a fascinating tool that helps us uncover the mysteries of our souls journey through time.

When we start getting more curious about where our soul has been and where it desires to go, we often look to what are called the “North Node” and the “South Node” in our natal chart.

Without getting too technical, these are not planets in the sky, but mathematical points indicating the exact point at which the orbital path of the Sun and Moon coincide. The cross over point is where we will find the Lunar Nodes of the moon, or better known as the North and South Nodes in western astrology.

Typically, the nodes remain in a sign for approximately 18 months at a time, so people born around the same time may have a similar life path as you, but their journey of soul discovery can be explored in very different ways, which is due to the exact location of the nodes in their chart and other planetary contact the Nodes may be making at the time of birth.

The Nodes are your keys to your souls deepest desires, greatest evolution and karmic release.

A beautiful metaphor I enjoy when thinking about the Nodes is that, this life that we live, in each moment, is a catalyst for our souls deeper journey of evolving from where it has been, the karma, the past, the baggage it has held, into the beautiful, the rich, the inspiring, the yearning, the newness of where it craves to go now and into the future.

The North and South node are your cosmic keys to your souls past and future. By understanding what these two points mean in your chart, you can start unravelling your souls deeper purpose in this lifetime. There are many other points, planets and aspects which can give you even more detail to work with, but to keep it simple and begin the foundation of understanding your purpose, the Nodes are a great place to start.

Read this next: Your Life Path Number & The Spiritual Meaning Behind It

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The North Node in Astrology

The North node is your point of desire, craving, intense and deep need for fulfilment in this lifetime. Wherever the north node is, we have an unquenchable hunger for more and more of what that area of life represents. It is a consistent journey onwards and upwards to gain as much as we can, to move as far forward as we can and to achieve as much as we possibly can stomach in the area of life represented by the placement of the North Node.


The South Node in Astrology

On the other hand, the South Node will always be found in the exact opposite placement to your North Node, and this shows us where we have been already. In a past life somewhere in our souls journey, or in the history of our current lives through our regular tendencies and habits, the South Node shows us where we find familiarity, comfort and ease. Our fall back patterns and what our soul knows best in this lifetime.


Seeking balance with the Nodes

Some astrologers may say that we are to leave behind the familiar habits found expressed in the sign and house of our South Node, but through my own experience and journey, I have realised the past is not to be forgotten or left behind for the future, but rather, both experiences are to be felt, witnessed and transformed into a balanced present life.

We are striving to attain the success indicated by the North Node, however we want to take the lessons of the South Node and evolve from the unfavourable tendencies of the past.

In seeking balance between the see-saw of the nodes, we are invited to experience something new in the area our soul has already been and at the same time ever expanding our consciousness towards where we crave to go, our deeper purpose in this life.

Related article: What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Life Style


Soul Purpose Astrology Reading

Explore your North and South Node in conjunction with your entire chart to uncover the whispers of your Soul, the purpose of your lifetime and the most aligned, fulfilling, and authentic path for you to forge.

This personal astrology reading will explore your Souls purpose and highest evolution for this lifetime.

It will uncover your patterns of growth, your cosmic destiny, your most fulfilling and authentic expression of the self. Together we will explore all of this, alongside any questions you may have.

Book yours here.

Noush x

Noush Girl and Her Moon

Noush is Girl and Her Moon’s Intuitive Astrologer, bringing meaningful guidance, compassion or assurance for you in times of confusion, frustration or uncertainty, through the healing art of 1:1 Astrology Readings.


Noush Joon is Girl and Her Moon’s Intuitive Astrologer, bringing meaningful guidance, compassion or assurance for you in times of confusion, frustration or uncertainty, through the healing art of 1:1 Astrology Readings.

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