The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Keywords

Alchemy, talent, skill, (will) power, manifestation, manipulation, resourceful, trickery, determination

The Magician Numerology


The Magician Astrology Zodiac

Gemini & Virgo

The Fool Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for the Magician Tarot Card:

– Where/How am I being called to step into/own my personal power?

– What next, best step can I take here and now (in alignment with my goals)?

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician card presents as a masculine energy wearing a white garment, draped in a red robe. With his left index finger pointing to the earth and his right hand extended, holding onto a double-ended white wand; The Magician confidently faces his audience. The items on the table/altar (wand, chalice, pentacle and sword) represent his mastery over the elements. The infinity symbol hovering above The Magician’s head signifies his mastery and ability to manipulate the elements, and hence, “reality”, at will. The foliage surrounding this being expresses the blessings, balance and harmony he is in with nature. 

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Magician Upright

When The Magician appears in a tarot reading, your personal willpower and ability to manifest from that position of power, is being highlighted. This energy acknowledges that you have been (or currently are in) a position to fully embody, recognize and take ownership of your personal mastery over the elements. In other words, if you’re seeing The Magician in your reading, he is here to tell you that the power to change your life and to manifest your dreams, is within your own hands.

This is also an indication that you are ready to step out on your own; to take control of your life and/or situation.

You’re being called to recognize your responsibility over yourself and the world around you from a place of authority and power. You have the ability to create a positive experience or a negative one, which version of reality will you choose? 

Now is the time to take action and to fully trust yourself and your abilities, especially when it comes to your current/next major decisions and steps. You are in a position to not only shine in your skills and independence, but to actively create something with it.

The Magician calls you to also empower yourself by utilizing the tools and resources available to you at any given moment when it comes to accomplishing your goals. You’ve got what it takes to improvise as needed and can easily adjust if/when things don’t go as planned. 

Regardless of whether or not a situation or circumstance is familiar or foreign, this being is capable of successfully “making it work”. Recognize that no matter your environment, you have it within you to succeed. There is a core confidence that The Magician also emanates and encourages; especially when it comes to taking the initiative and creating the reality that The Magician wishes to see.

Don’t hesitate to own your power, self-confidence and ability to not only have a vision and/or idea, but to successfully see it through from start to finish. This energy, more than anything, is a symbol and reminder that anything is possible through sheer determination and will–it just takes a bit of focus, self-mastery and self-discipline to get things going.

The upright Magician is able to acknowledge past, present and future; knowing that in order to create “something” from “nothing”, you have to at least start somewhere. That being said, be clear that your starting point is not just anywhere but right here, right now.

Meaning, the journey is just as significant to the process as the destination, if not more so. Remember, your core power in the realm of The Magician, exists in ultimately knowing that reality is yours to create–so get to the creating!

The Magician Reversed

Are you recognizing and using your skills and talents to the best of your ability; or are you feeling dis-empowered and/or lacking control over your life/situation? Often, when the reversed version of The Magician appears, some form of distortion, misuse or abuse of power is coming up. Either yourself or someone around you may not be utilizing their talents, skills and/or abilities in the best and highest way—if at all. 

Remember, you may even have certain skills or talents that you’ve forgotten about. Just because the future that you are holding space to manifest seems so far away, it does not mean that there is nothing that you can do about it today. 

Are there details, people, things, etc that you have been putting too much emphasis on or investing too much of your time into; rather than investing in yourself, and what you can do for yourself in the present moment? Have you been focusing too much on your future goals without tending to the steps and actions necessary for you to take right here, right now? Is it possible that you are being too passive in your approach and/or are simply waiting for the steps/answers to come to you? 

The Magician represents, embodies, and implies personal will power and taking action accordingly—in so many ways, making something from nothing. If you have been feeling stuck or clueless as to where to start, guess what? Stop waiting. There is no need to hold off or delay in this case. Start taking steps, even if it doesn’t seem important, exciting or directly relatable. Start implementing your ideas and plans—now is the time.

Notice if/when you might be feeling disconnected or lacking in direction when it comes to applying yourself. If the reversed Magician has crossed your path, it is to remind you to take control of your circumstances through actionable, aligned steps. The bigger pieces will reveal themselves as you move forward, not the other way around.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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