The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

The Empress Keywords

Abundance, wealth, prosperity, goddess/sacred feminine, motherhood, mother nature, creation, leisure, luxury, compassion, nurturing, 

The Empress Numerology


The Empress Astrology Zodiac


The Empress Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Empress

– Am I paying attention to and continuing to nurture/develop/grow my creative projects/ideas/potential?

– Am I recognizing and utilizing the resources, tools, skills and abilities at my disposal (and within my means)?

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

Embodying and epitomizing the physical manifestation of the Goddess and Sacred Feminine energies; The Empress appears relaxed and in charge. She wears a crown of twelve stars adorning her head; and a flowing white gown, decorated with red roses (and leaves). All emphasizing that her role and authority is both appointed and blessed by the Divine.

The heart-shaped shield at her side, etched with the symbol of Venus (the Goddess/Feminine), further validates and identifies that she both represents and is protected by her feminine power. She holds onto a sceptre in her right hand, ready to wield her power on command. 

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Empress Upright

The Empress is an affirming validation of abundance, prosperity and wealth. If this embodiment of Goddess energy shows up in your tarot reading, she is calling you to step into and recognize the overflow of beauty, creativity and limitless possibility potential, right at your fingertips. You have been and/or are ready to create the life of your dreams.

Realize that you are the living manifestation of your own creative intelligence; and that the power (including the skills, resources, etc) to self-realize, to co-create and to manifest, is within your hands. All you have to do is tap into your wellspring of creativity and allow your energies to flow.

In some cases,The Empress could also be a more direct representation of motherhood and/or pregnancy. Are you hoping to conceive and/or are you possibly expecting already? If so, let this be a positive sign of things to come. 

Being a symbol of fertility, motherhood, creation, femininity, etc; The Empress encourages you to reflect up what you might be nurturing or investing your time, energy, heart and soul into.

If you have been thinking of taking charge of any area and/or aspect of your life, this energy is a positive indication that you are ready to start implementing your plans/ideas and bringing them to life. Are there any activities, projects, dreams, etc that have been dancing around in your thoughts, presenting you with possibilities of where to focus your energies next?

The Empress, regardless of gender, is here to tell you that satisfaction and success are already yours. You are in a powerful position to recognize and appreciate how far you have come; and what you have managed to attain for yourself.

It may also benefit you to take the time necessary and needed, to slow down and allow for your hard work and efforts to develop and mature. Keep that in mind when this particular archetype and card appears in your reading. 

Manifestation through attraction and allowing growth and development a safe space to take place, is another way that The Empress embodies and wields her power. This sacred feminine figure does not fret or chase and does not need to. She is rooted in her self-awareness and abilities to self-provide.

That being said, have confidence that you are ready and able to bring your visions to life. In fact, she is here to remind you that by maintaining your composure and self-confidence; by focusing on the resources, abundance, wealth and prosperity right in front of you, everything else simply falls into place; especially as you continue to take aligned actions.

The Empress Reversed

When The Empress appears in the reversed position, it is a sign that you may be taking your resources, connections, relationships and/or authority (in some way, shape or form) for granted. Be sure that you are also not simply starting things that you are not seeing through to completion. Additionally, there may be a lack of fertility, creativity, creative energy and or nurturing in regards to the situation at hand. 

For example, the reversed form of The Empress card could indicate a time when something you have been working toward, investing in, hoping and/or waiting for is unlikely to yield results; if not the desired results. 

Do you have access to all the resources, skills and/or connections necessary to create but no vision, direction or inspired action from which to start? This version of The Empress may present itself at times when you are creatively blocked, even if you have all of the tools and abilities needed to bring it to life.

Consider how and/or where you may be holding back (or are being called to hold back) when it comes to sharing your abundance and/or power to possibly share with another. Keep in mind, this does not necessarily need to be achieved through grand gestures. It can be something as simple as taking the time and making the effort to provide emotional support and a cup of tea to a friend or family member in need. It is about recognizing where you are in a position of power and ability to share and/or support; whereas perhaps, others (or those around you) are not.

With an emphasis on house, home and domesticity, The Empress reversed can symbolize an individual who prefers their own company and isolation/seclusion as opposed to socializing and/or entertaining others.

Have you been hoarding your energy (ability to give your time and/or attention) and/or resources, especially during a time when you are able to be of assistance? On the other hand, if you have been doing favors and giving to others, perhaps you need to withdraw your energy. Have you been giving too much of yourself and/or doing too much for others at your own expense?

Be mindful of how you are utilizing your resources and power. When The Empress appears in this position, she can sometimes be a sign of over-spending, selfishness and/or an over-emphasis on materialism. This could be a time to reflect upon whether or not you may be potentially living beyond your means.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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