The story continues.
Welcome to our second Capricorn full Moon of 2024, after our first Capricorn full Moon just last month in June.
We have stepped through the doors of the vast initiatory energies of June and much of July and we have arrived on the other side. We have crossed a threshold. We have been transformed by the portal. We have moved through much of Cancer Season and will soon exit its waters – changed by our journey.
There is a depth to this full Moon. A transformative energy. A shedding, release, activation, and initiation. There is deep wisdom available within this full Moon, an illumination, self-reclamation, and self-empowerment.
When is the Full Moon in Capricorn July 2024?
The Capricorn Full Moon meets us July 21 2024.
- Wellington: Sunday 21 July, 10:16pm
- Sydney: Sunday 21 July, 8:16pm
- Tokyo: Sunday July 21st, 7:16pm
- Singapore: Sunday July 21, 6:16pm
- New Delhi:Â Sunday July 21, 3:46pm
- Dubai: Sunday July 21, 2:16pm
- Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday July 21, 1:16pm
- Paris/Berlin: Sunday July 21, 12:16pm
- London: Sunday July 21, 11:16am
- New York/Toronto: Sunday July 21, 6:16am
- Los Angeles/Vancouver: Sunday July 21, 3:16am
July Capricorn Full Moon Astrology
Capricorn is a zodiac that is here to build its legacy. To leave its mark on the world. To make an impact.
As the Moon shines in Capricorn, the Sun moves through its final moments in Cancer, highlighting the polarity of inner and outer. Cancer invites us to tend to what lives within us, while Capricorn desires to build in the outer realms. A relationship that while seemingly opposite, cannot be separated. It’s a full Moon that asks us to be truthful, intimate, and honest with what it is we desire to build in our lives, who we desire to be, the legacy we feel the pull to leave.
Sitting right next to Pluto, it’s full Moon that asks us to descend into our own underworld to meet all that lives within. For what lives within holds the nutrients for our building – alongside the fears, unconscious patterning and emotions that unknowingly feed into our outward movement. It’s an alchemising full Moon, if surrendered into. Where what we meet in our unconscious as illuminated by the Moon holds within it the very tools, information, and keys for transformation that allow us to step deeper into our path for this lifetime.
It may be our second full Moon in Capricorn, but the person we are under this lunation is not the same as who we were under the first. We may have been at this door before. We may have heard the invitations whisper before. We may have peered into this space before. But this time, we see more, we hear more, we feel more. This time, we are invited let more in. To access more depth. This time, we are invited to meet more of ourselves, and more of our path.
It’s a full Moon that asks us to descend within. Reaching into our underworld. Reaching into our roots. Reaching into the richness that lays beneath the surface of our awareness. For there is wisdom here. There is treasure here.
It’s a full Moon energy that invites a cracking open. A surrender to your own potential. A space-making for so much more of you to come online and begin move through your living and creating. For as we crack open, we open to life. As we crack open, we open to what is coming in. As we crack open, we let more of what is real in.
July Full Moon Transformation
Meeting us in the final moments of Capricorn at 29 degrees, the Moon is at her peak, the fullness of her current self. She has reached the end of her journey and from here she begins to wane. Parts of her begin to drop away.
Layer by layer, piece by piece, she lets go. There are old ways of being that are simply not continuing with her.
There are old ways of being that are simply not continuing with us.
We stand at the door of this full Moon with layers to drop. Old perspectives, desires, frameworks, patterns, beliefs about who we are and what our life is.
There is a deeply transformative energy to this lunation with Pluto and Mars very active, and the Mars conjunct Uranus energy of last week still lingering. There is a need to move, express, shed, alchemise.Â
Under this full Moon and beyond, may you see clearly what is for you. May you see clearly what is not. May you hear deeply the knowing of your soul. May you discern what is simply noise. May you witness the fears that keep you from life. May you observe the patterns that have kept you chained.
May you remember your vast potential, the alchemist of your experience. May you open wider, trusting in your knowing.
May you feel the richness calling your name. May you let the layers drop in devotion to your becoming. May you remember the sacred beneath and within each moment.
Capricorn Full Moon Astrological Aspects
Planetary energies active alongside the Capricorn Full Moon:
- Moon in Capricorn opposite Sun in Cancer
- Moon in Capricorn trine Mars in Gemini
- Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus
- Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune Retrograde in Pisces
- Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius
- Sun in Cancer sextile Mars in Gemini
- Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus
- Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces
- Sun in Cancer opposite Pluto in Aquarius
- Mercury in Leo square Mars in Gemini
- Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
- Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini
- Venus in Leo trine North Node in Aries
- Mars in Gemini conjunct Uranus in Taurus
- Mars in Gemini sextile Neptune in Pisces
- Mars in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius
- Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Aquarius
Capricorn Full Moon Ritual
Capricorn Full Moon Ritual: Sacred Authority
Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.
An energy work session and container in which you are invited to trust your path and trust in your timing.
A space to call back your authority, your power, depth, strength and lasting essence. And remember your divine purpose to live your life, taking up space and owning your field.
Together we will recall our sacred authority and clear any outside influences that have been weakening our trust in ourselves, our trust in our path, and our ability to build our lives in a way that is true to us.
Available in the Flow with the Moon Membership, join us here.
July Capricorn Full Moon Horoscopes for each Zodiac Sign
Watch below for your July Full Moon in Capricorn Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Kapualani. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!
For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.
- Aries: 0:00
- Taurus: 7:41
- Gemini: 16:40
- Cancer: 25:56
- Leo: 35:08
- Virgo: 44:18
- Libra: 52:10
- Scorpio: 1:00:32
- Sagittarius: 1:09:48
- Capricorn: 1:17:11
- Aquarius: 1:25:51
- Pisces: 1:34:22