Virgo Season 2024 Horoscopes Based on Your Sign

Everything Virgo Dates, Purpose, Traits, and Season Girl and Her Moon

Welcome to Virgo Season. A time of self-refinement, integration, earthly wisdom and deep embodiment. As the Sun shifts from Leo into Virgo, time slows down that little bit as we also shift from fire to earth, and energy seems to move more freely as we shift from fixed to mutable.

This season, we are invited to remember the body as an extension of the Earth, attune to our natural cycles, tend to grounded, practical everyday affairs, and continue to clarify ourselves as a channel for who we are here to be.

Article originally published September 18 2023. Updated August 21 2024.

Virgo Season 2024 Dates: August 22 – September 22

Virgo Season begins August 22 and continues until September 22, and it is throughout these weeks that we are invited to step into the essence of this archetype, to feel it in our bodies, to commune with its wisdom, and to observe the world and the self through its lens.

We all have Virgo alive and existing within us, operating in different volumes and expressing itself in different parts of our lives. As the Sun shines in this grounded Earth sign, the Virgo in us steps into the spotlight – and there is much we can learn from it.

Astrology of Virgo Season

The zodiacal circle of twelve signs is split into two halves. The first half, Aries to Virgo, is the development of the individual self. These signs are self-directed, aimed at both creating and learning about who we are, offering self-definition and clarity.

The second half, Libra to Pisces, symbolises our journey out in the world and our relationship to other people and society. It is our journey of taking the defined self and interacting with all that lives outside of the self.

By the time we reach Virgo, we have been on a journey of establishing who we are:

Through the courageous initiation of Aries, the building of stability and endurance with Taurus, the development of the mental spheres with Gemini, learning how to nurture ourselves with Cancer’s safety and belonging, and exploring the individual need to express our unique self with Leo.

Virgo, the sixth zodiac, is a culmination of this journey of the Self.

It is where we begin to integrate all we have learned, who we have become and all that we have realised, to then refine, purify, and ultimately become a clear, grounded, and intentional vessel for who we are, and who we choose to be in the world. It is a synthesis of the individual. The refinement, purification, and ordering of all the experiences and explorations which came from the first five zodiac signs.

From Leo to Virgo

After journeying through the outward and magnanimous expression of Leo Season, we quieten, turn inward, and arrive at Virgo, our mutable earth sign.

Here we are fine tuning the self. Stripping away what does not belong to us and with that, reaching into the truth of who we are underneath it all.

While in Virgo Season, we are invited into this self-refinement. We are invited to cleanse our bodies, lives, daily routine, and minds, or purify our homes, to bring order to what feels messy and surrender where we can’t. To take what feels big and break it down into small steps and little wins, and to concentrate on those steps, on how they compound, on how we evolve through and with them.

We are invited to clear away all the noise, the extra, the outside, all that is not ours. To explore who emerges as we do so, to re-meet who awaits us underneath it all.

We are invited to bring order and purpose to all that sits around and within us. And to bring all that we have been learning and experiencing this year and beyond, and integrate it into one well-functioning whole within ourselves.

Virgo Season 2024 Brings Clarification & Self-Refinement

Virgo holds a gift of seeing the highest potential in all things, including the self. With this clear sight, each step taken is intentional and in the direction of this highest potential, each step is in service to the realisation and embodiment of the ‘perfected divine as human’ – it’s a sign of self-improvement. Whether this is through taking care of our bodies with food, movement, or a self-care routine. Whether it is through learning about the mind or peeling back layers through therapy. Whether it is through building organisation and order, setting in place habits that hold us, or detailed plans to help us move forward.

If you were to witness yourself in this wholeness, how do you then treat yourself, your body, your mind, and your emotions? How does your perspective of yourself shift and what does it now show you? How do you show up for yourself each day to support yourself, trust yourself?

This is Virgo. Each step on purpose. Continually cleansing and updating our perspectives.

Holding this intimate connection with the highest potential of all things, Virgo is the Earth when operating on her own – self-sufficient, and highly intelligent in bringing together a vast number of moving pieces in her thriving eco system. It is the intelligence of our body when treated with respect and love.

These two bodies, that of the Earth and the human, thrive when in the right environment. Virgo is the conduit that maintains this right environment, continually stripping away that which is out of alignment.

2024 Virgo Season Astrological Transits

Virgo Season 2024 also holds within it our second Eclipse Season of the year with a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the ending of Mercury Retrograde, a Virgo New Moon, and plenty of planetary aspects and movements.

Virgo Season comes to an end on September 22, the day of the fall Equinox, as the Sun shifts into Libra.

  • August 22 2024: Sun enters Virgo
  • August 28 2024: Mercury Direct (retrograde over)
  • August 29 2024: Venus enters Libra
  • September 1 2024: Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn
  • September 2 2024: New Moon in Virgo
  • September 3 2024: Mars square Neptune
  • September 4 2024: Mars enters Cancer
  • September 7 2024: Mercury square Uranus
  • September 8 2024: Sun opposite Saturn
  • September 9 2024: Mercury enters Virgo
  • September 12 2024: Sun square Jupiter
  • September 17 2024: Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
  • September 18 2024: Mercury Opposite Saturn
  • September 20 2024: Sun opposite Neptune
  • September 20 2024: Mercury square Jupiter
  • September 22 2024: Sun Trine Pluto
  • September 22 2024: Sun enters Libra

Virgo Season 2024 Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign

Virgo as an energy lives within us all feeding into our sense of self. And as the Sun shifts through this passionate fire sign in our skies, it simultaneously spotlights the area of our Astrology Chart that Virgo occupies.

Aries Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

There is an innate intelligence held within your system, Aries Rising. Within your mind, conscious and unconscious. Within your body, your heart, energy body, and more. This season reminds us that we don’t need to force change. We don’t need to reach for growth. Rather, when our being has the nutrients and support that it requires day by day – it changes, evolves, grows, blooms on its own, in its own timing. It’s a season to strip back and come home to these foundational needs. The basics. Whatever they might be for you. The things that support you. And to clear your mind, your being, your space, your life – of what is simply adding noise, and no value.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Taurus Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

We find ourselves through play, Taurus Rising. We come home through laughter. We remember our true self through creative expression. And this is what this season is inviting you into. To let play imbue your being and bring you closer to life. To let joy be your guiding light and your hearts medicine. To feel the creative life force moving through you into expression. It’s a season that reminds us that life can feel good. Being you can feel good. Being in your body can feel beautiful and joyful. Virgo Season is a season of integration and intention. For you – play, joy, and self-expression are where this integration, clarity of self, and intentional becoming will be found.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Gemini Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

It’s an inward journey this season, Gemini Rising. An inward, downwards, loving, soothing, nurturing season. It’s an invitation to go within and explore what lives inside, what you need, what brings comfort and safety. It’s an invitation to tend to your roots, the inner child, the memories within your cells. And it’s an invitation to explore the centre of you – who have you learned to become? Who are you in truth? And how can you become an intentional vessel for who you are becoming? This season, let the tides slow down. Befriend emotion – how it moves and all it reveals. Befriend compassion – for perfection isn’t required. And, let yourself inhabit more of your body, feeling the medicine of grounding down and in.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Cancer Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

Virgo Season desires to bring you closer to yourself, Cancer Rising. Closer to what matters. Closer to clarity of self and direction. Closer to your truth. And this season, this doorway into more of yourself is happening in the mind, through your voice, through learning, and in your daily movements, thoughts, and intentions. Virgo is a highly intentional archetype, it refines, organises, purifies, clarifies. How can you allow this energy into your mind and thoughts? How can you allow the medicine of your voice and your words to clear your system and bring clarity to your being? And how can you align your daily actions and movements with what matters, your truth, and your direction?

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Leo Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

As your season comes to a close, allow yourself to take a step back and observe who you have become over this last month. What has changed and shifted within you. What parts of you have been born and reborn, coming to the surface to be seen and celebrated. As you find yourself acclimating to this new season, allow things to slow down and anchor. Allow who you have become begin to integrate and ground into your body. For this season, we are building a new relationship with worthiness, inner safety, security, resources, and you as an extension of the earth, rooted in this tangible expression of you.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Virgo Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

It’s your season, Virgo Rising. You have been gathering, shifting, opening, becoming, changing over these last twelve months – and here you arrive at a new beginning. An opportunity to begin integrating this last year of your life. How have you changed? Who are you now? What is new? How can you get to know yourself again? This season is an opportunity to begin clarifying who you now are and what it is you desire for this new chapter. It is an opportunity to create a new relationship with trust in yourself, truth, steps, and tangible action. And it is an opportunity to create a new relationship with wholeness and becoming – for we are always in motion, and you don’t need to be anyone or anything that other that what and who you are in this moment.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Libra Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

This season is an inner retreat, Libra Rising. It is the final season before new life imbues your being. A space to review your journey up until now. A space of release, silence, and surrender. It is a season to fall back into the arms of life and let what is ending come to an end, let what is transforming move through you. And it is a season to renew your connection with the sacred, letting it reach into more of your life. Virgo Season is the final season before yours – where we strip away the excess and remember what is true and sacred – so that when we begin again – we do so with clarity.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Scorpio Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

Tune into the way energy flows through you, Scorpio Rising. To the way you are a vessel for this energy – the ideas, the joys, the creations, the evolution of yourself. Grounded in the tangible you are the channel though which this energy becomes real and grounded in this tangible world. You are the channel though which change is made and life is added to. As you look out across your life, the lives of your loved ones, your community, humanity – what do you feel the whisper to become a channel for? What do you feel the invitation to become a vessel for?

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Sagittarius Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

Bring your awareness to your long-term visions, Sagittarius Rising. To the mountain that beckons you to climb it. To the legacy that desires to move through you and into the world. To the tangible structures and visions you are building into your life and into this world. It’s a season to bring clarity to this space in your life. To begin to refine, strip away the noise, the excess, the motivations and desires that stem from anything that is not true and real within you. To clear away the pressures, expectations, ideas of success, and visions that were never yours. And lean into what lives there now, beyond this extra noise. Letting it become your compass.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Capricorn Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

How does life speak to you, Capricorn Rising? What does it whisper to you about existence, meaning, and your place amongst it all? How we relate to life, see life, and what we believe about life is a foundational part of who we are. We cannot be separated from our perspectives, ideas, and truths of this existence. And this season invites an exploration of your meaning. A refinement of your truths. A coming home to this initial conversation with life itself so that you may begin clearing all the external voices and lean into what is true for you – the unique whispers that life shares with you, and the way you deeply belong amongst it all.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Aquarius Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

It’s a season that lives beneath the surface, Aquarius Rising. Inviting you into your own underworld, undercurrents, psyche, body – to begin clearing, clarifying, re-organising, and transforming these often-unconscious spaces of ourselves. The more you can refine your life, days, mind, and come home to your chosen basics – nourishing yourself with what supports you, the more can begin to move, untangle, rearrange and allow this process of transformation to take place. It’s a season that invites slower movement, a rootedness in the earth and in your body, yet also an engagement with the unseen, the mystery of what lives beneath the surface, the spaces that often can’t be put into words.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Pisces Rising Virgo Season Horoscope

It’s a season to deepen your relationship with this tangible world, Pisces Rising. With your body, with grounded action, and practical matters. With the earth and the way you are in collaboration with her seasons, with the trees, the elements. With relating, coming together with another, and the way that others can connect us deeper into the all, the divine. Virgo is your opposite sign, your partner archetype in this lifetime bringing you into greater wholeness of self. As your realm lives vastly in the sacred, Virgo is your channel to bring you deeper into the tangible. Embrace both sides of this human experience, and you will find the point where they are one – and where you are both.

Explore this season ahead with a 1:1 Astrology Reading, Tarot Reading, or join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for astrology classes, ritual, and workshops.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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