How to Create the Life You Want With the Power of Thought

Humanity is reaching a level of awareness that has been a long time in the making. As we continue the shift from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, great changes are taking place, both on a collective level and individual level.

Old structures are breaking down. The world is changing rapidly. Individuals are waking up to the world around them. We are waking up to who we are and our purpose on this planet.

Unawakened starseeds are waking up and remembering where they come from. Social issues are affecting everyone on some level, generating turmoil and confusion in many cases. People are acknowledging that the world they once knew is undergoing a massive transformation.

Read this next: What is a Starseed?

On an individual level, there are powerful transformations taking place. In recent times, we have experienced an increase in solar flares which are intense energetic waves from the sun and on a spiritual level they bring change and deeper awareness.

We have at this time a partial lunar eclipse which is also promising powerful times of transformation. It is also during Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses that the potential for manifestation is especially potent.

How Core Beliefs Control Us

Everything begins from thought. What we think reflects into our reality.

This can be a confusing concept at times. After all, we don’t think to ourselves, “I want to be broke!” or “I want to be single!”

But what we do have are conditioned thought processes that very often formed when we were little and have turned into core beliefs as we grew older.

Let’s say that when you were young, someone made you feel ugly. They may have called you this. Or maybe there was someone you had a crush on who didn’t feel the same way. Over time, as these experiences played around in your mind and the more you felt you were ‘ugly’, the more this turned into a core belief.

Often without consciously realising, during your years as an adult, you believe that you are ‘ugly’. As such, the universe brings you situations, people and experiences to affirm that you are ‘ugly’. The universe will only bring us what we truly believe.

These subsequent experiences may confirm to you that you are ‘ugly’. But this is not the case. This is only happening because your core belief is that you are ugly.

The great part about it? Core beliefs can be changed. Core beliefs are not set in stone. This is the power of the mind and the power of manifestation. You have the power to decide what core beliefs you want to have.

So the question is – are you really ugly or do you just believe you are?

It is the latter, every single time.

How do you change this core belief? Instead of telling yourself, “I am ugly” you tell yourself, “I am beautiful.”

It can be pretty tough at first, especially if you have been telling yourself the opposite for years.

But the more you practice, the more you will change this core belief. Telling yourself every morning, noon and night that you are beautiful; doing things that make you feel beautiful, whether that’s giving yourself a makeover, or treating yourself to a new piece of clothing, or embarking on a new workout regime or incorporating a new diet; writing affirmations every day about how beautiful you are; the more you do these things, the more you will change this core belief until, in time, the belief, “I am ugly” is replaced with “I am beautiful.”

This applies to any core belief. When you decide you want to change it, you have the power to make that happen.

How to Manifest With the Power of Thought

Manifestation starts with the thoughts that we have. When we want to attract something into our life or transform our lives the way we want them to be, we engage in manifestation.

Manifestation requires using the power of your imagination and above all, truly believing that the life you envision is the life you will have.

So when you manifest with thought, you are generating the emotions you would feel as if you were already living it.

Let’s say you are financially unstable at the moment and you want to manifest more money into your life. This would involve envisioning exactly how you would feel if you had more money in your pocket. How would you feel? Happy? Joyful? Relieved?

You then have to imagine the scenario so clearly that these feelings start to manifest within you.

Read this next: The Meaning of a New Moon in Astrology, With Journal Prompts

Here is an excellent technique to help you manifest the life you want. PS – this technique is often best in conjunction with the Full Moon, New Moon or Lunar Eclipse but can be practiced anytime.

  1. Find a space that is quiet where you won’t be disturbed. Put some soothing meditation music on in the background or light some incense to help you relax.
  2. Breathe deeply a few times. Then imagine the changes you wish to see in your life and what you want to manifest.
  3. Breathe deeply again. Now imagine yourself very clearly living the manifestation. Pay attention to your surroundings, your thoughts and your feelings.
  4. Let the feelings that are generated from the manifestation wash over you. Really allow the emotions to strengthen within.
  5. Keep doing this for at least ten minutes, feeling yourself sink into the scenario and the feelings that come with it.
  6. Open your eyes and note down how you felt and how excited you are for this manifestation to happen. Tell yourself that you are already there!
  7. Repeat this practice every day. You can also create a vision board to help remind you of this goal.

You Have the Power to Manifest the Life You Want

Remember, you have the power to manifest the life you want. You do not have to simply accept things as they are. Whilst you cannot control everything that happens around you, nor the circumstances you may find yourself in, what you can do is control how you feel about them.

If you want to manifest a new job, relationship, money, hobby or experience into your life, you have the power to do this. You are the creator of your own reality. Try it, believe in it, and be consistent – you will be amazed by the results!

Related article: How Do We Work With Our Shadow Side?

Monthly Energetics Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon
Iberia Tor

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