Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

Two of Wands Keywords

Excitement, (short-term) decisions, gains, goals, progress, plans/planning, alignment, clarity, direction, willingness

Two of Wands Numerology


Two of Wands Astrology Zodiac

Fire: Aries

Two of Wands Tarot Suit

Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands

Journal Prompts for Two of Wands Tarot Card

– What would I do if there were no limitations and the possibilities were limitless?

– What practical steps can I take here and now that are in alignment with my long term goal(s)?

Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands depicts the profile of a well-dressed man standing between two wands (or staffs). He is facing what appears to be an open horizon, we do not know whether the crystal clear waters stretch out into a wide, open ocean, if the land continues on, etc.

The wand to his right is fastened to the wall just behind him by a metal clasp. He holds the other staff in his left hand; while in his right hand, he holds a globe of the world before him. An image of red roses and white lilies decorates the wall to his left. There are mountains and a body of water off in the distance as it meets the lush, green land leading through to a scene of scattered red-rooftops below.

He wears a red cap and a crimson robe along with his (light) red-orange toned trousers and shoes. We cannot see what he is gazing at; we can only presume that he is looking toward the horizon. At minimum, perhaps he is taking in the scenery and envisioning a future destination or goal.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Two of Wands Upright

The Two of Wands brings an energy of excitement, anticipation and a feeling of looking forward to whatever might be forthcoming on the journey. There is a desire to start planning and/or considering your next steps, at least on a more short-term level. This is not an energy that is developed or fully stable, but rather it is one that brings an intention of potentiality and motivation about the future. 

In following the Ace of Wands, the Two of Wands brings an essence of continued vigor and ambition, regarding whatever it is that you are inquiring about. There is a readiness and a willingness to advance and move to the next level.

If the Two of Wands upright has appeared in your tarot reading, this also indicates that whatever your circumstances are, you have every reason to approach it with confidence and clarity. Often, the phrase associated with the Two of Wands encourages you to: “Look at life as though you’ve got the world in the palm of your hands.” 

This invites you to see life and your inquiry through the lens of limitless possibility, potential and opportunity. You are not expected to deliver grand results any time soon, but rather you are guided to expand your horizons. Lean into your imagination, knowing that you are actively and, over time, heading toward your bigger picture goals. While you may be more than willing to go charging forth at full speed ahead, the Two of Wands reminds you to focus on what is right in front of you in order to get to your core goal(s) and/or dream(s).

That being said, there is a positive nature that this energy brings into your situation. You are encouraged to maintain an optimistic outlook and to take action toward your desires with confidence. Keep in mind though, that you are still likely in the earlier, if not beginning stages of things. Therefore, anything that you might be asking about, while it may be promising and exciting, it may also require you to take things step by step before calling it a done deal.

In relationships, the Two of Wands bodes well in that the number “two” can also represent partnerships. In this case, the partnership likely has a lot of chemistry, connection, attraction and/or even passion, especially when it comes to romantic (or potentially romantic) relationships. There is a lot of promise and it is very likely that you, and/or the person you may be asking about, sees the positive future potential in this connection. This is a relationship in which the two individuals can relate easily. Additionally, your ideas can be shared openly and freely. There is also a feeling of being very “in the moment”; so just keep that in mind as well if you are looking to secure something more long term.

When it comes to financial, monetary and/or career matters you are on a promising path and you are encouraged to move forward confidently. Remember though, that this card denotes a more short-term approach when it comes to timing or a timeline. The main idea here is that you may need to stay focused on your immediate, short-term steps, in order to make progress.

Two of Wands Reversed

Poor planning and/or a lack of foresight may be affecting you if the reversed Two of Wands has appeared in your reading. Your excitement may be causing you to overlook certain details and/or skip over necessary steps, however small or seemingly insignificant. 

If this is something that you have yet to take action upon, then it would indicate that you are not yet ready. You could benefit from making plans beforehand when this energy appears. It is likely that if you try to move forward without doing so, you could fail and end up having to start over again.

Additionally, you may not be ready on a motivational, energetic level. Whether or not you know it, you could be experiencing feelings of intimidation and/or unpreparedness in regards to your future desires. While you may have big goals, dreams and/or pursuits, you may not know where to focus your intentions when it comes to your next steps. Without knowing what to do or where to place your more immediate focus, you could lose steam and end up going nowhere. Things could also be going off track and/or you could be losing interest in whomever or whatever you were initially pursuing. 

Think about this when it comes to any aspect of your life. Do your best to focus on and get motivated about the smaller steps that will eventually lead up to the bigger picture. Ask yourself if what you are considering is something that you are willing and able to see through in the long run. 

While your imagination and drive may initially be inspired and/or inspiring, realistically speaking, you may be looking a little too far ahead. The reversed Two of Wands would indicate that you need to be paying attention to what you are doing right here, right now; and not what you hope to be doing next week or even tomorrow. If you hope to attain positive results, you are encouraged to shift gears and start approaching things from a more readied and prepared perspective.

There may also be unforeseen obstacles that arise should the Two of Wands reversed appear. Regardless of whether or not your inquiry relates to matters of love, money, career, family, etc; you should prepare for a hurdle or two along the way. It is also possible that you and another might experience an argument, disagreement and/or inability to see eye to eye on something.

Depending on the other cards surrounding it, due to the more short-term nature of this card, any misfortune should not be devastating or permanent. At any rate, there may be a speed bump or two, but overall, it is likely a temporary set back and one that you can easily overcome.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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