Leo New Moon + Lions Gate Portal + Ritual August 2021


It is a powerful time for a sense of ‘breaking through’ with the heart of Leo guiding us to our inner courage, showing us that we have the strength, the courage, the spark, everything it could ever take, to create a life that is all we desire.



  • Wellington: Monday August 9 – 1.49 am
  • Sydney: Sunday August 8 – 11.49 pm
  • New Delhi: Sunday August 8 – 7.19 pm
  • Dubai: Sunday August 8 – 5.49 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday August 8 – 4.49 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday August 8 – 3.49 pm
  • London: Sunday August 8 – 2.49 pm
  • New York/Ottawa: Sunday August 8 – 11.49 am
  • Los Angeles: Sunday August 8 – 6.49 am


A New Moon signifies a new beginning.

It is the start of a new cycle where our Moon starts from nothing and rebuilds her power, growing bigger and bigger from here.

Use this momentum of energy. Use the flow of energy that the Moon is tapping into as she rebuilds her power into fullness. This momentum, this strength, and creative power is available to you. It is available to you and it is asking you to take its hand, to ride the wave, to tap into your inner reserves that will never deplete, and recreate yourself, to recreate your Life.

To recreate yourself, and to recreate your Life in only the most aligned, fully expressed way.

A life where we have the space, freedom, and support to show up completely, wholly, vulnerably, and lovingly all as we are.

Where we can embrace all that we are – the light, the dark, the wisdom, the gifts, the medicine, all of it.

Where we let our light shine as freely, as brightly, and as widely as it could possibly shine.

This New Moon is highly charged. With the fiery energy of Leo, added spark of the Lions Gate Portal, and the influence of Saturn and Uranus, we are activating the underlying tension of the Saturn-Uranus Square that we have been experiencing throughout the year.

It is a powerful time for a sense of ‘breaking through’ with the heart of Leo guiding us to our inner courage, showing us that we have the strength, the courage, the spark, everything it could ever take, to create a life that is all we desire. A life that comes straight from the heart. A life that we are so deeply proud of. A life that is filled with colour, with expression, love, joy.

Leo allows us to tap into the divine flow of creativity, where we know we are the vessel of divinity, the expression of God, the Sun of all of Life.

With the added influence of the Lions Gate Portal, take this day/night to remind yourself of your divinity, and with that, your divine power to create out of thin air.

What do you desire for your life, in the deepest depth of your heart? What do you desire to feel every morning when you wake? How would you like to lose yourself in the moment for hours on end? What do you want to spend your life laughing at, crying at, expressing through you, how deeply do you desire to love, who do you desire to love?

Uranus teaming up with already powerful New Moon brings us such a supportive environment for big change in our lives. This combination of energies is asking us to bring our hearts front and centre, to activate and receive from our third eye chakra, to remember our limitless potential, and let the next evolutionary wave of change wash over our lives.

It asks us to say yes to our highest potential, even if there is still fear. It asks us to lead from the heart, even if you feel vulnerable. It asks us to dream bigger than ever before, even if there is a part of us that wants to hide. It asks us to own our power, even if everything around us has told us we have none.



Leo New Moon Ritual

Self Love Session

A beautiful, & very Leo, collaboration with Empowerment Mentor & Quantum Energy Healer, Gracie Balev.

This Ritual, ‘Self Love Session’ is Gracies Signature Workshop in a condensed setting created exclusively for this New Moon, exclusively for our members.

In true Leo style, this ritual is about the heart, about love. About claiming your power, transforming trauma, and exuding love for yourself. It is about revealing yourself, receiving yourself, and expressing all that you are.

A 60 minute immersive journey with Gracie, this self-love session is a powerful healing container.

Exclusive to the Flow with the Moon Membershipseen nowhere else. 

Meet every inch of you. Express every inch of you. Love every inch of you.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership, under this New Moon you will also get instant access to our Lions Gate Ritual – Divine Manifestation, as well as intention work, collective tarot reading, our Full Moon Ritual A Meeting with Source, and more valuing over $600.

P.S we also have a flash sale available for the next few days – with the code ‘lionsgate’ receive 10% off x

Leo New Moon Ritual August 2021 Girl and Her Moon



Lions Gate Ritual

Divine Manifestation

In our Flow with the Moon Membership we have a Guided Meditation and Soul Journey, ‘Divine Manifestation’ – A portal of manifestation & creation.

A remembrance of your divine creator role in this lifetime – it is an inward journey into the cosmos to bring you into the energy of all you are seeking to manifest.

Your dreams and your passions, your curiosities, and your sources of joy – they are a part of the bigger picture, the biggest picture.

With this Soul journey we get to the energy behind your desire, and we bring it alive in our systems – this is how we manifest in the physical.

A bonus this month, by joining you also get access to our New Moon Ritual ‘Self Love Session’ with Gracie Balev, a Full Moon Ritual ‘A meeting with Source’, a collective tarot reading, intention setting and more.

P.S we also have a flash sale available for the next few days – with the code ‘lionsgate’ receive 10% off x


Lions Gate Portal Ritual August 2021 Girl and Her Moon



If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the Full Moon – Kapualani has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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