The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool Keywords

Innocent, risk-taker, naive, childlike, childish, carefree, free-spirited, playful, joyful, fresh starts

The Fool Numerology


The Fool Astrology Zodiac


The Fool Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for the Fool Tarot Card:

– How am I preventing myself from moving forward and/or trying new things?

– Where/How can I learn to see myself/my situation from a fresh perspective?

– What new opportunities/experiences are possible at this time?

The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool card is symbolically depicted as a free-spirited, innocent/naive wanderer with infinite potential ahead of him. His hobo stick/pack, loosely held in one hand and a white rose in the other; likely just plucked and sniffed.

With The Sun shining upon him, he doesn’t have a care in The World… what could go wrong (except for maybe that cliff edge just ahead)? At the lower right hand corner, his fellow canine companion yaps to warn The Fool of the impending danger… but is this really the case? Or is the dog cheerfully and blindly following along, also (seemingly) unaware?

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Fool Upright Meaning

New beginnings, a new journey, opportunities and perspectives are possible when The Fool comes across your path. If you’ve been hoping for a positive sign, The Fool definitely brings a message that fresh starts are underway. So, if you’ve been especially feeling burdened, stuck and/or blocked in any way, just know, this is a sign that the tough times are over.

Associated with the number “0” the energy of The Fool neither begins nor ends but is timeless, falling somewhere in between. The Fool has no sense of time or space in terms of past, present and/or future. There is a perspective of being (and/or even a desire to be) right here, right now; that this energy invites you to explore and expand upon. 

The Fool reminds you to lighten up, to look at life and yourself from a lighter, brighter side. It’s an energy encouraging you to free yourself–mind, body and soul–from any person/place/thing/situation that may be holding you back, weighing you down and/or simply, no longer resonating. It is time to move forward and onward. Let go of any worries, doubts and/or fears, especially when you don’t have any direct ability to change your circumstances. Do your best to release the past and move on from any concerns about what others think, say or do.

Be your own person, follow your Soul’s calling and allow your sense of joy and childlike wonder to guide you into happier times. This energy encourages you to be light and easygoing in your approach, especially when dealing with others. In addition, be mindful not to take things personally when you see The Fool.

Just as the name implies, The Fool is a jester after all. That being said, have you been taking things a bit too seriously lately? If so, when was the last time that you had a really good, fully-bellied laugh? When was the last time you had so much fun or got so engrossed in what you were doing that you lost track of time?

If it’s been a while, maybe it’s time to consider taking a break and perhaps even a spontaneous little getaway for a quick reset.

Are there things you’ve been holding onto that you’re finally ready to move on from? This may be your sign that it’s time to recognize if and where you may finally be ready to drop any unnecessary/outdated baggage.

Are there uncharted territories, calling you to venture forth? A leap of faith? Be willing to be spontaneous, and consider that there may be new adventures, experiences, people, places and things waiting and ready for you to show up at any given moment.

More than anything, The Fool is here to remind you to engage your inner child and open up to the limitless possibilities already at your disposal.

The Fool Reversed Meaning

You may be running the risk of missing out on possible opportunities and new beginnings when the reversed version of The Fool appears. Additionally, the Universe may be calling for you to pay closer attention to what’s right in front of you. Remember to keep your eyes and ears open. In some cases, expect the unexpected.

You may be moving through the same patterns, lessons and/or situations without even realizing it. Although at this point, the pattern should be revealing itself through this energy.

Have you been running yourself in circles without a sense of what to do or where to go next? Feelings of discombobulation and distortion may arise–meaning your ability to focus and absorb new information and/or experiences may be lacking or floundering. Consider your health and dietary needs–have you been eating/drinking/tending to your daily needs accordingly or have you been ignoring yourself?

Aimlessly scrolling on your phone, tuning out, wasting time and/or getting lost in mindless distractions may be an energy currently present. That being said, how are you spending your free time? The Fool, in this case, is calling your attention to take note and perhaps consider asking yourself: “Have I been scattered and/or undisciplined, especially where it’s necessary at this time? Do I need to focus and/or pay more attention?”

Notice if your ability to see something through from start to finish just hasn’t been up to par. Reversed, The Fool can also simply be a sign that if you are experiencing any feelings of confusion and/or are lacking in your sense of direction, this moment is temporary and will pass.

Try to recognize if and/or when you get carried away, lost in details, etc. The Fool has a way of making complete none-sense out of things–are you needing to take yourself, your life and/or your current situation more seriously? 

Do you feel like you’ve lost your way and/or your sense of self? Seeing The Fool reversed can indicate embarrassment, helplessness, recklessness and/or foolishness. Perhaps you’ve recently experienced a potentially humiliating moment and are feeling like a fool in many ways. Try not to be too hard on yourself. It may not be enough of a consolation to say that everyone makes mistakes now and then, but let this be a reminder: Everyone makes mistakes now and then.

It may sound simple and like nothing you haven’t heard before, but if you can relate with The Fool at this time, just do your best to get yourself back up and dust yourself off.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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