The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant Keywords

Tradition (traditional), spiritual guidance, (higher) education, religion (religious), seeking expert information/counsel/advice, beliefs, marriage, convention, conforming

The Hierophant Numerology


The Hierophant Astrology Zodiac Sign


The Hierophant Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for the Hierophant Tarot Card

– Who/what can I refer to, in order to gain the information/knowledge that I need?

– Am I ready, willing and/or able to commit to this relationship/commitment/path?

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant depicts a male holy or religious figure, in a position to readily wield his spiritual authority and power. The carved stone-like setting and detailed carpeting reflects a more empowered and conventional place of practicing his craft–the spiritual/religious arts (a church-like setting). The two keys crossed at his feet represent his access to the Divine.

The Hierophant is draped in a red robe with white (and blue) accents (five crosses total are woven into his garments). He wears a three-tiered crown and holds a wand-like triple-cross in his left hand; items traditionally associated with the pope. He raises his right hand to offer his blessings (knowledge/guidance/wisdom) to the two figures (students/followers/devotees/etc) before him.

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Hierophant Upright

In many ways, The Hierophant can show up to encourage you to follow the path of least resistance. Keep in mind, however, this is not just any path of least resistance, but the one that maybe has already been figured out for you. Meaning, if you do not have the answers, empower yourself by seeking them out (through an already well-experienced guide and/or path) rather than through your own personal trial and error. You are encouraged to go along with convention, tradition and the social norm rather than that of the individual/self and/or going against the grain so to speak. 

If you do not know where to start or what to look for, seek a guide/knowledgeable reference. There is likely someone who may already be willing and able to help you get to where you want to be. You may already be thinking of going to a mentor/expert/authority figure to guide you on your journey; or at the very least, to point you in the right direction.

The Hierophant card appearing in your tarot reading may also signify that you are ready to commit to a higher path and it is time for you to apply yourself to it. Whether you are applying yourself to a higher education and/or to any other area of study, knowledge, etc, this energy is essentially about seeking out information, guidance, etc that you do not currently have or possess. This could manifest in the form of an online program, mentorship, advisor, specialty, certification, etc.

The appearance of this figure of spiritual authority can also arrive as a reminder that it is a good time for you to tune in and build your relationship with your own higher self; and/or your spiritual connection to your higher power and personal beliefs. There is an exchange of energy and/or guidance that is being represented. If you have been noticing a number of signs and/or synchronicities (i.e. you feel your guides are trying to tell you something and/or get your attention), The Hierophant would encourage you to investigate the deeper/hidden meaning(s) rather than to simply take them at face value. 

Think about whether you, yourself may very well be the one to provide guidance and/or mentorship to another. If this energy appeared, it may mean that you are ready to step into such a position (or again, apply yourself to getting there). There may be others who are seeking out your particular skills, spiritual wisdom, gifts, guidance, etc as well. More than anything, success is (best) gained through the group effort rather than the individual alone.

Sometimes themes and/or energies related to tradition, marriage and/or conventionality are highlighted by The Hierophant. If this rings true for you/your current situation, trust that the circumstances and/or individual(s) involved are in alignment with your highest good and likely share/accept your values/beliefs.

The Hierophant Reversed

When The Hierophant is revealed in the reversed position there could be too much restriction, this card suggests too many rules and/or limitations being placed upon you (unless of course, you are the one placing them upon yourself and/or others). Are you following the rules so much so that it is creating a feeling of resistance, monotony and/or boredom?

On the complete flip side, there could be too much of a lack regarding rules, structure and/or following traditional values. Are you (and/or others) following the proper channels, protocols, etc? Similarly, someone who has the ability to inform, educate, mentor, guide, etc may be avoiding their power, responsibilities, duties, commitments and/or vows. 

There could be too much of an emphasis on personal advancement and power rather than that of the group in this position. Is it possible that you are (or someone else is) withholding something significant from others? 

A reversed hierophant could also mean that someone is abusing their position of authority and/or power. Take into consideration with whom you are placing your faith and/or trust in. For example, if you have been working with a mentor, guide, etc, this could be a sign that you may not be receiving the proper counsel, information, etc. 

It could also mean that you have outgrown an institution, situation and/or guide and it may be time to move on. If this energy arrives reversed, it could be telling you to listen to your own spiritual wisdom/higher self; most especially if you have been leaning on possible outside/external source(s).

When The Hierophant is reversed, another consideration is that there may be more information required or needed before making any decisions, plans and/or commitments. Have you ignored your values and beliefs for the sake of another? With the emphasis on marriage, tradition, conventionality, etc, an opposing version of this energy would definitely encourage you to take a step back and reconsider who and/or what you may be dedicating yourself to.

Freedom and breaking away from the group and/or society may be symbolized when The Hierophant shows up in this reversed position. In a liberating way, a reversal of this energy may be indicating that an unconventional and/or non-traditional approach may be necessary and/or desired. There could be worn out beliefs, values, etc and this may be a time to let go of the old and/or outdated to hold space for newer, healthier, more aligned ways of being to form.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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