Leo Season 2024 Astrology Horoscope Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Welcome to Leo Season. A time of fire, creativity, inspiration and joy. An invitation into the heart, self-expression, play, and passion. Leo Season is a celebration of all that makes you you, reminding us that we are art – and our living is the canvas.

This season, passion is our compass, desire our map, and our own energy everything we need to continue moving and dancing along our paths. As the Sun shifts from Cancer into Leo on July 22 2024, we step into an entirely new energy.

Leo Season 2024 Dates: July 22 – August 22

Leo Season begins July 22 and continues into August 22, 2024.

Astrology of Leo Season

As Cancer Season comes to a close, we move from water to fire, inward to outward, receptivity to expression, inner nurturing to passionate living. Cancer Season invited us inward. As the Sun moves into Leo we are invited to plunge into life. It invites us to radiate, illuminate, shine, create, play and love. It invites us to open our hearts, reminding us that we are each a vessel for love to move freely.

Leo Season is a fire season. A space to feel the life force that moves through us all, and to explore how we uniquely connect with and express confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, courage, and creativity. It is a season of selfhood, an invitation to come home to your unique spark of life, your energy, your flavour, your joy, and your desires.

Leo as an archetype celebrates individuality. It lives from the wisdom that life moves through each of us uniquely. It teaches us that we add colour to the world by being the colour that we are. We add light to the world by being the light that we are. It reminds us that to dim, hide, abandon, or reject ourselves is to cut ourselves off from our own life force, our own heart, our own medicine, art, and magic that we are each here to be and express into this world.

Leo reminds us that who we are is on purpose. And true liberation is found in not only accepting who we are, but in loving, embodying, and expressing all that we are.

This Season, remember joy. This season, remember what makes you you. Celebrate what makes you you. Play in the expression of your energy – how it wants to move and create. What brings it joy and pleasure. Where it opens or when it dims. Explore what opens your heart and brings you closer into this life – for this is your roadmap this season and beyond.

Ruled by the Sun, Leo reminds us that this world and everything in it would not be the same without you in it. It reminds us that your energy is life giving sustenance – for yourself, your loved ones, the earth, and all of existence.

Leo Season Important Astrological Dates

As Leo Season begins, we also have Mercury in Leo, and Venus in Leo. See some of the major astrological transits of Leo Season 2024 below.

Leo Season 2024 Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign

Leo as an energy lives within us all feeding into our sense of self. And as the Sun shifts through this passionate fire sign in our skies, it simultaneously spotlights the area of our Astrology Chart that Leo occupies.

By looking to our rising sign, we can uncover the unique invitations, offerings, forecast, and wisdom of Leo Season from July 22 to August 22 for each of us.

Aries Rising Leo Season Horoscope

A fiery sign in a fiery season, it’s a time of passion and creativity, joy and vitality. It’s a season to remember your innate enthusiasm for life and explore where this enthusiasm desires to guide you, Aries Rising. It’s a season to remember that life moves through each of us in its own way. How does it desire to move through you? What allows you to feel more alive, more in purpose, and more connected to your own spark?

This season, if love, play, passion, creativity, and joy were your guiding intentions – where would you go? What would you do? How would you feel?

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Taurus Rising Leo Season Horoscope

It’s a season of inner garden tending and inner child healing, Taurus Rising. It’s a season of returning to the divine, joyous, playful spark that lives within you – the light that has been present through every breath of yours. What did you love to do, be, feel, experience as a child? What outlook did you hold, and what made you feel alive? Leo Season invites inner child healing through play, self-tending through laughter, and heart healing through joy. And it is a space for re-writing and rearranging all that lives in you through this very play, laughter, and joy.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Gemini Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Your mind is your playground this season, Gemini Rising. Words, learning, and conversation. Books, storytelling, and creative expression. This season ignites passion, curiosity and desire through your mind. Observe what you desire to know more about, share more about, be closer to. Explore the topics that call your name, and how they make you feel as you plunge into them. Feel the creativity present in words. Feel the spark present in conversation. Play with new ideas and run them through your body, observing which open you to greater life force. For all of this is your compass, your map, your direction.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Cancer Rising Leo Season Horoscope

It’s a season of coming home to your unquestionable worth, Cancer Rising. The value you hold through being the unique expression of life that you are. The meaning that runs through your body. And the belonging that sings in your heart. There is no other you in all of existence. And all that you are is on purpose. May the remembering’s of this season soften your nervous system and land you deeper into your body. May the medicine of this season open your heart and return you to love. And may the whispers of Leo Season return you to the joy of being you, and the joy of being alive.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Leo Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Radiant. Bold. Regal. Passionate. It is your season, Leo Rising. As the Sun shines with the frequencies of your own sign, it creates the space for more of your energy to move through your body, more of your life force to come alive within you, and more of your own guidance, passion, and creative inspiration to speak through you. Whenever the Sun moves through the zodiac of our rising sign, it represents a rebirth. An opportunity to meet more of who we are, and a new canvas of life to begin creating with. As more of you becomes available this season, let it whisper where it is that you desire to go, how it is that you desire to feel, and what it is that you desire to create.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Virgo Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Joy is sacred, Virgo Rising. Creativity is sacred. To be the unique spark of light that we each are is sacred. Passion is sacred. Art is sacred. And this is a season of remembering the sacred – through play, laughter, beauty, creativity, expression, love, and desire. It is a season reminding us that it is through embracing and being who we are here to be that we reach deeper into the divine. It is a season inviting is to remember our own energy, our own atmosphere, our own spark of the sacred living in and expressing through us. Reconnect within to remember who you are. Reconnect within to remember your joy.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Libra Rising Leo Season Horoscope

To be who you are is a gift to all, Libra Rising. To express yourself in this world is why you are here – to add your colour, your energy, your unique stamp. Leo Season brings a reconnection with the passion and desire moving uniquely through you, and reminds us that the dreaming within each of us has its place in the world. As we follow our dreams and create our visions, we impact many. As we reconnect with joy and radiate the love within us, we impact many. From our friendships to our community. From the Earth to the collective.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Scorpio Rising Leo Season Horoscope

It’s a season that invites you to look ahead, Scorpio Rising. What are you building? This is your life. Your masterpiece. Your canvas. What do you desire to add to this world? And how do you desire to feel as you go about creating the art that is your life? It’s a season that invites you to clear the outside noise and come home to the desire, passion, and spark that is moving through you. Let it remind you of your direction. Let it remind you of what matters. And let it remind you of how joyous the entire process can feel – not just the arrival.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Sagittarius Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Within fire is vast intelligence, sharp intuition, and deep inner knowing. This season, reconnect with your own fires, Sagittarius Rising. Reconnect with the intelligence found within your intuition, the inner knowing found within your own being, and the wisdom found as you open yourself more to living fully. It’s a season that invites you to be in conversation with vaster aspects of life – whatever you may call them – and to open your mind to new perspectives and beliefs, trying on new lens’ and frameworks to see the world through. You are here to adventure. To plunge into wisdom. To speak directly to life. And this season is here to bring you home to this.

Capricorn Rising Leo Season Horoscope

It’s a season inviting deep intimacy with yourself, Capricorn Rising. To strip away any barriers and feel all that lives within you. To travel into your depths. To remember the treasure chest that you are. And to reclaim more of yourself in the process.

It’s a season holding profound wisdom waiting inside of you. As you come into greater intimacy and truth with all that you are, more of you becomes available. More of your own life force becomes available. More of your own energy, spark, desire, passion, joy, love, purpose, and feeling becomes available. More of everything that can bring you deeper into this life becomes available.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Aquarius Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Leo reminds us that we are all vessels of love, Aquarius Rising. Our hearts open doors for love to move through. It reminds us that love is an infinite source. An infinite source that desires to move through you, filling you up in the process, healing you in the process, loving you in the process. The more love we express, the more love becomes available. The more love we allow in, the more we become love itself.

This season, how can you become love? How can others remind you that they are love? How can you remind them that they are love? And how can you begin to open the door of your heart, letting love flow freely, openly, abundantly, as it so desires?

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Pisces Rising Leo Season Horoscope

Life is to be lived, Pisces Rising. Deeply. Openly. Joyfully. From the mundane to the spiritual, the small movements to the vast leaps. Within all of it is beauty, within all of it is love. This season invites you deeper into this truth. It invites you to begin living it. Stepping into what it means for you to occupy more of your human, more of your body, more of your life. It invites you to move through your days in a way that inspires joy and reconnects you to passion. And it invites you to move through your days in a way that reminds you that each step taken is another brush stroke on the canvas of your life – the magic that you are creating.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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