Get an inside look into what a personal astrology reading is like as Georgia explores Jordaneās natal chart as a structure to explore astrology in all different directions.
During this episode Georgia shares all about evolutionary astrology, the journey and purpose of the Soul, Saturn Returns, Healing with Chiron, the importance of choosing a reader that you trust and align with, the responsibility of being an astrologer if you are reading for clients and so very much more.
There is so much wisdom, knowledge and depth within this episode, enjoy!
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Jordane Maree: Hello, beautiful. Welcome to episode 10 of Girl and Her Moon, the podcast. It is Jordane here, and today we are diving deep with our beautiful astrologer and circle guide, Georgia, who many of you already know through our membership or through having a personal astrology reading done yourself.
Throughout this episode, Georgia is exploring my personal chart, and we decided on that for two reasons. Firstly, to give insight into what an astrology reading with Georgia is like and if it is an experience that you desire or believe could be supportive or nurturing in your life. And secondly, to have my chart and this reading act as a structure to explore the many, many directions that we could go in the vast world of astrology. Georgia’s way of sharing is very teacher-like while she’s reading, and so there is so much incredible knowledge here that is relevant for anyone listening. No matter how different our personal charts are, you’re going to be learning a lot that you can apply to your own exploration of yourself. You will hear throughout this conversation, throughout almost the entire conversation that I’m pretty lost for words, as there is just so much that I was taking in.
So please excuse my silence, but this episode goes really, really deep, and I’m so excited for you to just receive all of the wisdom that has been shared. So I hope you enjoy, and of course, if this excites you and if Georgia’s perspectives align with you, she is available for both live and recorded readings at She is also our full moon circle guide inside of our membership that we would love to invite and welcome you into. So enjoy. Hi, Georgia. Thank you so much for being here and saying yes to having this conversation with me.
Georgia: It’s so wonderful to get to talk with you, Jordane, and to share more about evolutionary astrology with the community.
Jordane Maree: Every time I speak to you, your passion around astrology is truly contagious. And so I feel very lucky to just get to be here and ask a million and one questions.
Georgia: It’s an obsession. And I’m grateful to find people who want to go down the rabbit hole with me. So I’ve always loved our conversations around it. It’s felt so juicy and rewarding to dive into. So I’m excited to share one of these convos about astrology with everyone else.
Jordane Maree: Beautiful. So can you tell us a little bit about your journey with astrology?
Georgia: I was always just very attracted to the stars in general without kind of knowing anything, even as a kid. And just only knew about sun signs until I was in college, but I always really resonated with the Aries archetype that I am as well as you are. And then I had an Asian philosophies class in college. And my professor was an astrologer as well and told me about birth charts and then read my birth chart for the first time. And it was an absolutely, and I’m not even exaggerating whatsoever, a life-changing experience for me. Just realizing he said so many things that at that point in time I was 19 years old and I had never said them out loud to anybody before. And I was a fairly unaware Aries kind of person at that point in my life. And it just kind of blew my head open. And I was having a lot of existential questions at the time that it started to actually give some kind of framework for. And it kind of went from there. And I think because awareness wasn’t my inherent ability, I really used it as a way, a tool for me to get to know myself and to navigate my world in a way that I couldn’t seem to find navigation tools with otherwise.
And so it just became this voracious pattern and coping mechanism kind of, until I just really started being able to incorporate those tools into my life. And I felt so lost for such a long time. And it helped me kind of put it all back together. And it helped me through health crisis and so many other things, being able to really understand the laws of polarity and how this universe operates and what the hell was going on because I felt like everything was crbling. And so it was nice to find answers somewhere.
Jordane Maree: I love that. And did you start off with evolutionary astrology or was it more broader than that? And then you kind of found your way into this.
Georgia: It was definitely broader than that. I don’t even know exactly when I found out about evolutionary, maybe 10 years ago or something like that, which was maybe seven or eight years after I originally found astrology. So I think it was just different teachers that started coming in, but it gave such a soul-oriented perspective to it all. It wasn’t just understanding my ego and my personality. It was understanding life at a much deeper level that I finally had become aware to, I think. And that’s when it lined up, and came in and started explaining the esoteric occult, deeper soul stuff more.
Jordane Maree: It does seem to have this greater depth that does feel that bit more mystical and spiritual. And I’ve been really drawn to it, especially through our conversations. So if someone hadn’t heard of evolutionary astrology before, how would you explain it in a very foundational way?
Georgia: Essentially, evolutionary astrology is looking at your birth chart from the perspective of the soul, and seeing that as a map from your soul to navigate your life in, while giving it context into past lives and subconscious, unconscious aspects of self. So it’s a very soul-centered astrology. And if multi-life perspective doesn’t make sense for somebody, you can still speak to it from an early childhood development level into this singular life. But if you believe in reincarnation, and you’re able to look at the soul’s evolution through multiple lifetimes, it certainly adds a richer layer to it and understanding of it all.
Jordane Maree: That’s so great. And can you, when I look at evolutionary astrology, just kind of through a very broad and not in-depth research online, it is centered a lot around Pluto. Can you explain why that is?
Georgia: So I’ll say EA for evolutionary astrology. So in EA, we focus on Pluto, and there’s a lot of different ways you can enter the chart, but the way that I was taught and what feels like very logical to me is entering through Pluto because Pluto is the soul. And so when we understand that that’s the part of self that continues through lifetimes, if anything is left from one life to the other, it’s the unresolved desires of the soul. And so you’re tracking those unresolved desires through that lens, and Pluto unleashes that whole story basically. And then the path that the soul takes to fulfill those desires is the nodes. So that’s another really big part with EA comparative to other astrology methods is that it’s all kind of surrounding Pluto and the nodes because Pluto is the soul. The nodes are how the soul fulfills its desire. And so if you know those two things, then everything else in the chart is framed on that basis.
And therefore a whole different kind of story arises where other methods will certainly say that the nodes are your destiny and that type of thing. But in some schools don’t even look at Pluto at all. So it’s not a right or a wrong way, but it’s the EA way of kind of coming into it. And I’ve found even for people who have had tons of astrology readings or know a lot of astrology, because that’s a very sort of specific method, you come into this perspective on it and it blows people’s minds open on it. They hadn’t heard that before usually, when you’re talking to them through those lenses. So it’s kind of really fascinating. It’s super fascinating to me. Every time I say whatever I say and it resonates, I’m just kind of blown away that it is what it is. It’s a very archetypal way of looking at it all as well. So I’m really reading the archetypes more than anything.
Jordane Maree: It makes me so excited because when we’re a bit deeper into this conversation, you’re going to be exploring my chart through this lens. And I haven’t looked at my chart or had anyone look at my chart from this perspective before. And you’ve just made me very, very excited. But before we do that, there is something that I’ve heard you say a few times that I really, I think it’s quite beautiful. And I wanted to understand where you’re coming from when you share that. So you say a lot that you are living your chart or desiring to live your chart. Can you explain that a bit more?
Georgia: Well, I think the, almost if you want to get intentional or goal-oriented, however you kind of frame it. Living your chart is living the path of your soul’s desire. And desire is what creates incarnation. So the only job that we really have on this planet, if we’re looking for our purpose, if we’re looking for what we’re here to do, our soul left us a map to help guide us through the pathway of what to do. And it’s completely specific and unique for you. Even if we all were born on the same day at the same time, we have different evolutionary levels of consciousness at the time of that birth. And that creates variations in how those archetypes will manifest. So there’s infinite manifestation possibilities in every archetype. So it’s not you get this map and it’s so highly defined. It’s a root principle underneath the core of what’s happening. And you get to be a co-creator with that and shape it, work with that energy so that you can evoke the higher octaves of that potentiality.
Because the birth chart is ultimately just your potential. You always have the choice to walk away from your potential or walk away from what your soul wants for you. That resistance is what creates so many of the different distortions, challenges, obstacles that we face in our life. The more that we’re surrendering, it’s a sign that we want to return to source. We want to come back into our wholeness. That surrendering of the ego into the soul’s directive is the ultimate kind of goal for life. And so living your chart is important to me because I think so many of the ways in which we ingest or share astrology is so mental and just be kind of this philosophically interesting conversation, but it’s not really about that. It’s about being able to get that insight and then integrate it into your system so that transformation can occur and so that you can actually evolve in the way that you came here to so that you can feel fulfilled and satisfied by what you’re doing.
So the more that you come into deeply understanding that chart, it’s essentially self-study and it doesn’t answer the questions for you. It helps you ask better questions so that you can answer that for yourself, so that you can empower yourself. And that process is just the metamorphosis that we are all looking for, even if that is an unconscious desire that you’re not currently aware of, it’s just the baseline of the soul. So that’s kind of living the chart.
Jordane Maree: That’s beautiful. I’m so excited. So should we just jp in?
Georgia: Yeah, let’s do it. Let’s look at your chart. So here’s your natal chart or your birth chart. And that can be something kind of confusing in astrology. I think there’s quite a few words that are complete synonyms that mean exactly the same thing, but you’ll hear them used interchangeably. So I think it adds a layer of confusion for people who aren’t aware of the cosmological language. So if you hear natal chart or birth chart, it is the same thing. Just for viewers. So are you ready to start the reading?
Jordane Maree: Yeah, ready whenever you are. And obviously we spoke about this, but we do want to explore this in a way where someone, whoever is listening can really take some bits and pieces and take those as foundations to explore their own charts. I’m really, really excited to be coming from those perspectives as well.
Georgia: So I’ll do my best to kind of really share your story and we can kind of go into a little bit of chart lesson to unwind why I said what I said or anything that to help explain it. But so as I said before, Pluto is our soul. And so we’ll look starting from this place. And the first thing that comes to me when I look at your chart is that Pluto is retrograde. So the reason that retrograde planets are of interest and Mercury retrograde gets a lot of airtime, but every planet actually gets a retrograde at some interval. And Pluto spends retrograde about half of the year, five to six months a year. And when we go into a retrograde for any planet, those RE words get really important. And so we want to rethink, reconsider, reimagine, redo. We’re really coming into a more inward feminine place within it and we’re stepping out of the status quo consensus way of interpreting that planet.
And so it adds a layer into the chart and this can even be at a subconscious level, but that the native you wants to have a more accelerated pathway in your evolutionary process because that retrograde means that you’re, Pluto is the planet of death, regeneration, of destroying its Kali energy. So Pluto is always destroying anything that it touches that is not in alignment with the soul’s evolutionary path and desire. And so Pluto will have an extra emphasis in your chart because of that retrograde. And it’ll make your process even more individualized in how you evolve in this lifetime, which is very personally directed. And so also when we look at Pluto, you’ll have the sign and the house. And when we’re looking at the sign, it’s a generational placement. So because you’re at zero degrees and when we are at zero degrees, it also, or the last degrees, 30 degrees, 29 degrees, we also have an extra intensity in that energy as well. Because when you’re at the first or the last degree of any sign, it’s in that death birthplace, the end and the beginning place of a cycle. And so there’s an emphasis in the nature of that sign, yours being Sagittarius.
So it was just earlier that year, about three months before you were born that Pluto finally went into Sagittarius. So you’re really at the beginning of the souls that are entering in collectively, who are really trying to understand their cosmological connection to the universe. They want to have a metaphysical framework and philosophy where they’re able to bring meaning to their lives, to live a life of purpose and of connection to all that is, to nature, to every element within this planet. They want to be a part of it instead of separate. We’re coming out of cycles, a 500 year cycle where we had mechanistic thinking of seeing ourselves as parts, as machines. And now we’re starting to bring that back together. We’re starting to come into holism. And that generation of Pluto in Sagittarius, which is 1995 to 2008. In 2008, it shifted. So you might be a Pluto in Capricorn as well, if you’re born in 2008. But that whole generation of people came rising out of the Pluto and Scorpio generation that had been the underworld.
And is finally transcending from the depths of those challenging experiences into a perspective where it can be used, where we can understand the carnal and the shadow elements of humanity, but that there can be purpose in that. And then where it becomes specific to you and personal is your house placement. So yours is placed in the 11th house. And the 11th house is ruled by Aquarius. So this has the energy of detachment, of objectivity, of humanity, of coming into an interconnected dimension where we understand where we’re all part of one another and ultimately the desire here is to break free, to liberate ourselves from any limitation within our psyche, our emotions, our friendships and communities and groups and perspectives that are limiting us from our evolutionary growth. So anything that could potentially create a crystallization within your life of stagnation or a transformation. Anything that’s an outdated form of self-definition, particularly anything that happened in your early formative years with family, these are parts of you shedding your past.
And so there’s a really big ask in this lifetime for you to be willing, to be courageous enough to live outside of the expectations of what you were brought up in and to be evolving continuously through this lifetime. The Jordane that you knew as a teenager versus the Jordane that will be on your deathbed is going to be a very drastically different person if you are cooperating with your soul’s desire to continuously eliminate anything that is now the non you. So it’s a continuous evaluation as well to see what is no longer a self-definition that makes sense anymore or an association as well, whether that’s a group or a group of friends or a community that you belong in or technology that you’re using or anything that is arbitrary that you’ve defined yourself through. There’s a need for you to reject that and rebel against that and to detach from it so that you can continue to allow yourself to keep evolving every day forever. That is your work.
And so there can also be from that, you’re going to come in with these Aquarian feelings within you already. Some astrologers say when Pluto and Aquarius happened in 2023 and 2024 coming in, the Aquarian age will really start to come into this world. But you’re one of the early people here because you have this 11th house energy as well. So you’re already bringing in that kind of energy into the planet already. And you’ll have more people coming to join you soon to meet you in that space of the future and of interconnectivity and coming back into a place where our personal abilities to serve are actually used in the group’s benefit. And so there can be also a tendency from having that sort of Aquarian nature to you to sit on the sidelines or to observe and to witness other people living their lives. And that observer is important, with Sag and the Aquarius combined, there’s a kind of distance. There’s a kind of a outward space.
Sagittarius gets much more involved and is part of the fun and the play than Aquarius tends to be. But there’s this kind of awareness that’s built and objectivity that’s built from being on those sidelines of life and just seeing it, noticing it and communicating about what you notice by not being inside of it. There’s value to that and you are used to that. But at the same time, there’s a deep calling within the soul to belong and to find your group of people that you don’t have to be outside of watching, but you get to be on the inside with. You get to be on the inside with. And to really find that state where you feel part of that collective in this socialized purpose of being you. So even though there can be sort of a loner sense to it, you are in Aries as well. So there’s kind of a desire to be alone and to sort of check out and be in your fantasy or head and in your thoughts of what life’s meaning is. But the way in which we evolve in the soul is the Pluto polarity point. So the opposite point, 180 degrees, which is zero degrees in Gemini. And so that’s in your fifth house.
And so you are coming into this time where you have to, in this lifetime, take charge of your life and not just passively watch life happen, but to really initiate your life to be lived through your body, through your daily activities, through your creative expression and passions. So it’s really ultimately about taking charge of your own destiny and not allowing it to just happen to you or to find you, but to really, and that’s probably a habituation point is what you’re comfortable with. It’s what the soul knows is that there’s a certain way that life just finds you. But this time it’s no, girl, you’ve got to do the work. You’ve got to show up. You’ve got to really take charge and be the creative director of your show and decide where you want to direct that energy to so that you don’t just have these beautiful philosophical ideas about life and what it all could mean and how we all have context, but actually implementing those ideas of the future and what could be and what is from a larger perspective into the day-to-day perspective in life of the individual.
So we can’t just stop at thinking. We have to really come into the doing. And if you don’t come into the doing, then there will be this underlying dissatisfaction because you need to create, you need to make. That’s part of your directive in this life and to not wait for others to affirm you or to join you or to have your security in your yes come from everybody else in that group confirming that that’s what you should do. So coming out of that group mind and group thinking and into your heart and into what you just inherently know you need to create and to honor that creation process through your power and through your energy. So, as you continue into that direction you’ll naturally create an innovative and creative new path and whatever it is that you want to create that innovation and Aquarian energy will just flow into that and you’ll be an instrent of that power and become a truly effective leader, which is such a beautiful potential for yourself because we all know how much we need better leaders on this planet right now. So to really answer that call. And so before I kind of move into your nodes I wanted to just check in and see how any of that feels or is landing or resonates with you.
Jordane Maree: It absolutely resonates every word I Think I’m going to have to actually listen to this again also to really let it sink in. But so I just wanted to confirm. So we’re looking at the sign in the house what I didn’t realize you’re going to do is to go to the opposite sign in the opposite house and so that creates the sense of familiarity and incompatibility to almost where we’re almost coming from. Is that right?
Georgia: Well, so kind of yeah. So whenever we’re dealing with polarity points and every planet has one, but it just means the opposite. But Pluto polarity point is particularly important because the way in which the soul knows itself to be is that placement of the 11th house in Sagittarius. That’s what it knows of itself. However, it has spent too much time in that place at this point for any more growth to occur. So that’s why it’s habituation, that’s why it’s what you know, that’s why it’s the familiar, that’s why it’s comfortable, that’s why it resonates what I said. But the growth comes in by moving into the opposite because whenever we’re coming into the opposition, the other side of the pole, when we are in the third dimensional world of Saturn, time and space is separated. And so we have this three dimensional world where we have to look at linear points. And so we create a binary of polarity. And so anytime you’re looking at an opposition in a chart, keeping that basic principle of the universe in mind, the law of polarity always exists in this universe, meaning it’s a basic building block of it.
So if we have spent way too much time at one side of the pole in that extreme, the way to find balance means you have to come over to the other opposite. And in doing that, you might land in the middle way. So it’s like you’re so far in this direction, we can’t go that far anymore. And so evolution’s ask is to go in the opposite direction and that’s how you find balance. And so that’s true for every single planet. If you’re trying to understand what your basic natural tendency is, you can look and see where it’s placed. But if you want to grow and evolve in that tendency and get it to the next octave, then you need to move towards that opposition because that’s the discomfort. That’s what you don’t know yet because every pole, every axis is an integrated singular concept, but in our separated mind, we see them as opposing things. So it’s about the tertiary. It’s not about the binary. It’s about the tertiary. It’s about being able to integrate that whole into a unified singular concept.
So when we understand that and we apply that in any aspect of life, you can look at so many of these global political conversations being had about almost any topic and you see people on one extreme or on the other. They are staying in full duality and what they need to do, resolution happens when you realize that you’re having the exact same conversation in the opposite lens, but they are the same conversation, the same desire, the same principle is underlying both. We’re just coming at it in opposite ways. So if you can integrate that, coming back into wholeness is integration. So it’s been a separated, exploded concept. So you just have to bring it back together into the one and that’s where you find a place to diffuse that discomfort or that frustration. It goes into the next level of integration and understanding of what that is. So you see that represented in the birth chart through polarity points basically.
Jordane Maree: That makes me so excited. That is a whole new way of looking at the chart. And I feel like you’ve just opened this new door for me and I’m just going to sprint through it.
Georgia: So powerful. Just try it in your life in any concept because it’s we feel that inside of ourselves and there’s a dual nature inside of the soul. There’s the desire to return to source and there’s a desire to separate from source. Those are the only two desires of the soul ultimately. Separating desires are first house through sixth house. And that’s the archetype of those houses, not necessarily the placement of them, although they can be. But we’re separating meaning it’s an egoic desire. We need to get to know ourselves because we come from this unified place of oneness, Pisces, Neptune, the 12th house, or you could call that unity consciousness or the fifth dimension. And so we in that space where we’re unified, we can’t understand ourselves as an individuated part of that whole. So we incarnate in a separated dimension such as the earth and we experience all separating desires of the soul until the only desire that is left is to return to wholeness. That’s the only thing that is left to do. And then at that point in time, we stop incarnating here because this dimension doesn’t serve any more growth. So the polarity point has changed my life. So I hope that that helps other people too.
Jordane Maree: That’s incredible. I’m so excited to really just walk through that door and kind of go wild with exploring not just my chart, but lots of different things from that perspective.
Georgia: Let me know how that goes. I’m sure there’ll be some really good conversations. So let’s go into your nodes. So again, the nodes are the path that the soul will go on in order to fill those themes that we just talked about. And so in your past, you have the south node. Oh, hold on. No. Your south node is in Taurus. I was flipping it in my own head. So your south node. Your south node is in Taurus. So when we look at the south node in Taurus, it’s quite interesting to me that everything up here with Pluto and the soul’s desire in this lifetime has to do with elimination, letting go of, rejecting, moving away from, and has this really strong desire for progress essentially. And when we look at your south node in Taurus, that seems a really big balance point to that because Taurus can really get stuck. It can show past lifetimes where we’ve had an over focus on sustaining ourselves and a fear of letting go of things. When we get to the development point of Taurus, it’s when we first receive our bodies.
And so when we’re in the first house or in Aries, we’re just a spark of consciousness. We’re just pure desire at that point. When we get to the second house or Taurus, now we have a body. We get five senses and that’s how we enter the physical world. But once that happens, we realize, there’s all this stuff that it takes to sustain this body and keep it alive. So the second and eighth house is the survival axes. So also just to say when it comes to polarities, the real way, in my opinion, to look at the chart is actually only in six sections, not 12. Because the first and the seventh are connected, the second and the eighth. So each one of these axes tells a story. And so you see them as opposite to different zodiac signs, but they’re actually just the other half of the same story. So when we’re in the second house or the second and eighth house, which is the natural house of Taurus and Scorpio, you have it in fourth and tenth house positions. But the energy is of Taurus, which we finally just got that body.
And so we’re like, oh my God, it takes so much to keep this alive, to sustain it, to feed it, to clothe it, to house it, to make sure it’s not thirsty, to get it to sleep, to get it satisfied, to feel pleasure. All of these basic human needs start to come up in Taurus. And so the soul can really cling to the fear and loss of those things that sustain it, because it’s in a state of survival still. So it’s been in these sort of survival places in the past, which could have manifested as a life as this is in your fourth house, so it’s family. It’s part of how you spent a lot of your lives in the past. We’re in the home, and we’re part of a local community of relatives or lineage ancestors. There’s a lot of family karma here, and being able to live up to the expectations of the family in order to maintain safety and resources to survive. And so if we think about Gabor Mate’s work, he talks so much about the issue within children for authenticity or for love and safety. And so when we choose safety, we choose to do the thing that my parents said, because I need them to survive. I have to stop crying, or I have to go clean up my room, or I have to do whatever it is against my will so that I can maintain their support in my life, because I need them.
There’s a certain kind of childish nature that’s in the fourth house, because it is the house of the child, and it is family lineage home. It’s also the house of the mother. And so there is an ask in your life path this time around, because you had the comforts and security of home, of being taken care of, of being sustained by the family, that in this lifetime, you need to make decisions so that you can grow up, so that you can mature and sustain yourself, to take responsibility for your needs, and to support yourself authentically by being who you are through that 11th house, 5th house dynamic. So by truly being yourself and owning yourself at every level, especially your emotions and not allowing your emotional world or your physical world to overtake you, but to truly live in a place of your values, but also walking into the unknown and being able to evolve your value system so that you have the ability to merge with others outside of the family unit, outside of the known and the comfortable, and to merge power with others in a healthy way.
Allowing yourself to really be supported and helped, but not from the kind of dependencies of a child, but in the way that an adult can be supported by somebody. And if you are an emotionally mature adult, then that means I know how to take care of my own self-nurturing. And so I’m not coming to my partner asking for it. I know how to do that for myself. And so then we can not to say they can’t support you and help you emotionally, but you don’t need it in order to survive. And we start to feel that I’m going to lose my power in some kind of way or feel like there can be a fear of being controlled in this position as well, that if you hand over any of that to somebody else, that now they have this tool to manipulate you with or control you with. So there can be a strong fear of being dominated in this position, and that that’s not a bad thing to question yourself. It’s the more that you understand the person’s value system, then you can see if there’s actual alignment for you to receive support from that person without coming into the power dynamics that can occur that can be rather ruthless in that Scorpio energy.
So knowing how and when and who to ask for that help with and to be able to learn how to come out of that isolation of the self or the family and be able to come into deeper, more profound relationships where you’re also coming into deeper questions and probingās and understanding of yourself, not just at the physical or surface level, but really going into the psyche and understanding the deeper shadow motivations as to why you feel the need for whatever control it is in your life or why losing that would make you feel like you’re unable to sustain yourself. So there’s, because it’s in the fourth and the tenth house, there is that north node in the tenth house placement, which is really about finding your social function in society. And through that process, you’ll go through a very deep transformative, Phoenix rising kind of experience with the Scorpio. So your work is a real tool for you to move towards so that you can build the emotional maturity and re-parent yourself as well into a paradigm that maybe doesn’t have the same type of boundaries that your family of origin did, especially around sexuality, around gender, around pleasure and desire around the body.
And being able to have comfort within those taboos and to own them, to own your shadow, to own what is actually your perspective and the new you right now. It has that constant eliminating Pluto energy here is going to happen through you understanding your own deeper motivations at all of those sensory levels and psychological levels. How does any of that feel like?
Jordane Maree: It’s so much. it’s going to take me a little bit of a while to integrate all of this. There’s so much here. It’s incredible.
Georgia: The recording is really helpful. I think a lot of the times I really suggest people to just be as present as they can be in the reading itself. Some people like to take notes, some people don’t, but to just really be present and whatever comes in, it’s like I’m almost an Oracle, saying all kinds of things and whatever sort of pops into your consciousness, as I say what I say to go with that, to feed that, to feel into that and see what messages kind of come through that and whatever’s remembered is remembered. And then at some other point in time to have a second listen and you’ll always hear more than you heard the first time. Because it’s a lot.
Jordane Maree: So I did have a question then. So we’ve got the South Node in the fourth house. What does it mean to also have two other planets there with an emphasis of almost keeping me there, if that makes sense?
Georgia: Absolutely. Very good question. So in your situation, the way that the chart looks, they look clustered to the point that it’s a singular energy. But if you look, it’s 24 degrees Aries for both your Mercury and your Sun, but that’s nine degrees and a sign difference away from your South Node. So in your chart, it’s kind of more of an optical illusion of how the chart just sort of sits because nine degrees and a sign difference is too far away to call it a conjunction in this case. So, but to answer your question, if these planets were closer, especially a three-degree orb, meaning three degrees apart, so it would be two degrees to eight degrees of Taurus. But with personal planets and faster moving planets, you can even have up to 10 degreesā orb, but usually, especially if they’re in the same sign.
So when that’s the case and you have planets conjunct, conjunct means it’s within that orb or distance is another word for orb you could say. Then yes, the planets that are around that South Node need to be integrated in order for you to move towards that North Node. And so when we’re looking at the South Node, we’re also essentially discussing habituation for anybody. And so if we’re living in a subconscious or unconscious state, which even for people who are practicing consciousness, we still are largely only 5% conscious. So even if you expanded that to 10%, let’s say, or even 20, the majority of you is still unconscious. And that’s why most of the things we do don’t make sense to our conscious mind. Consciously, we wouldn’t make that choice, but we’re not coming from a conscious place in our choices most of the time. And so this is a place where we can really get stuck in the South Node because this is our deep habituation. And if you have a lot of planets next to your South Node, then there’s a lot anchoring you towards that habituation that needs to be integrated before you can move forward.
And on different people’s charts, there are different signatures that they’re kind of late bloomers, so to speak, that there’s a lot of work that needs to happen early in life. And then things will start to come later, maybe even the second Saturn return, which is closer to 60. So you don’t have that here. But even just being a Capricorn ascendant speaks to that actually a bit. So Capricorn ascendants or any strong signature of Capricorn, you have the 10th house North Node as well, which is Capricorn’s home house. So no matter how far you already are in your life at a mere 27 years, we arenāt seen nothing yet from you. And you haven’t seen it from yourself. No matter how much you think yourself already, you still don’t. You haven’t even had your Saturn return yet. So if we come into some transits here. So you’re almost a whole sign away from your Saturn return. You’ve got about two years before you hit it. Saturn return typically does happen around 29.
So for anybody who’s listening to this and hasn’t had their Saturn return, I think one of the most important things to know is that you aren’t even fully here yet. Saturn is our builder and each one of these houses that it goes through is an area of the psyche. We all share these 12 areas and they all have to be developed. And the development happens as Saturn transits through them. Transit just means moves. And so until that Saturn return, a return means that it’s coming back to the same place it was when you were born. So a solar return is your birthday. The sun is coming back to the same place it was when you were born. A new moon is a return it’s coming, it’s finishing a cycle. So same kind of energy. And so as it’s going around each level of your psyche, you’re not fully formed until that full cycle happens. So you’re not totally, you don’t even totally know yourself yet. Saturn is going through your second house now, which is your South Node’s ruler Taurus here. That’s their house.
So this is the house of self-worth, of our values, of what we deserve, our pleasure, our bodies, our sensuality. There’s so much about the core values and needs of you that you’re just now starting to build. And you’re doing it in Aquarius style because Aquarius rules your second house. And so there’s a liberating that’s happening as this comes through here. Everything that’s within your value system at this point in time is something that you could say your soul hasn’t fully brought in yet. It’s coming from other conditioning in places. And so you’ll get to really understand your own worth and your own perspective and just really how to sustain yourself and take care of yourself. That will come through here. So I say that to just if you haven’t had your Saturn return yet, be kind to yourself. You might not really know all kinds of things about yourself or what to do with your life or feel like I haven’t put it all together yet and why am I so late or whatever. But that’s based on some other ridiculous paradigm that we don’t live in anymore.
We don’t die at 30. So you don’t need to be coming from that perspective, judging your life’s process. We live a lot longer. We have more time to expand and evolve ourselves in each of these development periods. And all that you’re doing right now until you’re 29 is bringing in karma. You’re bringing in the karma of past lives so that it’s not in the subconscious and unconscious, but in your conscious and because you’ve had the personal physical experience in this lifetime. And so now that you’re conscious of it, once you hit that Saturn return, now you’re finally in this lifetime doing the work that the soul came here to do on that karma. So you’re going to set up your lifetime with your parents and your family of origin and where you were born and what country you were born into and what religion or spirituality or lack thereof that you were raised in and all of the traumas and problems and heartaches that need to come in so that you can heal them in this lifetime and do that work and grow in that 30 to 60-year-old period, particularly as doing that work. So just be super patient with yourself.
Jordane Maree: That’s nice. I often have these crises that feel like these existential crises of what is it that I do want? How do I not know what path I want to walk on? It kind of feels like I will never stop getting to know myself, but even just knowing that Saturn is still kind of moving through my chart, developing that awareness of self that is very comforting to know.
Georgia: I was comforted by finding that out myself. And also if you’re 32, just think of yourself as three years old. You don’t know what to do. You don’t have no idea what to do at three. Girl, you’re still trying, give yourself a chance. And that’s kind of the cool thing too, when you’re looking at the cycle development, once you hit that Saturn return, you can look at it as starting at zero so 29 to 30 is zero to one. So that 29 to 30-year-old year is going to be reflective of your birth year until you became one years old and so on and so forth. So what’s great once you have the Saturn return is now you actually have reflection points that are in this lifetime. And so you actually have the ability to be conscious of them. Of course, as we get older and you’re 45, then you can look back until 30 years before that was 15, being 16 years old and be well, what was going on when I was 16? Because it’s reflective of what’s going on now. You start being able to have those points where you can look back and create connections and add to the story at a different level.
Jordane Maree: That’s so incredible.
Georgia: The other thing to really say to you about your transits is that, and speaking to what you just said about sometimes not feeling like you have those answers, it’s not just your Saturn placement. It’s also because Pluto just entered your first house. And you have to remember that Pluto is that Kali energy that is coming in to destroy what is not aligned with your soul, even though your ego might be extremely attached to it. And in fact, if your ego is attached to it, that’s what is going to get taken away, period. But especially because you have this contract in the 11th house of ultimate elimination and your North Node is in Scorpio, which is also about elimination, you are here to really master a state of groundlessness so that everything can be removed from you and you do not feel abandoned by God, goddess, universe, source, however you call it, where you’re not shaken emotionally. That doesn’t mean you’re numb and void, but that you understand that your sustenance.
When we look at that South Node in Taurus, the fear comes because it believes that my ego or my own physical efforts are what sustains me. And so it can be lost. I can lose my ability to work. I can lose my health. I can lose my money. I can lose my body, whatever. But if you are aligned with the perspective that you are simply a channel of unlimited, infinite power to sustain you at all times in all ways and all things, then that can’t be taken away. If your association is coming from something that is timeless, then the things that are affected by time are of non-consequence. And so you can find a deeper sense of peace in what is, and to not be attached to the comings and goings of the material world. And so this is an opportunity. Pluto is a 248-year cycle. It does not get a return in this lifetime. So the planets that — or the houses, rather, that it comes through is extremely important to look at because it helps you understand the areas of life that you deeply want to transform at a soul level.
And so in the first house, anything that you are using to define your identity, your ego, your personality, the way in which you feel like you inherently know yourself, this is what’s getting the big reformation in your life right now. And when we cross that ascendant line into this first house, there’s a very strong energy shift here and a potency. I have seen many, many, many times ā and I actually came to astrology myself when Pluto crossed into my first house. I’m also Capricorn rising. Me and Jordan were not born on the same day, but somehow we have a lot of very similar pieces in our chart. And so when that happened to me, I lost an understanding of how life worked and who I was and what life is about and what means anything. And you have to remember that 12-house cycle, this is the end. So it’s like we’re coming into a new beginning. This is a brand new sphere. So when things are in that first house, you have to give yourself the ability to work with your instincts and to not have the answer.
And that’s really hard for the soul, especially when it’s sitting in Capricorn, because at that placement, it wants to understand if it’s worth doing before it does it. But you don’t have those answers here. You have to do without knowing the answer and just trusting your instincts, because this is a time to experience new, things that you’ve never had happen before, things that will turn yourself upside down and in and out as you learn the depth of who you really are and that spark that lives inside of you. And it’s hitting on all of that Aries energy that your sun sign has in the fourth house. So it’s also square to your sun. So having a sun square Pluto is another sign of kind of this ego death kind of experience. And ultimately, that’s all there for you to shift that orientation into your soul body and to realize that your physical body, your name, the way you look and anything else that defines you in this lifetime is just another outfit you’ve tried on as a soul to experience and express what you need to experience and express.
And that personality has limitations. It has opportunities. And you’ll keep it as long as it’s allowing you to keep evolving through that character. But right now, your character is getting deeply changed. And you have it also conjunct Neptune, which is also part of that spiritualizing aspect and also where a lot of confusion really comes from. When we hit those Neptune cycles, we can really get into the fogginess and feel lost and unsure and can feel abandoned by God or left in some kind of way or feel not connected or question our connections. And we also at a higher octave can be in this place of really channeling so much spiritual energy into our physical world and environment here in Capricorn, and especially in our work. So I know you wanted to talk a little bit about work in this life for you and career and purpose. And when we kind of take all of what we’ve talked about into context, you’ve got your sixth house and your tenth house ruled by air signs. You’ve got Mercury on your sun. You’ve got two planets in the third house.
All of these are signatures of communicating and of talking or writing or speaking. But in the third house is ruled by Pisces. So that’s a nonverbal form of communication. And so you have a style within your writing that’s very ephemeral and dreamy and nonlinear and isn’t the standard kind of way that we think about Mercury, which is a lot more rational, logical kind of communication. It’s that left brain, rational mind. But here with this Pisces energy, you can really bring this beautiful style of communication and bring out the beauty of the unseen world and that a lot of what you want to talk about is that unseen world. And really bringing it, because when we also look at the rulers of our North and South node, it gives another layer of understanding this. So it’s like the ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, so it brings us back here. And Sagittarius is philosophy, cosmology, the metaphysical world, various cultures and practices for spiritual achievement or experience and very much the experience of it.
To me, it feels like there’s a need for you to talk about what you’re doing within your own spiritual evolution and sharing that, sharing the nonverbal aspects and experiences of that and finding a way to discuss that or share that, express that. And that can be through dance, that can be through movement, it can be through art, it can be through all of these other forms of performance and communication that are nonverbal. But your experience itself and the innovations that you try and the way that you come into different kinds of collective community through those experiences and spiritual groups is part of what the career metamorphosis will be around and with, which clearly you’ve started on that journey already. So it feels to me based on your chart that there’s a lot of alignment in all of that. And your moon is right on your MC as well. It actually is the exact same degree. So the MC starts the career house of the 10th house and being able to really bring an emotional, personal perspective to your work is really important for your satisfaction.
And to really talk about it from a balanced perspective, a harmonious perspective, even though you’re really bringing light to taboo topics. I don’t know what I keep seeing in my head while I’m talking about that is people dancing around a fire and it being dark at night and ritual and ceremony happening in these spaces, which is a beautiful thing in my perspective, but is a taboo thing within mainstream culture. So being able to bring balance to that conversation through bringing up ritual and ceremony and the ways that we’ve traditionally come into transformative experience together collectively is part of what can be talked about, especially through your own personal experience of doing those things and sharing those things. And speaking about the beauty of it, there is beauty in going into your own underworld and feeling the dark feelings that you may not have felt permission or allowed to touch because that South Node in Taurus had such a focus on survival and doing what it needed to do to sustain itself, working on the land or whatever it was that really sustained and created your existence that it didn’t really give the opportunity to go into those deeper layers. And so this lifetime is really an exploration in going deeper into your psyche and your needs and being able to express that and share that with others.
Jordane Maree: Hello, beautiful. It is Jordane sliding in here to share a little bit about one of our favorite offerings and creations, our flow with the Moon membership. An intention that I’ve always held for this membership is for it to be a sanctuary, a sanctuary and a safe space for you to dip in and out of whenever you’re feeling called to hear the whispers of your soul, whenever you’re feeling called to re-energize yourself with your own energy, whenever you’re feeling called to understand something with greater clarity or release what you’re ready to be free from. This membership is a sacred space for exploration of self, for transformation and for beautiful healing. Each month a new guide is uploaded that has the space for soul exploration, journal prompts and intention settings, a new energy ritual created by me, a live full moon circle, a monthly tarot reading and astrology overview and when the inspiration comes, intermittent bonus rituals and collaborations, just like this month in August with our bonus Lions gate Portal ritual and reading.
We have explored topics like breath work, akashic records, nerology, past lives, tapping, wealth, inner child healing and so much more and of course, lots of astrology. I would love to invite you into this sacred space if you feel the resonance in your energy and in your body saying yes. You can find us at and join us from there. And now getting back to today’s episode. That’s incredible. I really do. I feel like my greatest understanding or not even understanding but exploration of self does really come through that balanced perspective of the moon of Libra in that 10th house and then sharing it. It’s everything you said. I feel like I literally cannot help but share from a completely personal and very almost vulnerable place in my work. I’ve tried to do it other ways and I get absolutely zero fulfillment from it. And you do really just bringing that all together to me and I’m oh I have permission to be that way almost.
Georgia: I feel a lot of the times our charts affirm us and largely we have not been invited to trust our intuition. That Pluto and Sagittarius is also about that is trusting the intuitive voice and being able to take action on that intuition. You come in with an ability to do that. And coming into your more rational mind and being able to ground it into a logical framework is part of the ask for this lifetime. It’s part of the growth is coming into the other side of your mind. That’s more rational and can bring a structural kind of integrity of acts connected with that intuition, which is just sort of that mental superpower where you really kind of master in a sense the complexities of truth and fact and realize that they’re two different things. And because that Sag has to really realize that truth is a subjective experience. There is no fact in any truth because that’s personal.
Where Gemini, the polarity point here is helping you bring facts to the intuitive part of it because the beauty of this moment, of course, is that we have quantum science and the quantum world that can explain so much of our spiritual experience now. So being able to hybridize that and to do it in your own creative way is part of that creative expression actualizing. So I invite you to go more into quantum physics and other qualitative sciences that can kind of ground some of that inherent knowing that you already have. And the more that you share these things, that’s how you find your community, coming back to that desire to belong and to find your people. So I think the fact that you created a community-based program or business is also highly aligned. I think even though you’re going to be going through a lot of identity crises through the next couple of decades as you have Pluto transiting your first house, it’s something you got to work with. But there’s a lot of reward to it.
I’m about to be towards the end of mine and a whole different person has emerged that I feel much more authentically aligned with. It’s a challenging but worthy process. And anyone I know who’s gone through it has felt similar. So it’s a great time to be in support and work with your practices. But as you go through that underworld within your own self to allow yourself to try lots of different tools for you to experience yourself through, this is the time to really just allow yourself to have lots of new things. And it doesn’t really matter how long you work with them or you don’t. You’ll see what you want to really work with long term. But you’ve got to give yourself the chance to just try. And you can have a lot of issues within relationship during this period as well because there’s a real need for freedom and independence during this time. So let your partner know that they need to be very understanding of your ability to metamorphosize and to move freely and do what you need to do because you’re in a very me place in your life right now. Their self-focus is needed sometimes.
It’s not inherently selfish. It’s important to have self-focus. And this is a period, especially when you’re hitting these transits. I mean, Zero Degrees Aquarius is going to happen March of 2023. And then there’ll be some retrogrades and Pluto will officially be in Aquarius in 2024. So I say that because while Pluto is interacting with both of these planets, any time a transit is hitting another planet, that’s where you get a really bursty, zingy kind of challenge. So right now with Neptune, you’re really having a very deep spiritual moment with yourself and your environment and your world and seeing your environment through different eyes. But there can be a lot of confusion within that. And that confusion is evoking that self-knowing. So allow yourself to just keep asking the questions. And with Uranus, when Uranus comes in, that can have that lightning bolt energy where next year you can really eliminate anything that is not serving you anymore and all kinds of relationships.
So we’re not just talking about partners, but any kind of relationship, including our relationships to ideas, to philosophies, to techniques and tools, all of these kinds of relationships that are not serving you anymore, there’s going to be a very big purge at that point. And after that, you have no more planets for a long time. So you’re going to get a little bit of a break. So know that the next through 2024 or early 2024, you’ve got some deeper challenge in this process, but then it’ll chill out a little bit from there without looking at all of your transits and stuff, but that will kind of ease up.
Jordane Maree: So how long, you said a few decades, how long does Pluto take to move through each sign?
Georgia: Well it’s an elliptical orbit. So that means that it varies with every sign. And when it’s at Scorpio, it’s the shortest, I believe. And when it’s at Taurus, it’s the longest. I think that it’s those two, but I know this side of the chart is the shorter. So Scorpio was 84 to 95, and then Sag was 95 to 2008, and then Capricorn was 2008 to 2024. And then Aquarius is going to be, I believe, 22 years. So it’s just increasing with every one now. So as it keeps increasing, the longer Pluto’s going to stay in any of those houses and experiencing that, which is also why I say, you might not even get it past the third house in your lifetime, because that would be another 60 years or longer, maybe 70, 80. So that’s why in your chart, the first quadrant is self-development. So this self-development process in this lifetime is really, you’re creating a new you. And so a lot of freedom and instinct is getting developed and worked on in this lifetime, especially because you also are an Aries sun.
And with that Aquarian 11th house placement of Pluto, to be able to live in a very untethered and freeway is extremely important for you. And anybody that you partner with needs to be able to support that or even thrive through that kind of detachment or separation, really living your own lives and then sharing together in moments. But there has to be a lot of trust so that you can ebb and flow in your own pace, not always linked.
Jordane Maree: It’s funny because my mind was just going to a conversation that my partner and I had recently about really living in that untethered way. And I don’t just mean in our relationship, I mean as a whole. And that need to really just be whoever I am in that moment without being tied to the past identities that I’ve also experienced and almost characterized myself and experienced those ways of being alive through. Now I’m just experiencing this new way of being alive and I don’t think that will ever change. And you’re kind of affirming that very much. So I wanted to ask if someone was looking at their chart or in a more looking at transits, would you recommend Pluto being one of the transits that they really dive deep into?
Georgia: Yes. And I say that especially because it’s like there’s so many planets that are moving all the time and that is great. There’s a lot to look at. I completely value looking at the daily movements of things. But when we’re looking at outer planets, Pluto being the most far out, and outer planets just means everything past Saturn. So Saturn is the earth, the world. And then Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are past that. So that’s how you can look at the chart too. The 10th house is kind of the end of the seen world because we can see Saturn without a telescope. And then we start moving into outer space and then into the infinite waters here in 12th house. So when we look at those outer planets, we are looking at longer periods of time. And so they’re longer periods of development. And especially if astrology can feel a little overwhelming paying attention to all the things that are happening all the time, I have always felt very passionate about focusing on those outer planets or Saturn and further back because that really helps you understand that period in a more foundational way.
And then the personal planets that are moving quicker are kind of based, you have to frame it with the outer planets and then you understand what those inner planet movements actually mean based on the outer. So they’re bigger themes in your life. And if you’re feeling lost, not to say a Mercury transit it’s not going to help you understand what’s going on. But I think it’s kind of a greater importance or deeper importance to look at Pluto or Uranus or Neptune or Saturn.
Jordane Maree: And it’s almost as if they get a little bit less of attention in the more mainstream astrology that we see.
Georgia: And I think that depth is basically why because it’s if you want to just talk about fluffy things, then we can stay on the surface, which is the personal planets. It’s fun. We can make a lot of memes about it. It’s really shareable. And I think most of us are caught up in the distraction of the constantly moving things. And it helps you build lots of social posts and lots of interactions if you’re looking at all of those things changing all the time. And they have value. I’m not saying that the surface level or the lighter topics don’t have value. They do. But the really deep work in using astrology to know yourself intimately and to master your life and to find your purpose and satisfaction and meaning that you’ve got to go with some of the more outer planets. And even I would include Jupiter in that. When you get into the transpersonal, ninth through the 12th houses and all of the signs and planets that are associated with those, so that includes Jupiter, then you really are getting some more big picture things because even Jupiter has a 12-year return cycle. So a 12-year period is a solid period of time to work on. And so that can really help you when there’s a certain area of your life that you’re trying to expand, for instance, or break through. And what growth means for you, you can look at your Jupiter transits.
Jordane Maree: That’s really exciting. I was just trying to grasp where my Jupiter is transiting at the moment. So it’s moving to my third house.
Georgia: Yes. And when we’re in this part of the house. The third house is Gemini’s house. So it’s about communication. It’s about connecting with your environment, brothers and sisters, neighbors, but really trying to make sense of the world around you. And with Aries, it’s very much your own personal environment. And for you, because it’s about to come into your IC, that’s your deepest root security part of yourself. So it’ll be coming into that. And it can really be expanding your awareness, your consciousness about those deeper depths of your own needs to feel safe and secure and what nurtures you. And because Aries rules your fourth house as it gets into that, it can really kind of expand things within your own family and lineage roots and what has been just kind of bringing your attention and evolving your perspectives around your family, and what family even means, and what you want out of family. And you’re going to start to really open your mind and rise into a different kind of perspective in that area.
So you can have a lot of, while you’re in the third house, have a lot of insights on how to communicate in different ways that are also direct and more targeted or more effective. Pisces rules your third house, as we talked, and there’s this sort of nonlinear form of communication, but Aries gets right to it. It’s like super blunt, just as it doesn’t filter, and has an ability to really direct itself. So right now you can really be kind of having some expansion in that part of your communication style too, and seeing it in a different way, and seeing where there are any barriers within yourself around communication.
Jordane Maree: There’s been a lot of themes around communication coming up lately, actually. Lately as in, I would say, the last month or two, maybe?
Georgia: Let’s see. How long has it been there? Here for a little while. It came in in March. So that was the more ephemeral side of that part of your chart, but other things might have come up at that point because it was interacting with Saturn and Venus. And that was at the end of March kind of thing. So potentially finding new ways to really talk about the unseen, or the mysteries of life.
Jordane Maree: Well, I literally started this podcast around then.
Georgia: Oh there you go. It was a new way to share. And it seemed it was very value-driven for you. Venus was right there.
Jordane Maree: Oh, that’s so funny watching it come together. Can I ask you about a certain something? It’s not a planet. Chiron, or is it a planet?
Georgia: Which thing?
Jordane Maree: Chiron.
Georgia: Chiron. Chiron is an asteroid.
Jordane Maree: So I have been kind of desiring more depth of understanding of Chiron, and I’m struggling to find it a little bit. So I’d love to hear about your perspective.
Georgia: It’s one of the more recent findings, and I also agree that it is pretty hard to find much talked about it. And Jeffrey Wolfgreen, who’s the founder of Evolutionary Astrology, he stopped working in the early 2000s. Chiron was found in the 70s, but he didn’t really bring it into the work very much. So I’m dying to know more about how Pluto and Chiron interact with each other from that point of view. But so if anyone knows, please send me that. I really want to know. But from what I do know about Chiron is that, it is the glyph, the symbol, looks a key. And it truly, from what I found, is the key that unlocks the chart, because Chiron is your deepest core wound. And so it’s the root of the root of the root of the symptoms that you’re experiencing in your life. And so when Chiron is in Virgo, as you have, then, and it’s also in the ninth house, there can be a fear that your value is only coming from what you produce.
And that there can be a workaholism that’s embedded in you because you want to be of service, you want to be helpful, you want to be value, you want to be of service. And because that doing aspect of it is so strong, you can fear that you don’t have that inherent worth on your own and within the ninth house, having a belief system or a framework that validates that fear. And kind of, did you have a family where if you, even as a kid, slept in as a child on a weekend that you were told to get up and help with, work in the house?
Jordane Maree: Yeah, very much.
Georgia: So it’s like I said, you have South Node fourth house, you have all of these family patternings that have taught you a certain way to live in the world as we all do. But especially with this South Node here, there can be such a strong part of your own emotional security being relied upon connecting to the way that the family does it or how you were taught. And so, a lot of your liberation in this lifetime is from breaking away from family paradigms and thinking and belief systems and developing your own creative path and belief on how things need to work. So, there’s a purging and a purification process that has to happen within this sort of construct within yourself so that you understand that, that you deeply, deeply understand. I’m sure at a conscious level you understand already, but that you deeply understand that you are more than what you produce. And just by being you, you are providing what is needed in service to others.
And that yes, hard work is important and having humility is important, but also naming and claiming your contributions and owning that and not feeling like you’re taking up too much space or that you’re trying to put too much eyes on you or take too much credit. It’s like you’re allowed to receive that attention. You’re allowed to be known for the effort that you also did put in. So too much humility, too much lack of ownership, and being able to really, there’s a lack of kindness in that as well for yourself. It’s important to serve other people, but what about serving you and honoring your soul and what you are? So, Chiron is a really big one in anyone’s chart. And I think if you are feeling really stuck. You also have Chiron opposite Saturn and Venus here. So, actually going back to this transit this Neptune transit here. Really questioning your parents and particularly either your father or whoever was the disciplinarian within your family. It doesn’t have to be gendered.
And the way in which they created these homespun belief systems within you that created limitations within you to feel allowed to express yourself. And really coming into your own spiritual values as a way to make those decisions from so Saturn and Venus, are really wanting to get evolved here spiritually. Neptune just passed them in the last several months or last year, but that could have been very activated and a feeling or a need to go into workaholism, which also can really just be self-avoidance really. It’s like we have some really tricky things inside of us where we’re controlling our environment or controlling our ability to ask those deeper questions and probe within ourselves by being filled up with lots of things that seemingly sound really important and good ways to spend time, but might not be the actual call to action in that moment in time in your life. And so there can be a lot of self-avoidance within that sort of energy as well.
And where you can really become your own worst enemy or your deepest critic, where that you can never really feel proud of yourself and where it can feel hard to really give yourself that pat on the back. And Virgo is a purification sign. It’s a beautiful point in the chart to initiate yourself and to build that humility and that sense of service. But we can also become our own worst enemies in that space too, when we’re going through that refining process with too harsh of criticism. There’s a very harsh critical voice inside that is wanting to soften and get a little bit more graceful and to forgive yourself, to really come into that forgiveness and for anything that you weren’t able to accomplish. Chiron is transiting in Aries right now. And so that has a kind of need to, Aries worst fear is not being able to penetrate, is not being able to create what it wants. It has an impotence fear inside of it. So to really be able to forgive ourselves for not in the fourth house, not being able to make what our parents maybe wanted us to make with our time or do with our time or our career. So or anything else that has not manifested the way that you hoped it would, to be able to really offer yourself that forgiveness or not being able to do whatever it was.
Jordane Maree: I was actually going to ask you if there were transits that were kind of playing off my natal Chiron and you went straight into it, because when you mentioned it, I was like this has been coming up more recently, more than a year ago, for example. So thank you for going into that.
Georgia: It’s about to be a quincunx aspect. So it’s a very uncomfortable aspect. It’s very challenging. So but what’s great about that is that when we have those uncomfortable aspects is that it provides focus for things it’s uncomfortable enough that I pay attention to it. And there’s a lot to learn because there’s no element or mode that is the same within a quincunx 150 degree angle. And so we’re coming from two very different perspectives and they have a lot to teach each other. One is not more valid than the other. So Virgo is a very different kind of nature than Aries is, but they both have a lot to teach each other. So you can certainly be feeling that and Chiron doesn’t move super quickly either. So it stays for a while.
Jordane Maree: So if someone’s looking at their chart and they want to understand their Chiron a little bit better, obviously we start with house and we start with a sign.
Georgia: And aspect. It’s always house, sign, aspect for everything. And then you can also go to the ruler of that sign or house or the planet that rules the sign or the house to get a next layer of understanding on it as well. But I mean chart synthesis is, it takes time to develop that. There’s a lot of different symbols that you need to know a lot about before you can synthesize them into something that is accurate or that makes sense. So not to say that somebody shouldn’t do that, but it can be a little confusing. So if you can’t, just looking at the house can tell you a lot, just looking at the sign can tell you a lot. And if you Google search that and you’re trying to find that out, Chiron in Aries, and then you can also Google Chiron in the fourth house, and then you can kind of bring those two pieces of information together and come to understand what that means for you. And then you can go into the aspects, but just sometimes that’s just a little too much for somebody who’s newer. I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed. So add as many of those layers as you feel like it until the story kind of unfolds and you get the aha.
Jordane Maree: Well, it really is a story, isn’t it? When you’re looking at a chart.
Georgia: You’re reading somebody’s story basically. And I think that’s the difference also when you’re getting a reading with somebody versus downloading a reading from an automated site. Because when you are doing the download, they’re looking at everything separated. It’s very Gemini. It’s all separated and it’s in this functional equation. So you’ll get Chiron in the fourth house and you’ll get Chiron in Aries, but it won’t get synthesized together. Sorry, I can’t stop coughing. But it won’t get synthesized together. It will only, and even further, not just those two things getting synthesized together, but then also that in context with everything else that’s happening. Because what you’ll see, especially in a lot of the downloadable charts is that you’re seeing just a lot of conflict. Something will say you’re shy and something will say you’re outgoing. Well, the truth is that probably in different scenarios you are shy and in other scenarios you’re outgoing. But we’re more complex than we want to tell our own story. We’re just no, I’m an introvert. And then it’s kind of flat, but that’s not really true.
So that’s why you get those contradictions. And then if you were to look at the house, the house is the area of life that that occurs in. So if it’s in the fourth house, then we’re dealing with family roots, lineage, ancestry, security ultimately. And so that shyness maybe within your home, as an example, is very different than it being in your 11th house where it’s you might feel very socially shy and kind of feel, what’s the word? Not social paralysis, but when you’re scared to go out in general and you feel uncomfortable socially. So it can, depending on what house, it helps you understand the fuller context of that particular symbol or idea. But then if you have the reading, then a reader brings that all together and can understand that complexity and share that with you in a way that actually tells a deeper story. That’s kind of the job of the reader. And also why it’s important for you to resonate at some level with the person who’s reading for you. Don’t just let anybody read your chart. They’re sharing their perspective of what they see. And even if they’re a channel, they’re still limited in their own humanity.
So be cognizant of your own intuition and gut feelings when you are selecting that person to read for you and really see if that you want to see yourself through their eyes, because it might not be a filter that is supportive for you. And remember that anything that your reader says as well as a potential, don’t give your power away to them thinking that they know more about you than you do. So there has to be a certain kind of discernment for sure.
Jordane Maree: I’m so glad that you brought that up. That’s something that I think is so important. And I mean, not just in astrology, in there’s such an emphasis at the moment. And I didn’t write this is just because it’s the world that I’m in and the things that I see. But going to healers, going to coaches, going to astrologers, human design, all of these different things. And we just have to be so careful about first why we’re going to those people. Are we searching for something outside of ourselves? Are we giving our power away? And then also exactly like you said, do you resonate with the experience of this person with the lens that they’re coming from? And those two questions I think are so important before approaching any sort of interaction where you’re letting someone explore who you are.
Georgia: Absolutely. Now, if you’re inviting them into your sphere, your personal sphere, even body workers, or any kind of energy worker, is that an energy you want to invite into your sphere? Have healthy boundaries about that. Absolutely, super important. Just because somebody reads tarot or human design or astrology or any of these things, that does not inherently mean anything about them other than that they read it. So be discerning and sustain your own power. Come from a healthy place as you enter in that because otherwise these absolutely can also be tools for manipulation. And we’re always planting spells. Every time we speak, a spell is getting planted. So you have to be very discerning and very careful how you’re counseling somebody with their chart and what you see. And it takes time to build that discernment as well. I studied astrology for, I don’t know, 14 or 12 or something years before I started reading for people. It’s important to hone your craft.
This is an incredibly delicate and the most vulnerable place that somebody is allowing you to access as a reader. And they are coming to you with hopes, usually. They have something going on that is conflicting within them that they’re looking desperately for an answer for usually. And so for them to come to you to make sure to share the information that you see in a way that is actually empowering is not inherent in and of any of these methodologies. Some schools are more focused on that and some people are more aware of the power they have in their hands. But not everybody is. And it takes time to build that awareness too. So that’s okay. And sometimes you build it through harming somebody. I had a really weird, subconscious guilt that I could not explain to myself. I still can’t fully. But I was told in one of my first chart readings that I had come into astrology much too young in a previous lifetime. And that I had harmed people through that work. And that I lost myself in a certain way through the work.
And so he gave me this warning to not go too fast, even though I was super excited about it the moment I found it. And I don’t know if I took that advice a little too literal and a little too long. But I’m glad that I realized how valuable it is. Because I think especially nowadays as all of these things are becoming more and more used at a consensus level and in mainstream culture. And because people have such an immediate need to have a quick fix or a knowing so that they can satisfy their insecurity of not knowing, that people are moving way too fast in general into these roles that they don’t really have the tools to truly support people through. Part of that just comes with life experience. And it has nothing to do with how smart you are or head of the game you are or how fast you learned something. You need to be humbled. Everybody does through life so that you can interact with people and your life and yourself in a way that is actually filled with that humility and filled with that reverence for the complexities and the delicacies that are embedded inside of each of these pieces.
You need to live life before you start counseling people in my opinion. And that’s what I did for myself because that was a value to me. It was so important to me that I did no harm for anybody in this life. And I think that that’s part of why I gravitate towards EA because there’s nothing predictive about it. It just helps you understand the themes, the archetypal themes of what’s going on. And within that, you can hear what you hear and take from it what you take from it. But it also creates sort of a concept of the world and how it works in the seen and the unseen and their connectivity that helped me navigate life. And so it resonated with me in a lot of ways, but I think counseling people through life and counseling people through that lens feels really good because I think there’s a lower potentiality of casting some kind of spell on somebody. I had a reading from somebody not that long ago and she was like just so if you try to get pregnant, you’ll probably have a miscarriage. And I was like that’s a spell.
Now you planted in my subconscious that there’s this really large chance that I might have a miscarriage. I have black moon lilies in my fifth house, which is a sign of that. But just because that’s in my fifth house does not mean that I necessarily am going to have a miscarriage. Is that potentially a good thing to be aware of so that I can plan accordingly and pad myself in all ways to make the most conducive environment to getting pregnant if that’s something I even ever want to do? Sure, but you can frame it in that way that’s gentle, not just this stab of just so you’re probably not going to conceive naturally, so you should intend to have children another way. It’s like I’ve never even tried before. So and people say that all the time because I think there are those kinds of things because I think the ego side of being a reader is being able to say something that the other person then affirms without in this magic kind of way. They don’t know how I’m reading this chart and somehow I just knew this really deep thing about them.
And so my ego wants to be affirmed where it’s validated. It’s like that was right. And so we try to say anything that we can for the shock value of that ego hit. And that is just a recipe for planting a lot more harm in the world than was probably intended. That person didn’t mean that I’m sure, but it’s something that I anyway, ethically don’t feel is something that should be said or it needs to be framed in a very special package to take into consideration all of that. And only when it is worth sharing with somebody. So that discernment is really important on both sides.
Jordane Maree: I’m shocked at what you just said. So how did you transition into reading for other people and with all of that internal. I’m not sure if caution is the right word. There’s a better word. I can’t grasp it right now.
Georgia: It was definitely caution for sure. Well, I started realizing that I really couldn’t go further in my studies without reading charts. That there’s a next level of understanding that could only happen through that process. And in typical Aries fashion as I am, I largely just did astrology studies for myself. Because again, I was just trying to understand me and I wasn’t really that concerned about reading for anybody else, especially after I got that original statement from my teacher. But at some point I was even for myself, I’m not able to read everything here enough to really understand it. I only understand it in isolation. So I wanted to take it to the next level. It was my own curiosity with it all. And I also felt like I needed to, in a way that I couldn’t explain. I knew that there was an opening path through that process. I was definitely wanting to create new portals of income. And I just felt like maybe this was the thing that I was really supposed to be doing this whole time.
I used to do sacred space design and I loved that. And there’s a lot within my chart and within myself that felt really good about it. But I also got a lot of feedback through the process that there wasn’t as much as it on the surface seemed great. There was something about it that was really not matching. My idea of what it was, was great. But the day-to-day work that went into actually doing it felt out of alignment with who I am. No, there wasn’t anything wrong with it, but I just could never seem to get it to pull together in a way that felt truly authentic. And what I realized is that I love to talk about ideas. I love ideas in and of themselves. I’m very much an idea person. And I love to converse and to share and to really go in it, in the mind with people. I’m not a very surface level person in general. I just the depth. My moon is in the eighth house. And my son is also in the third house. And I don’t know. I was like you know what? I actually think I want to just talk with people. That’s the part of the process that I love.
And I’m also a Kundalini yoga teacher and I’ve trained in yoga therapy and tons and tons of other things. And I wanted to have a platform to kind of bring that all together and support people in a more whole way. So it just felt the next layer of my own service and my own exploration. And so by kind of committing to it professionally, it really gave me the time and the focus to go deep and take it there. And the pandemic also happened. And I realized, you know what? I have a lot of things that would really help people right now. And so at that point I had been doing readings for people for about six months. It wasn’t very long. So I had a newsletter and stuff that. And on Instagram, I just threw it everywhere readings by donation. And I just had tons and tons of people come to me during that time. Because I was I mean, this is the most upside down time of all times especially when it happened. Because I did it the first week or something. Because at that point you’re like this will probably be a month. So I should probably do it right now, while it’s happening.
And so I was doing all this stuff with Sacred Spirit and so I was doing all this stuff with Sacred Space because everyone was sitting at their house and trying to evolve their homes and realize how important their space was. And I was doing readings and just trying to help people navigate all of that. And in the process I’ve done hundreds of readings since now. It’s been two and a half years of reading. So it’s been incredible to see how much depth was available for me and my curiosity through reading for other people, through helping other people. And just, it kind of unlocked I think astrology, you can only take it so far with a singular chart. So getting to see all these different peoples and all the ways that the symbols have manifested, it just brings so much more richness to the whole story and more magnificence. And I love staying really in tune with everything that’s going on and seeing life in that kind of beautiful cacophony of all of these sort of movements and rhythms and cycles and patterns.
And it’s really just kind of opened a whole new portal for me. And within that, I just realized I’m ready to finally step into that. I’ve gone through enough of my own hell. I had Pluto transiting my first house since I was at this point we’re now at 14 years into this really hardcore lesson. And so it’s like all right, I think I have some tools now that I can help people with.
Jordane Maree: Well, I’m so grateful that you did take that step. I always feel a little bit guilty for not exploring this, my chart more with you, but I was truly taking so much of it in that not many words were coming to me this entire time. I’m just my mind was really, I guess adding memory of my experience to what you’re saying and lining things up and seeing my experience from these new ways. It’s a lot to take in.
Georgia: It’s a lot to take in. It is. Well, I love that. I’m happy with any response or reaction that I get from whomever I’m with. We all process in different ways. And so I hope it offered something opening for you or an ability to see something different or to have an aha or a breakthrough in some kind of way.
Jordane Maree: It was really, really incredible. And obviously I have explored my own chart in my own ways. And there have been a few other people that have explored my chart with me. But this has been an entirely new lens. It’s you just came from.
Georgia: It is.
Jordane Maree: Totally different direction.
Georgia: Somehow it’s just so different than the rest of it. But it’s all the same too. It’s all the same principles. Did you end up reading? Because I remember you said you got the Pluto book by Jeffrey Green. Did you end up reading it at all or any of it?
Jordane Maree: I didn’t get the Pluto one. I got the Uranus one. I want to get the Pluto one. The reason that I didn’t, I’m very impatient and I wanted the Kindle version and there’s no Kindle version of Pluto. So I was I’ll check out the Uranus one. And I have been, it’s a book that I need to take my time with, that’s for sure.
Georgia: Every sentence is jam packed with something to really think through. But I think I said it the last time, but we talked, but the Pluto books are basically the EA Bible. And if you’re feeling with your Pluto transit where it is and the loss of ground and understanding of the complexity of life and how things work, it’s a really, if nothing else, fascinating framework to consider as a potentiality of how the soul process evolves and works. And I don’t know, it always feels good, even if it is an illusion to have some kind of understanding of how the soul works. So I think it’s an up level to most astrology. And they all have their value in different ways. And I have also not studied every kind of astrology that’s out there, so no shade to anything. But I think it does add a lot of richness and a layer to any of the other points of views that when fused is quite a superpower in that thought.
Jordane Maree: There’s so much depth within this. And there is it really, we didn’t go into a lot of, like you’ve said, the more surface level things that are explored during a lot of readings. We didn’t really go in those directions. We went to the core. You’re let me just take you deep.
Georgia: It satisfies my own need to just cut through. And I think some people can get a little shocked when they come into a reading that because they don’t expect that level of penetration into the depths so quickly. But if you’re doing soul work, you’re just going there right away. And you can certainly go into the lighter stuff too. They all speak to each other. They all have value and meaning. And I think that’s also something to say too, it’s like this is a tool to know yourself through your whole life. In one reading, only so much can be shared. This is really a tool to use on a regular basis to get to know yourself. That first reading can be longer and go into the natal chart and really get clear about the core makeup of who you are. But then studying the transits, the progressions, and everything else that comes through time when you understand how you operate and how you work that living the chart kind of thing, it’s then when those transits come in, they’re in context to what about yourself already and how to work with that.
So you become just a lot more effective. It’s really a tool for regular use, not just crisis management. And I think most people come to readers for crisis management. And there’s not anything inherently wrong with that. They will absolutely be supportive and helpful for you probably in that point in time. But I think if you want to move out of constant cycles of crisis and into a deeper understanding and knowing of yourself so that you can trust yourself enough to deal with those crises, then you really go into deep chart studies. And that’s really just self-study. And that’s a lifelong, multi-lifelong process. So it’s like I don’t want your head to explode. We could keep going, but I think it would you took in as much as you could today and we’ll have another one.
Jordane Maree: And I meant it when I said I’m going to re-listen and probably re-listen and then re-listen.
Georgia: Reach out to me anytime. We can talk it through.
Jordane Maree: This has been so great. Thank you so much. So by the time that this airs, there is a full intention that you will be offering your beautiful energy, wisdom, and astrology knowledge through Girl and Her Moon with both recorded and live readings. So if anyone who is listening, if you resonated with the energy, the perspective, and the lenses that were brought to this exploration of my chart we’ll be there. Georgia will be there for you, holding the space.
Georgia: Thank you. I’m so excited to start reading for the community. And for those who don’t know, within the membership, I also lead the Full Moon Circles as well. And we always spend the first, usually half hour of our circle diving into the astrology chart and doing a bit of chart studies so that we not only understand what that full moon is about, but we put it into greater context with all of the other planets that are happening. So if you are really wanting to learn more about astrology and kind of how the chart works and to build that muscle within you, then being on the Flow With Your Moon membership is great so that you can access the full moon gathering and have that as a monthly reoccurring workshop.
Jordane Maree: That’s great. Thank you so much for being here today. I know it’s a lot later there for you, so I don’t want to keep you too long, but I’m so grateful for today. I’m going to be digesting it for I think, weeks to come. It’s been a gift. Thank you.
Georgia: Thank you so much. It’s always a gift to chat with you, Jordane. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your beautiful day. I think I will probably be going to bed now.
Jordane Maree: Thank you so much.
Join us as we:
ā¹ Explore our hearts in one-on-one conversations.
ā¹ Dive into our oneness with the cosmos through astrology and numerology.
ā¹ Explore soul-based systems through which we can understand the world.
From topics like self-worth, creativity, expression, intuition, Soul, coming home to self. To astrology, numerology, tarot, channelling, business, energy, healing, akashic records and more. And topics that are undefinable and ungraspable. Exploring what it means to be alive, to be rooted in both our divinity and humanness, and returning to the space where they are one.
Hosted by Girl and Her Moonās founder, Jordane Maree, this Podcast is a space to connect, share our experience, and become one for a moment.
There are no expectations here. Only spaciousness and invitations for truth.
At the core of this adventure:
Connection. Vulnerability. Authenticity. Truth. Love. Expansion. Realness.
Where we share from truth, not fear.
Where we witness the innate power in our vulnerability.
Where we take off the masks of expectation, of needing-to-know-it-all, of performance, of abandoning-the-self to fit in.
Where we explore self, and all that we meet as we stumble our way through this beautiful human experience.
Where we value all cycles of being alive. The moments of cracking open, the moments of beautiful bloom, the moments of confusion and doubt, the moments of excitement and clarity.
Where we value the breaking open and the becoming.
All of it is welcome here.
All my love,
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