Gemini Full Moon Horoscopes & Ritual: November 2023 Astrology

While adventuring the fires of Sagittarius Season, we meet a full Moon in it’s opposite sign, Gemini. Here we are playing within the axis of the mind, of belief, freedom, perspective, and the frameworks through which we create and experience life.

The Gemini full Moon asks us the question; What does it mean to be free?

When is the Gemini Full Moon?

  • Wellington: Monday 27 November, 10.16pm
  • Sydney: Monday 27 November, 8.16pm
  • Tokyo: Monday 27 November, 6.16pm
  • Singapore: Monday 27 November, 5.16pm
  • New Delhi: Monday 27 November, 2.46pm
  • Dubai: Monday 27 November, 1.16pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Monday 27 November, 12.16pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Monday 27 November, 10.16am
  • London: Monday 27 November, 9.16am
  • New York/Toronto: Monday 27 November, 4.16am
  • Los Angeles: Monday 27 November, 1.16am

What does November’s Gemini Full Moon Mean for You?

While the Moon is our emotional body, Gemini is our mental body.

An entire world of its own, we are all swimming within the landscape of our minds. It is the lens through which we understand life, and the framework through which we create and experience reality.

The mind alone can bring freedom or entrapment, and this full Moon desires to bring us into that freedom by showing us all the ways in which we are living in opposition to freedom.

The Power of the Mind

In mythology Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, was the only God that could and would willingly travel both up into the heavens and down into the underworld – moving between the two, living and learning within both, and relaying information from these two seemingly opposing sides of life.

Our mind has this same capacity. Layered and multi-faceted, the mind is an antenna to all that exists above and below, taking us into the highest of divine spaces just as it does the deepest of our own underworld.

This full Moon brings our mind into spotlight.

We can feel, sense, unravel and receive much within the body and energy field – yet once it reaches the mind, once it comes into our conscious awareness, that’s when its impact and power is deeply known.

Once something is brought into our conscious awareness is when we can begin working with it. Bringing something into the mind to explore and understand is the doorway into receiving its power, insight, impact, and hand in partnership.

What is unconscious within seems to hold a power over us, but as soon as it is brought into the light of consciousness, that grip can no longer take hold, and we are set upon our path to freedom.

It is on this night that this full Moon brings to consciousness all that was once hidden within the crevices of our minds and bodies, bringing to light, uncovering, providing insight and understanding, and most importantly, offering the wisdom, information, and guidance that we are ready to consciously receive.

It brings to light the narratives, the defaults of our minds and inner workings of the framework through which we create and experience life. And with that, offers an opportunity to question, to let go, to reframe, and to find new truth and narratives that support us with greater depth and width.

Release, Reframe, Ending & New Direction

A full Moon is a culmination.

For the Moon has become and become, and grown, and grown, until there is no further space to do so. She has become the fullest she can, until the only direction left is release.

A mirror to our internal lives, we know this space. We know the build up, the fullness. We know the feeling of overflow into release. We know when there is no more space within us as we currently are, when all that is left is to let go of what we have accumulated on our journeys that we no longer desire to take with us.

And tonight, this is where we are journeying.

This full Moon acts as a torch shining the light of consciousness onto what we are ready to release, reframe, unravel. It brings into our awareness what is coming to its natural place of ending, or perhaps what met this ending long ago.

Just like Gemini, this lunation seems to take us in many directions as different invitations and planets make themselves known. Perhaps the strongest influence, however, is Mars opposing the Moon in Sagittarius, adding fire to this fullness.

Mars brings drive, a need to move and express. It brings tension and an urgency to our release, and as the fires cool down and the Moon begins to wane in the coming days, it brings a clarity to our desires and our direction, and an empowerment through working consciously with what was previously unseen and unknown before this full Moon.

This Full Moon is making space for new seeds of dreaming, freedom, adventures, and greater possibilities in next months Sagittarius New Moon.

Magic awaits. This full Moon is a doorway inching us closer to it.

Girl and Her Moon Dream Analysis Workshop

Gemini Full Moon Workshop: Lifting the Veil, Dream Analysis

Now on Sale in our Flow with the Moon Membership

In this workshop we are diving into the underworld narratives of the mind, the unconscious, and the Soul, through dreams.

Dream interpretation is about self-discovery at every possible level. When we pay attention to our dreams, we put ourselves in touch with the deepest source of our being, a source which influences, supports, and guides us until the end of our lives – and possibly beyond even that.

Every dream shows us something new about ourselves, and throughout this Dream Analysis Workshop with Jungian Analyst Jesamine Mello, we are lifting the veil and stepping into the world of dreams within us – this world that has much to share from the deepest recesses of the Soul, from the unconscious that we are ready to make conscious.

We will explore:

Why do we dream?

What does it mean when you dream about someone?

The healing power of dreams.

Discovering our hidden purpose through dreams.

The purpose of dreams.

We will also look to the main analysis and interpretation principles so that we can begin working on and with our own dreams right away.

Access this workshop via our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Gemini Full Moon Horoscopes

Watch your tarot horoscopes for the Gemini Full Moon here!

Gemini Full Moon Tarot Girl and Her Moon

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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