Summer Solstice 2024: A Sacred Threshold

“All new beginnings are delightful; the threshold is the place to pause.”  — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Astrology moves with the seasons – the dance of the Sun and Earth and the way our bodies move with it.

As Cancer Season begins, we are in the peak of Summer, the highest point, and our longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. As Cancer Season invites us to nourish ourselves, the Sun offers its rays in abundance to support us in this.

The Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is on June 20 2024.

What is the Summer Solstice 2024?

The word ‘Solstice’ comes from the Latin ‘Sol’, meaning “Sun”, and ‘sistere’, meaning “to stand still”.

Within ancient cultures, mythology, and esoteric history, there has been an honouring and celebration of the Sun cycles for as long as we know. This dance that the Sun and Earth move through is one of the many sequences that allow for Life – that allow for you and me.

It’s a dance that lives within us, too. A cycle that we, as the Earth and from the Earth, ebb and flow through for as long we continue to breathe. A transition that is always taking place. And a meeting of our sacred edges, as this day is.

The Summer solstice, also known as midsummer, on June 20, 2024 is a day of celebration and receptivity. We have been building and growing, we have been shifting and becoming. And it is on this day that we meet our peak. It is on this day that we create space and allow of this movement to begin metabolising.

It is on this day that we stand still for a moment, just like the Sun. Receiving. Feeling. Integrating. Before we begin a new season of our lives, and shift into the second half of the year.

The Solstice Threshold

The Solstice threshold is an alignment portal extending across time. Where the past seems to present itself with its offerings, medicine, wisdom and growth. Just as the future begins planting its seeds within our beings, slowly preparing and opening us to what is waiting on the other side of the door.

As we pause at this threshold just like the Sun ‘pauses’ in our sky, as we arrive in this portal, we create the space to receive all of this. We become timeless, too.

We create the space to integrate and plant. To receive the medicine of our past season. Realising this medicine is what prepares us for our next season.

“A threshold is not a simple boundary; It is a frontier that divides two different territories, rhythms and atmospheres. At this threshold a great complexity of emotion comes alive: confusion, fear, excitement, sadness, hope. This is one reason why such vital crossings were always clothed in ritual.”– John O’Donohue

June Solstice Ritual & Ceremony

Join us (live or replay) on 23 June 2024 to bask in creation and create space to receive, integrate, and open to your next season.

Together we will gather within the window of the Solstice to welcome in, to receive, and to bask in the medicine that is already available waiting for you within your system.

The medicine that has been building and gathering through your commitments, through your devotion to yourself and Life, and through the cycles of transformation you have been moving through since the harvest of the Equinox.

Rich in creation, fruits, beauty, abundance, blessings, medicine, magic, together we will relax into all that is available and allow it to seep deep into our systems, integrating into who we are on all levels. Allowing it to to open us in the present, receptive and aligned with what is calling our names.

Access here.

Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. Of all 365 days, this day takes up the most space and holds the most light. It is the portal of time and space that the Sun and Earth are the closest they will be in their sacred dance.

Here, the Sun shines the most light it will. The Earth receives the most light it will. It is a peak of expression, fullness, strength, abundance, fertility, creativity, warmth, and activation.

Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere

While the Northern Hemisphere faces closest to the Sun within its cycle, the Southern faces the furthest away. It is the shortest day of the year. It is distance. Space. It is the emptiness that allows for fullness. The silence that allows us to hear. The rest that allows for action. The stillness that allows for movement. The reflection that allows for insight.

This day is the preparation for a rebirth of the Sun. For after today, the Sun will continue to grow in its influence, closen in its distance, and strengthen in its expression.

Solstice Spiritual Meaning

What do your edges feel like? Whether you are sitting on the edge of fullness or emptiness, lightness or darkness, stillness, or movement, the known or unknown, heights or depths.

Within us all exists sacred polarity. One extreme cannot exist without the other. Balance cannot exist as a middle point without both directions present.

How do you feel in the presence of full expression? Whether the full expression of your joy or despair, lightness or darkness, heights or depths.

To be fully human is to live fully present within all that invites us into it. When an emotion presents itself, can you allow yourself to be completely with it? When an experience reveals itself, can you allow yourself to be completely with it?

The Solstice is a day of full experience. Fully receiving what is being offered. Full presence with what is presenting itself. The Earth on this day is receiving the most or least light she will in her cycle. There is no half-way today. There is no half-alive. For if she doesn’t surrender to receiving the fullness that is being given, she cannot continue with the dance. She cannot meet the other side. She cannot be fully alive.

“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” – Albert Camus.

We exist within this dance of the Sun and Earth. Receiving the offerings from the Sun. One with the experience of the Earth. Just as the planets create aspects activating certain energies, the movements that occur within this dance activates certain energies within us, too.

Touch into the moment. Let it fill you. Feel the fullness that is present. The dance that is flowing. The sacred pause that this day is.

As the Sun stands still in our skies, we are invited to hold that same stillness, presence, beingness, and reverence. For it is within this state of being that we are a conduit, a vessel, a tuning fork to receive.

And it is on this day and in this moment of stillness we are offered the energy, frequencies, information, wisdom, and insight that is shared through the rays of the Sun, to support us through the next stage of our dance, and the next season of our lives.

This article has been updated. Originally published May 28, 2023.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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