What is a Lightworker?

If the term ‘lightworker’ has been drawing you in, you have reached this article for a reason.

A lightworker is someone who works with light. This individual is here to help raise the consciousness of the planet as it transcends from the 3D realm to the 5D.

This is a phenomenal time in the history of the planet. 3D to 5D is an ascension that takes place when humanity is ready to evolve. Even though ascension has taken place before on Earth, never before has it happened on such a huge, mass scale.

It has been over two thousand years since the last age, the Age of Pisces. It is during this age that we witnessed different societal structures being created, hierarchies forming, and a collective transition from the Age of Aries (which was very much about the “I”) to an age that has led us to where we are today.

While the Age of Pisces brought humanity a deeper understanding of spirituality, religion, and the slow learning of compassion for different people, animals and the earth, it also highlighted an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies, with the masculine dominating to such a degree that feminine energy was stifled.

This manifested in the way people were encouraged to hide or squash their emotions. It manifested in the prioritisation of societal rules over individual feelings. It manifested in the competitive nature

Masculine energy is tremendous for getting things done, building things, focusing on start to finish; but an overuse of masculine energy can result in tyrannical social structures, a repression of intuition and sensitivity, and a dominant, intolerant mindset which is detrimental to the growth and freedom of others.

We are witnessing now during this extraordinary time the breakdown of old society structures as well as a return of masculine and feminine energy balance. This means upheaval and chaos on a paramount scale.

But enter the lightworker. This is where the beings of light come in.

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Who Are the Lightworkers?

The lightworkers are people who incarnated in human form at this specific time, knowing that the world would undergo a major transition. It has been the lightworker’s mission to hold their inner light and assist humanity and the collective consciousness through this great change.

This makes the lightworkers sound like ethereal beings who are all love and light. But in so many instances, this is not the case in this 3D world! While the lightworkers do indeed have tremendous love and light within them, many of them have gone through enormous challenges in their lives, their relationships, with addictions, and in their environments. Many of them have struggled in this world. In human form they have had to lower their vibration to fit the 3D realm. Often, a lightworker’s greatest challenge is to transcend beyond their own ego so the light within them can be set free.

The lightworkers have many names. Apart from lightworker, the terms starseeds, indigo children, spiritual warrior, empath, and earth angels can also apply.

No matter what name fits, lightworkers are people who made a conscious decision to help humanity ascend and bring light back to a world that has been run by darkness. The darkness designed this world to operate from an ego-based function which is why it seems so topsy-turvy. It can be a struggle being our true selves, even accessing our true selves. But this is how the world has been operating for a long time. It is only now that the walls of this darkness are beginning to crumble and people are beginning to see things in a different light.

Everyone has light within them. For the lightworker, somewhere deep within them they feel compelled to help this world. They may not be able to explain it and there may be times in their life where they feel so disconnected that they cannot even find the light within themselves. But the lightworker will also find themselves because the light within them is too powerful to stay hidden.

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How to Nurture Yourself as a Lightworker

In your heart, you will know if you’re a lightworker. No matter what you have gone through in your life, you have felt the power of your own light or know there is something within you that is ready to be unlocked.

A lightworker often falls into their purpose. It is rarely clear or planned out. Often, shadow work brings a lightworker closer to themselves. Reflection, self-awareness and a deeper understanding of themselves is a fundamental part of their spiritual journey.

To nurture yourself as a lightworker, the following can help:

Spending Time Among Nature

For the lightworker who feels a deep and natural love for nature and animals, spending time among nature is rejuvenating and replenishing for them. It is here that they can get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Many lightworkers are sensitive to electromagnetic smog and when they are in nature they naturally feel uplifted.

Spiritual Practice & Monthly Rituals

A lightworker often feels a powerful connection to the lunar phases and many also feel a strong connection with the stars and universe (hello to all the starseeds who feel homesick!)

A monthly lunar ritual is such a great way for the lightworker to reconnect with themselves and harness the energy of the Moon.

A ritual during the Full Moon is especially potent. This can include anything from lighting a candle and writing down your feelings/intentions, to spending time among nature and meditating, thanking the universe and practicing gratitude, or burning incense, dressing up, dancing and letting the lunar beams work their magic on you!

For monthly New Moon and Full Moon rituals, find out more about our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Look After Your Pineal Gland

Your pineal gland is the little pea-sized gland in the middle of your forehead, also known as your Third Eye. It is your gateway to the spiritual world and helps you connect with your Higher Self, as well as your angels, guides, sense of purpose, intuition and psychic abilities you possess.

When the pineal gland is calcified, it becomes harder to access your inner knowing. Decalcification of the pineal gland includes the food and drink that goes into our bodies. Chaga mushroom, shilajit, tart cherry juice, spirulina and moringa tea are just some of the drinks that help to decalcify your pineal gland. A diet in whole and natural foods, free from processed foods, also helps to keep your pineal gland clear and connected to your spiritual path.

Journal Your Feelings

Lightworkers often have an array of emotions that can affect them at the deepest level. They are deeply caring and compassionate people and it is important for them to engage in plenty of self-care to recharge their batteries.

Journaling their feelings and thoughts can be a wonderful way to unwind. Putting their feet up with a cup of green tea, playing some gentle meditation music, and allowing their thoughts and feelings to flow freely through the pen is a great way to release energies that may be blocking them.

The Role of LightWorkers: Spiritual Awakening, the Healer & Psychic

As a lightworker, you came to earth with a mission. As you tune into the callings of your Soul for this lifetime, you will remember this.

Your soul, in all of its beauty and brilliance, knew this would not be an easy mission but you also knew your light was strong enough to withstand it. You knew that your light would help uplift humanity during this pivotal time of ascension,

Nurturing yourself as a lightworker is important as when you feel depleted or exhausted, it is hard for your light to shine. Remember that self-care is a fundamental part of who you are. Directing your care and compassion towards yourself is the best way for you to harness the care and compassion within as it then trickles into the world.

Trust yourself and your abilities. Your time is upon you.

Related article: Why Are So Many Starseeds Incarnating on Earth?

Monthly Energetics Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon
Iberia Tor

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