Welcome to the Taurus New Moon.
A New Moon that is fertile, rich, life-giving, sweet. It’s berries, nectar, honey. A loving cocoon of flowers, deep roots, the forest, inner peace.
It’s a New Moon inviting us to fall in love once again with our bodies, with our senses, with this physical, tangible, earthly realm as a glorious manifestation of the Divine.
It’s a New Moon inviting a new beginning with security, safety, support, and resource as your birthright.
It’s a New Moon inviting the blooming of you, in your own time, at your own pace, secure in your nervous system and flowing in your energy. We are rooted, yet open. Anchored and in love with where we are, and aware of and devoted to the whispers calling us forward.
It’s a New Moon that invites us to bask in the richness of being alive, letting this richness fill us into overflow.
When is the Taurus New Moon May 2024?
- Wellington: Wednesday 8 May, 3:21pm
- Sydney: Wednesday 8 May, 1:21pm
- Tokyo: Wednesday 8 May, 12:21pm
- Singapore: Wednesday 8 May, 11:21am
- New Delhi: Wednesday 8 May, 8:51am
- Dubai: Wednesday 8 May, 7:21am
- Moscow/Istanbul: Wednesday 8 May, 6:21am
- Paris/Berlin: Wednesday 8 May, 5:21am
- London: Wednesday 8 May, 4:21am
- New York/Toronto: Tuesday 7 May, 11:21pm
- Los Angeles/Vancouver: Tuesday 7 May, 8:21pm
New Moon in Taurus Astrology
As the Sun and Moon come together beginning again, the cosmos joins it in its own planetary arrangement of energies and invitations. With the presence of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, the skies are inviting us to look ahead on this night.
Read Next: Taurus Season 2024: The Magic & Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign
Mixed with the sweetness of this lunation, there is also a beautiful practicality, longevity, and devotion to what is ours to build, paired with inspiration and openings.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign inviting a deep safety, security, beauty, and pleasure of being in our bodies while Uranus in Taurus, in partnership with Jupiter in Taurus, invite us to look ahead and open to more.
Saturn brings its stabilising and committed essence, guiding us to plan, build, and anchor our dreams into practical and lasting movements.
Look ahead to the doors opening. Look ahead to the inspirations whispering. Feel the support of the Earth. The beauty overflowing around you. And, witness what you desire to devote to.
Tune into what really matters, from within your heart, from within your being.
Allow the overflow of life’s richness to resource you into commitment, movement, and practical steps – where Soul and inspiration flow beautifully into aligned action, into tangible building, into the cultivation of our dreams.
What to Expect from the New Moon in Taurus
This New Moon also holds the space to look to our own capacity. The capacity of our nervous system, mind, and energy.
How clear is your channel and how much space do you have to bring through what is yours to bring through? How clear is your channel and how much of your own energy is available for you to receive the beauty and gifts of being alive?
How much spaciousness is available in your physical body, your emotional body, your energy body, your mental body? With the blooming energies under this lunation of Taurus, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter, how do you allow yourself to receive, in a way that allows you to build?Â
Our capacity to build what is ours to build and allow the ever-blooming growth of our souls to move through us – clarifies and strengthens the more we are within the safety and nourishment of our body, a space of receptivity and pleasure, attuned to our inspiration, and devoted to our calling.
Taurus New Moon Ritual
Taurus New Moon 2024 Ritual: Blooming, The Sweetness of Life 🌸
Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.
My prayer for you in this ritual and beyond, is that you remember the sweetness of what it means to be alive. To feel that sweetness in your body. To fall into rhythm with the overflow of abundance, beauty, and offerings in this natural world.
To remember your body, your home, the delight and sacred pleasure of your senses, the delight of sounds, sights, touch, smells, tastes.
My prayer for you throughout this ritual is that you may increase your capacity to receive. For there is always offerings being made to you, there is always a sweet song of love, healing, praise, celebration, and belonging being sung in your name.
My prayer throughout this ritual is that you remember your innate magnetism, your receptivity, the vortex-like capacity that magnetises to you the beauty of life, the blessings of life, the riches of life. Feel yourself like a magnet, easy, nothing you must do, but be you
My prayer throughout this ritual is that you remember safety in your beingness, your home with the Earth, and that with all of this, you head the call of your sacred knowing, trusting in the delights of building your path, of revelling in your life here on the Earth, of creating magic and beauty, of touching into the divine design of it all.
May you be filled up by the richness of life. May you be overflowing with the beauty of yourself. May you be alive with the sacredness of life.
A ritual devoted to the above prayer. Meditation, energy work, and visualisation.
Available in the Flow with the Moon Membership, join us here.
New Moon in Taurus 2024 Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign
This New Moon will affect everyone in different ways, particularly our fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius).
Watch below for your Taurus New Moon Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Dilosh. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!
For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.
- Aries Horoscope: 00:00
- Taurus Horoscope: 11:16
- Gemini Horoscope: 23:30
- Cancer Horoscope: 37:52
- Leo Horoscope: 50:48
- Virgo Horoscope: 1:06:49
- Libra Horoscope: 1:20:28
- Scorpio Horoscope: 1:32:59
- Sagittarius Horoscope: 1:51:26
- Capricorn Horoscope: 1:45:01
- Aquarius Horoscope: 2:07:05
- Pisces Horoscope: 2:17:21