Top 3 Tarot Spreads for Beginners

3 Top Tarot Spreads for Beginners Girl and Her Moon

If you have found this article or if this article has found you (and when the universe is guiding you along a path, very often articles of this nature will find you) then you’re likely wondering how to start using the Tarot. 

You may have done a bit of reading here and there and your curiosity has been aroused. Perhaps you’ve been wondering where to even begin with a Tarot. You may have stumbled upon the famous Celtic Card Tarot Spread and felt overwhelmed! 

But with Tarot, there is no one size fits all and there are no hard and fast rules. Tarot works differently for everyone and you must give yourself the room and freedom to find the Tarot methods and spreads that work best for you. 

So throw away the pre-conceived ideas you have of what Tarot is and what Tarot should be like. There is no should. Reading Tarot and using Tarot is unique to each individual.  

Of course, knowing the card meanings is definitely useful. Over time and the more you practice, you will memorise these off by heart; and most importantly, reading the cards naturally nurtures your intuition so you will instinctively know what each card means in each context. 

Tarot is an exciting journey, often a lifelong one which is a wonderful guide and tool to use. Of course, when beginning this journey, one has to start somewhere! 

This is why we have compiled 3 top Tarot spreads for beginners. Read on and give them a try! 

Related article: What Tarot Card Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?


Tarot Spread 1: Your Daily Advice Tarot Card 

This Daily Tarot card spread is a wonderful way to familiarise yourself with the Tarot and get to know the cards. It’s simple and yet powerful.  

It’s great to keep a journal alongside this particular reading as you can reflect back on it in future days and compare how far you have come. 

To do this spread, shuffle your pack of cards and asked the following question: 

What advice do you have for me today? 

When it feels right, lay down the cards and pick one from the top. 

Interpreting the card in the form of advice is now down to you as the reader. Below are a couple of examples. 


Example 1: 

Card Pulled: 8 of Pentacles 

Card Meaning: Working hard, learning a new craft, increasing knowledge, mastering your craft, noticing the fine points. 

Card as advice: Focus on your skills today and pay attention to every little detail. Today is likely to place much emphasis on work, career and money. The more you dedicate yourself, the greater the progress.


Example 2: 

Card Pulled: 7 of Swords 

Card Meaning: Underhand behaviour, deceit, working behind the scenes, being tactical, sneaking away, being a lone wolf, strategy, lying, two-faced, dishonour. 

Card as advice: Watch your back today. Someone may not be totally honest. Listen to your intuition if it tells you something is wrong. Plan effectively and be strategic. 

Read this next: The Swords Suit: How to Understand the Swords in Tarot


Tarot Spread 2: How Do They Feel About Me?

This is a great spread for love and relationships or if you want to find out how your love interest feels about you. 

There is a longer version of this spread but at beginner level, it is best to keep things simple. This is also an excellent spread for interpreting the cards in relation to feelings which takes them to a whole other level. 

To do this spread, shuffle the cards and ask the following question: 

How does (say name) feel for me? 

When it feels right, lay down the cards, cut them and pick three from the top. Below is an example. 


Cards Pulled: The 2 of Cups, the Devil & the Ace of Swords 

The 2 of Cups indicates that this person feels a romantic attraction towards you. With the Devil combined, this looks like a strong sexual attraction. It could also point towards obsessiveness with the Devil – you may be on their mind constantly. The Ace of Swords indicates that this person feels that they would like to communicate with you and get to the heart of the matter and tell you how they truly feel. 


Tarot Spread 3: Full Moon Spread

One of my favourites! This is a wonderful Tarot reading to do approaching the Full Moon of each month or even on the day of the Full Moon itself. 

Each Full Moon brings special energy and this energy, while possessing the same running theme, is unique to each individual. You can learn about each unique energy every month here at girlandhermoon and inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Try this unique Full Moon Tarot reading for extra insight as the Full Moon’s powerful energy beams down on you. 

To do this spread, shuffle the cards and ask the following question: 

What Full Moon message do you have for me? 

When it feels right, lay the cards down, cut them, and pick three cards from the top. 

Below is an example spread. 


Cards Pulled: The Sun, the Queen of Wands & the Empress 

As a Full Moon message, we’ll look at the cards from a deeper, more intuitive angle. The Moon herself is of Yin energy, the deep feminine that exists within all of us and often dwelling within our deeper subconscious. She represents the realm that is often kept hidden from us but which holds some of our greatest power within – the feminine power that is home to all intuitive and psychic ability, the essence of our emotions and the playground of our soul. 

The Sun as a Full Moon message calls to your attention your Yang energy – the masculine fire that exists within you. It encourages you to be assertive and to go for what you want. Use the energy of this Full Moon to remind yourself of the power of your creative spirit and seek ways you can bring this spirit into the physical world.

The Queen of Wands is the Queen of Fire – this can represent you or someone you know or even someone who will come into your life around the time of this lunar energy possessing these qualities. The Queen of Wands is enthusiastic, dynamic and confident of her abilities, encouraging you to be the same way.

The Empress is nurturing, caring and creative energy that calls you to look deep within yourself and embrace your own creative energy. She represents abundance and you are called to examine areas of your life where you can generate more abundance. Much of this Full Moon message revolves around accessing your own creative power and finding ways to manifest it into the world. 


Let Tarot Light the Way 

During these challenging times, we seek answers and paths that can help us as we navigate the often troubling waters of life. The Tarot can provide us with guidance and comfort in so many different ways. The best part is, you don’t need to be an ‘expert’ to understand Tarot. It is open and accessible to everyone. Tarot speaks to the soul and it is through our soul that we are able to hear its messages loud and clear. 

The journey may be unexpected at times, but the journey through Tarot is one of the most rewarding we could ask for. No matter how alone we may feel at times, the Tarot remains steadfast and dependable, standing by our side to help us when we are faced with a dilemma. Sometimes, it is there to provide companionship if we have a question about our day and sometimes it is there to help us make decisions. 

Trusting in your intuition means trusting in yourself. The more you believe in yourself, the more you will unlock the great power that exists within you. The Tarot is a tool that helps you reach in and find this power. It is there waiting for you to access it. 

Related article: What is Your Soul Asking for Today?


♡ Iberia Tor

Monthly Energetics Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon
Iberia Tor

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