The Spiritual Meaning of Eclipse Season 2025

Just like life, astrology seems to ebb and flow in waves of intensity and calm. As we step into our first Eclipse Season of 2025, we are invited into high tides of inner and outer transformation.

Eclipse Season is a potent moment transcending linear time, connecting us to unseen realms, deep inner truths, and the vast intelligence of life beyond what we can comprehend with the mind alone.

What is an Eclipse?

Eclipses are an alignment of the Sun, Moon, Lunar Nodes, and the Earth. While we are familiar with the dance of the Sun and Moon that brings us a New and Full Moon every 28 days, Eclipses occur when the Moon reaches its upper and lower thresholds of its tilted elliptical orbit – these boundaries that represent the Lunar Nodes. When the Moon reaches these thresholds and comes into partnership with the Lunar Nodes, it also forms a perfect alignment with the Sun and Earth.

From an astronomical perspective, an Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in specific ways:

Solar Eclipse: Occurs during a new moon when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking the Sun’s light. This alignment symbolizes new beginnings.

Lunar Eclipse: Happens during a full moon when the Earth sits between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow over the Moon. Lunar Eclipses reveal what has been hidden, bringing completions, revelations, and opportunities for emotional release.

Both types of Eclipses act as cosmic resets. They disrupt the usual rhythms, offering a moment to pause, reflect, and reorient.

2025 Eclipse Season Astrology

March 2025

March 13, 2025: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo

March 29, 2025: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

September 2025

September 7, 2025: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

September 21, 2025: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo

Eclipse Season Spiritual Meaning

Lunar Nodes: Direction & Destiny

Among many things, it is the interaction with the Lunar Nodes that bring the essence of destiny, purpose, and evolution. The Lunar Nodes are points representing the intersections of the Moon’s orbit with the ecliptic. The North Node symbolizes our soul’s direction and evolution, while the South Node relates to our past, familiar patterns, and gifts.

Collectively and individually, the Nodes guide us through evolutionary cycles. These cycles serve as concentrated periods of growth, where life accelerates our evolution. It’s as if the universe offers a window to make changes we’ve been contemplating or pushes us onto paths that better align with our truth.

These cosmic events can bring about sudden opportunities, endings, or revelations. Eclipses are less about initiating something new from a logical space and more about responding to what arises with presence and trust.

A Cosmic Reset

The word ‘Eclipse’ comes from the Greek word ‘Eklipsis’ – meaning ‘to abandon an accustomed place.’ 

Within our usual rhythms and movements in our lives both inner and outer, Eclipses are a re-set. The expected movement of our usual lunar cycle stops for a moment and something else happens.

Eclipses are an interruption of a pattern. They disturb our routine. Throughout Eclipse Season we are shaken out of patterns, habitual ways of being, and the comfortable and familiar cycle that we are accustomed with.

Intuition & the Unseen

The Moon in astrology is intuition and the subconscious. It’s the knowing of our bodies and the way Soul speaks to us. It is our internal world, our feeling, emotions, and the way that underneath all the noise, stripped back of the excess, we know what is for us.

Her Nodes are our Souls invitations and direction for this lifetime. Eclipses bring these two very intuitive and soulful energies together. Energies that are very attuned to the unseen, the energetic, and to the deeper callings and truths from within.

We are living within an unseen world just as we are living within what we can see. We can sense this world -sometimes. Feel its energy. Hear its invitations. Feel its presence.

During Eclipses the unseen becomes that little more seen.

Mirrors & Catalysts

Eclipses reflect back to us what needs attention from within and without. They hold up a mirror, sometimes uncomfortably so, revealing where we’ve been out of alignment or ignoring inner truths. The discomfort is an invitation to transform.

If we are walking a path knowing something isn’t right, Eclipses bring that knowing to the front and centre of our realities. During this season we stand at a crossroads with a choice: continue the familiar way or step into the unknown that calls to you. This choice point is where empowerment begins.

Empowerment & Surrender

At the heart of Eclipse Season is empowerment through surrender. It’s not about forcing changes but allowing what wants to arise to come forth. Sometimes this means letting go of what no longer serves, even if it’s uncomfortable. Other times it means embracing opportunities that scare us as they ask us to expand beyond who we have been.

This surrender isn’t passive. It’s an active, receptive state where we trust that life is guiding us toward what is most aligned. Eclipse Season asks that we trust the timing of our lives, open to new possibilities, and to remember that we are powerful co-creators.

Collapsing Time

Eclipse Season is a doorway for new energy to enter through and begin planting itself in our lives for future unfolding. It can collapse time, glimpse into potentials, and begin threading their energy into the here and now.

Eclipses are an acceleration of time.

Where there is a change we have wanting to make – or we know a direction is for us, but have it set for ‘later’ – Eclipses are bridge that gap of now and later. That one-day change arrives here and now at our doorstep. If in truth, we are ready for it – that later becomes now.

If something arrives in your life during this season—a new opportunity, a challenge, a sudden insight—consider it a cosmic nudge.

Ask yourself: What within me is ready for this? What beliefs or fears are surfacing that I can now release? Even if you don’t have all the answers, taking one step in the direction you feel called can open doors you never anticipated.

Navigating Change

As we look back on our life’s journey, there are often moments in time where our direction took a clear shift.

Perhaps something ended or a new journey began. We meet the beginning and end of chapters in our lives so much so that we could say we have lived multiple lifetimes in the one whether these changes were initiated through blissful moments of joy, or our deepest cracking open.

Eclipses are often at the heart of these changes. Where what is for us is as clear as what is not for us. Where the voice of guidance – whether that be soul, higher self, intuition, God, or destiny – seems to get louder, clearer, felt deeper in our bodies than before. Where that voice meets us both from within – speaking through our emotions, ideas, or knowing, and our outer reality – through changes thrust upon us that it could seem we have no say in.

Change seems to be at the core of Eclipse Season, as does some kind of greater purpose. They bring the kind of cracking-open that when we look back on, seem to be the very doorway into everything good, whole, and real that follows for years to come. And while we may not always see the purpose within the changes of the moment, there is an element of surrender being asked of us throughout this season, a trust that seeds are being planted in this very moment, regardless of whether we know what they will grow into or not.

If we know anything about transformation, it is that we cannot control it. We cannot orchestrate it, just as we cannot journey through it only with the mind. It is within transformation that we are often led to our edges where the only option from there is to unclench our hands, breathe out, allow, trust – in ourselves and life – and to open to what is coming in.

While we many may say that change is difficult, we can also say that all we know is change. We know this terrain, for we have been journeying it for as long as we have been breathing. To go against change is to go against our nature.

This Season, can you look back to moments in your life that seemed to be the doorway into your greatest transformation? Can you witness how you moved through these tides of change, what was born in you in those moments, and how your life shifted from then on?

Can you speak your deepest dreams into the ethers, and listen deeper than ever to your voice of guidance? And can you keep the intentions of this season – more you, more love, more truth, more fulfilment, more purpose, more creation, more depth, more divinity, and more connection – close to your heart?

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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