Weekly Horoscope July 21 – 27 2024 Astrology Forecast

Welcome to a new week. From July 21 to 27, it’s a week with new beginnings and chapters ending, with expansive potentials and continuing threads.

This week holds vast movement in our cosmos, translating to shifts and movements happening within each of us, too. With our second full Moon in Capricorn of the year, the beginning of Leo Season and Chiron Retrograde, this week Mercury also connects with Uranus and Virgo, while the Sun connects with Neptune and Pluto. Read on for your weekly horoscope.

Mercury Square Uranus: July 21

A square aspect in Astrology can often manifest as tension – yet it is not just tension, it’s a doorway, an opening, an invitation. Squares asks for our attention, awareness, and energy. Squares inspire change, action, and openings. Welcome to Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, meeting us on July 21, 2024.

Mercury square Uranus invites an opening of the mind. It highlights the structures, narratives, and ideas that are anything but freeing, liberating, or empowering. And it does so that we may invite in change, renewal, new energy and inspiration.

While Mercury represents the mind, linear thought, ideas and mental processing, Uranus is liberation, the future, inspiration and sharp intuition. This meeting in our cosmos and within our own minds is sharp intuition and new insight coming in. It is a cracking open of our perspectives, beliefs, patterns and ideas. It’s meeting logic with intuition and existing thought forms with a new way of doing things. It is a meeting point of current and future, and the tension that can arise when we try to fit in new ways of being in existing structures.

This day is an invitation to open your mind. Journal, speak, listen and play in the realm of ideas. Let yourself wander past the current limits, structures, beliefs and ways of being within your mind for just a moment so that you may open to what is new, different, and awaiting your awareness.

Capricorn Full Moon: July 21

Welcome to our second Capricorn full Moon of the year, following last months full moon also in Capricorn on June 21st.

Meeting us July 21st 2024, there is a depth to this week’s full Moon. A transformative energy. A shedding, release, activation, and initiation. There is deep wisdom available within this full Moon, an illumination, self-reclamation, and self-empowerment.

Capricorn is a zodiac that is here to build its legacy. To leave its mark on the world. To make an impact. As the Moon shines in Capricorn, the Sun moves through its final moments in Cancer, highlighting the polarity of inner and outer. Cancer invites us to tend to what lives within us, while Capricorn desires to build in the outer realms. A relationship that while seemingly opposite, cannot be separated.

It’s a full Moon that asks us to be truthful, intimate, and honest with what it is we desire to build in our lives, who we desire to be, the legacy we feel the pull to leave. Sitting right next to (conjunct) Pluto, it’s full Moon that asks us to descend into our own underworld to meet all that lives within. For what lives within holds the nutrients for our building – alongside the fears, unconscious patterning and emotions that feed into our outward movement. It’s an alchemising full Moon, if surrendered into. Where what we meet in our unconscious as illuminated by the Moon holds within it the very tools, information, and keys for transformation that allow us to step deeper into our path for this lifetime.

Read your full Moon horoscopes here.

Leo Season: July 22 – August 22

It’s just a day after the full Moon when the Sun leaves the waters of Cancer and enters the fiery, creative, and expressive realm of Leo on July 22, 2024.

Leo Season is an invitation to bring all of your energy back into yourself. To reconnect with your own spark of life, and how it desires to express through you. It is a time of creative expression and passion filled desires. It is an invitation to occupy more of yourself and discover your own frequency, flavor, vitality, and energy. And it is a season to remember joy. The joy of life moving through us. The joy of creating in all its forms. The joy of sharing ourselves and feeling passion move through our bodies. And the joy of being fully alive.

As we travel through Leo Season from July 22 to August 22, 2024, let this be a time to let greater vitality, creative energy, and life force move through you. Observe what creates feelings of confidence, joy, expansiveness, and connection to your own spark. Observe what you are doing, thinking, or being when you come alive – and let these spaces fill you up.

Read your Leo Season horoscopes here.

Sun Opposite Pluto: July 23

The Sun has just stepped through the gates of Leo, and as it begins making its first steps, it comes into an opposition with Pluto while in Aquarius on July 23, 2024.

Oppositions remind us that everything exists in polarity and duality, unable to exist without its opposite pair. While the Sun shines in Leo, Pluto sits within its opposite sign, Aquarius.

The Sun is the core of who we are. It is our self-expression and identity. Pluto is our underworld, much of it living beneath the surface our conscious awareness. The Sun desires to express all of itself. Not only what we have accepted as good or loveable. As it opposes Pluto this week, what lives in our underworld has the opportunity to begin pouring into the self we are aware of and shining brightly. We get access to more of ourselves here. We get to reclaim what has been living beneath the surface. We get to shine our own Sun’s light of consciousness into our underground, and often unconscious, spaces that are ready to be seen and integrated into our core self.

This energy offers insight, self-reclamation, and an expansion of ourselves. While there may be tension as opposition aspects often bring, create the space in your body for this ‘opposition’, ‘duality’, or ‘tension’ to exist. For when we can sit with both sides, we create the space for integration and alchemy.

Mercury in Virgo: July 25 – August 14

July 25 2024 brings the beginning of Mercury in Virgo, where it will continue travelling until August 14, 2024. Mercury will begin its retrograde next month, showing us that the very path we are walking this week and beyond will be the very path we will return to and retrace while Mercury is in its backwards spin.

Mercury is the mind. It is learning, speaking, and the processing of information. Mercury in Astrology rules Virgo. Together they are logical, practical, clear-minded, and detail oriented.

Before Mercury Retrograde begins on August 5, 2024, Mercury direct in Virgo is an invitation to tend to the practical details and areas of life – the spaces that need clearing, cleaning, organising, and refining. It is an opportunity to bring that same clearing, cleaning, organising and refining to the mind, too – observing thought forms, patterns, and perspectives that need an update.

Chiron Retrograde: July 26 – December 29

Chiron is both an asteroid and a comet in our solar system, orbiting the Sun living between Saturn and Uranus. In Astrology, it is most known as the Wounded Healer, representing the innate urge within us all to integrate, heal, and reach a state of wholeness within the self.

Chiron represents the alchemy found in sinking into all that lives within us. It is the medicine that sits within our hurt. The wisdom that exists in the centre of our fears. And the vast offerings that present themselves when we bring presence to our wounding.

Chiron has been in Aries since April of 2018 gathering tools, medicine, and self-knowledge for healing around our self-expression, self-ownership, individuality, courage, and relationship with desire, action, and leadership. As it begins its annual retrograde on July 26, 2024 until December 29, 2024, we are invited to ring these tools and turn inwards.

Chiron retrograde invites us on an inward journey through the core of who we are. It invites us to become our own healer, tending to hurts, fears, and pain that is both living with us, and keeping us from ourselves. Aries is the first zodiac. It is passionate, courageous, inspired and focused. It is here to take action, plunge into life, and claim its own path. For these next five months, we are on a journey of coming home to our own Aries – taking up more space in our bodies, claiming our desires, selfhood, passion and path.

Read your Chiron Retrograde horoscopes here.

Other planets in transit this week:

  • July 21 2024: Venus in Leo Sextile Jupiter in Gemini
  • July 21 2024: Sun in Cancer Trine Neptune in Pisces
  • July 21 2024: Mars in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius
  • July 21 2024: Moon Enters Aquarius
  • July 23 2024: Moon Enters Pisces
  • July 24 2024: Moon in Pisces Conjunct Saturn in Pisces
  • July 25 2024: Leo Sun Sextile Mars in Gemini
  • July 25 2024: Moon Enters Aries
  • July 26 2024: Moon in Aries Trine Venus in Leo
  • July 27 2024: Moon in Aries Trine Mercury in Leo
  • July 27 2024: Moon Enters Taurus

Weekly Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign July 21 – 27 2024

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for July 21–27, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week inviting deep transformation of who you are, so that you may step into your long-term visions, purpose, goals and legacy, Aries Rising. As you look ahead, bring all that is awaiting you into your body, letting it touch into your underworld, unconscious, beliefs, and patterning’s bringing liberation and healing.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week invites deeper belonging within yourself and within this life, Taurus Rising. It invites a restructuring of the mind, your perspectives, larger beliefs, and connection to a higher purpose and meaning. As you tend to these foundations, all can flourish – your hopes, desires, joy, relationships – everything.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week that invites intimacy, Gemini Rising. Intimacy, vulnerability and deep presence with yourself and all that lives within you, with all of existence and the way life speaks to you, and with the future that calls you towards it. Intimacy and presence themselves are catalysing and alchemising. Let vulnerability bring healing.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

How do you feel safe, secure, and at home within yourself, Cancer Rising? This week invites you to lean into these spaces so that you may have the courage and trust to step into the transformation that is calling your name. It invites an expansion of the way you relate to the world, others, and yourself. And it begins a chapter of healing around your lager legacy and desires.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

Others often serve as mirrors to all that lives within us, Leo Rising, and this week – the clarity of these mirrors is being turned up. As you continue tending to your wellbeing, health, energy and desires, observe what other people are highlighting and what inner reactions, patterns, or emotions are coming to the surface in response.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Joy is both in the moment and found in our favourite spaces, and it is something to be cultivated, tended to, strengthened through the way that we go about our days, live our lives, and spend our time. This week reminds you, Virgo Rising, that tending to your overall wellbeing, health, and habits is simultaneously creating the space for your joy and happiness.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week to come home to yourself, Libra Rising. To come home to your inner child all they need. To come home to your inner child and all that they love – what brings them to life. What did you desire as a child? What brought you joy? And how can you return to that spark?

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

This week is a cleansing of your mind, Scorpio Rising. It is an open line of communication connecting your conscious and unconscious, and a release of all that is not yours. It is a reframing of all that is ready for it, and it is an opening to new ways of being, seeing, and believing.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

This week acts as a doorway, Sagittarius Rising. A doorway into new ways of seeing, thinking, believing, connecting, and perceiving. It is a release of all that keeps you from stepping deeper into your own conversation with life, wisdom, knowing, and understanding. And it is the beginning of a season dedicated to the tending to your creative expression, joy, and courage.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

It’s a week that offers foundational healing, Capricorn Rising. The kind of transformation, medicine, and tending that affects every aspect of your living. This week, allow for movement within yourself, identity, and emotional world. Invite deeper embodiment and a surrender to the patterns from within that come to the surface. For they arrive with insights, medicine, empowerment and healing.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Lean back, Aquarius Rising. Let go. Unclench. Release all that sits on your shoulders and allow yourself to be held by the vast current of life. This week is less about action and more about surrender. It is less about expressing and more about listening. And it is a week that invites you to trust in your knowing that lives beyond the mind.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope

What visions call your name, Pisces Rising? What hopes live in the centre of your heart? This week, the vision continues to unfold as you create space in the way you relate to it – not holding on too tightly to what it must look like, yet unwavering in the knowing that it calls upon you on purpose.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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