Closing October with the Taurus Full Moon

Taurus Full Moon October 2020 Girl and Her Moon

It’s the second Full Moon of the month! A rare and special occasion, with the added influence of Halloween.

Named the Blue Moon, for centuries the second Full Moon of a month has been considered fortunate, highly spiritual, and a burst of beautiful growth.



  • Sydney: Sunday November 1 – 1.49 am
  • Hong Kong: Saturday October 31 – 10.49 pm
  • Moscow: Saturday October 31 – 5.49 pm
  • Paris: Saturday October 31 – 3.49 pm
  • London: Saturday October 31 – 2.49 pm
  • New York: Saturday October 31 – 10.49 am
  • Los Angeles: Saturday October 31 – 7.49 am


I let myself bloom

In the sign of Taurus this Full Moon is the embodiment of Mother Earth, her abundance, her beauty,  self-worth, self-love, pleasure, and even income. It’s an abundant Full Moon with Venus bringing a reminder of beauty, wisdom, fertility, creativity, and warmth.

It brings a beautiful healing energy as we return to our instinctive nature and ground ourselves in the physical world around us. With this grounding comes presence. With this presence comes calm, clarity, and gratitude. Taurus reminds us that the creation/manifestation process benefits greatly with our presence, love, attention, and patience.

It’s a beautiful time to be with yourself under the blooming energy and come home after whatever this month brought you. Take all you have moved through, all the emotions, all the thoughts, the ups, the downs – and be with it, ground it, settle it.

It’s a beautiful time to see yourself with an abundance of love, to nurture your heart, to look at yourself in the mirror in absolute awe.

It’s a beautiful time to see the forever flow of abundance in the Universe. The abundance of beauty, the abundance of well-being, the abundance of love, the abundance of experiences.

Energetically, the Moon loves being in Taurus. Here, she feels safe, connected to the Earth, comforted. Here, she is reminded of the overflow of beauty, love, and abundance in Life.

This is where we can bravely release all that is no longer serving us. This is where we can open our hearts so wide.

Because we know we are safe. We know we are so deeply loved. We know we are held by Mother Earth and we know the entire cosmos is guiding us in awe.

You are safe to open. You are safe to let go. You are safe to call in. Your heart is safe.


Uranus & Thinning of the Veil

Many cultures across the world see this time of the year to be when the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest – where our consciousness is able to flow through different dimensions with ease, where we are able to see what has always been here.

Samhain and Día de los Muertos in particular feel into a building up of power and energy from beyond our physical world, a time of our ancestors, a time of inward intuition and connection, with higher realms, with Earth and her cycle of death and rebirth.

The Taurus – Scorpio axis that we are amid under this Full Moon holds the energy of the cycle of life. With the Moon in Taurus, the embodiment of Mother Earth, and the Sun in Scorpio, the embodiment of the underworld, there is an undeniable synchronicity with the celebrations and traditions of this time.

We are bringing all that is below to the surface. Dimensions are merging.

Full Moon on Halloween is a rare event, happening approximately once every 19 years, and I think that speaks to the potency and divinity of this time.

As we bring October to a close and move into November, a divinely planned month and the beginning of Eclipse Season, there is an air to this Full Moon of things really coming together – the dots connecting, the cosmos weaving together life changing celestial energies and our ancestors knowing the importance of this time, and therefore making their presence and guidance known.

Under this divine time, we also have Uranus sitting just four degrees away from the Moon in her fullness. With Taurus being a security seeking sign of comfort, Uranus being so present is a clear paradox.

Uranus is change. Uranus is spontaneity.

Uranus looks to the future and can clearly see all that isn’t moving in the right direction – and without warning, brings it back into alignment.

This can reflect in our lives with spontaneous and innovative ideas, especially around the future of our hopes and dreams, it may come in physical and structural changes like relationships or jobs, it may come in news that was previously unexpected. However this shows up for you – remember, Uranus is looking into the future, let yourself too step back and look at the bigger picture, see into your future, and trust that whatever meets you is a re-alignment with what is best for you.


Our Taurus Full Moon Ritual: Connecting + Remembering, can be found inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and is a combination of prayer, affirmations, journaling and tapping into higher energy.

By joining our Flow with the Moon Membership under this Full Moon you also get access to all of Octobers content – a guided tapping session and inner well soul journey/meditation – as well as Novembers content – a powerful tarot reading, a guided energy healing session, and inner soul journey to move through alongside the moon.

If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.


Horoscopes For your Zodiac

We always recommend reading your Sun, Moon & Ascendant for a full overview.

Aries Girl and Her Moon


This Full Moon is shining her big, beautiful, and bright light on your resources, Aries. But she’s not just looking at your physical resources (which she also is!) – but also your trust in abundance, your beliefs and perspectives around resources, and your relationship with your self-worth. She’s looking at how you let yourself receive and thrive in this physical and material world. She’s shining her big, beautiful, and bright light here so that you can see clearly all that is moving you out of your natural state of abundance and flow. Do you believe that you are worthy of everything and anything that you desire? Do you believe that it can be easy and fulfilling and exciting? Do you believe that you can have that life (whatever that life may be)? Or do you believe that that life is reserved for others? Or that you need to struggle to receive? Or that you aren’t worthy of all that taps on your heart?

There is a strong Earthy energy under this Full Moon and there is also a thinning veil to what is above and below our physical life. This coming together of above and below and here and now is a reminder that you are here to create and there are no limits. You are here in the physical, here with your human desires in the physical, and there is no question of worth. There is no rule book of what you can and cannot have. There is no judgement of what you do or don’t want. In fact, there is only celebration of what you want, what you choose, and what you allow yourself to receive. There is a free flow of abundance, in whatever way you define abundance, if you choose it.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Taurus Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Taurus it’s your Full Moon. It’s your Full Moon and it’s during such a powerfully divine, intuitive, and magical time of the year. A Full Moon on Halloween is a rare event, happening approx.. once every 19 years, and that only speaks to the potency and divinity of this time and the importance of your very energy.

A Full Moon in your sign speaks to a beautiful illumination of self. You can finally see yourself with greater perspective, with the light of La Luna reflecting to you just how full, on purpose, and overflowing with endless potential you are. She is showing you just how the rest of Life see’s you, how Source see’s you, how your Soul see’s you.

With the veil at it’s thinnest comes divine insight into you – into your Souls deepest desires and your most aligned and fulfilling direction. Ask any question you want, Taurus, and this Full Moon in your sign will illuminate the truths. There is so much to be brought into your awareness and this Full Moon is a portal into the most beautiful discovery and remembering of self – of your infinite self, your divine self, your creative self, your abundant self, your endless self, your powerful self.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Gemini Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Gemini this Full Moon is speaking to the celestial, infinite, light filled part of you. Many cultures across the world see this time of the year to be when the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest – where our consciousness is able to flow through different dimensions with ease, where we are able to see what has always been here, and this Full Moon is coming incredibly close to your heart Gemini to bring you so much of what was previously unseen.

There are messages and guidance coming in so clearly, with so much love, and in such divine timing. You are moving through divine portals with all of Life on your side. With the Lunar Eclipse in your sign next month there is deep, transformative, and powerful openings waiting for you – now is the time to listen.

It’s a beautiful time to reach out to your Source, to your ancestors, your spirit guides –whoever it is that feels right in your heart and natural to your mind. Reach there, for there is guidance waiting.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Cancer Symbol Girl and Her Moon


This Full Moon is a thinning of the veils, a merging of dimensions and an intuitive knowing of all that cannot be seen. There is a soft and subtle energetic awareness that is flowing through you with the intention of reminding you of your necessary, and on purpose, place in this world. You hold energetic codes that are unlike no other, and without you and your unique energy, there would be a shift to the entire collective. Your dreams and your passions, your curiosities, and your sources of joy – they are a part of the bigger picture, the biggest picture. And as you follow all that has uniquely and intentionally been placed on your heart, you bring shifts and ripples across the entire collective.

Tonight is a beautiful time to step back and let your perspective widen. Think about how far your messages travel on social media, or how a simple smile to a stranger can ripple across to hundreds. Think about how your resources can travel from person to person, country to country, hands to hands, with one small purchase. Think about how the energy you put out can potently shift those around you, and those around them, as it continues to flow.

Let this Full Moon illuminate the greater, wider, ever shifting picture of life. Let it remind you of the balance at play here. The balance of you as an individual, with your unique energy, and you as a beautiful and important piece of the puzzle, of the collective. As you live a life of self-awareness you bring harmony to the whole.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Leo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Leo this is a beautiful Full Moon for you. Taurus is an energy of the Earth, grounded, sensual, and works in the material realm. This Full Moon for you Leo is filled with opportunity, abundance, prosperity, and what may feel like good luck in our physical world.

There is a spotlight on you right now. A spotlight that knows just how much you have within that is ready to be shared. A spotlight that knows the impact you can have as you trust yourself and put yourself out there. Your work, your Souls work, it is of sacred service. Your career and your goals in the greater expanse of life, they are of high importance in our physical world. Your service is of high importance and there are hundreds, thousands, millions waiting to find you and receive your energy and service.

Tonight let the moon of La Luna illuminate all that you are ready to bring into your awareness. All that you are ready to release. All that you are ready to share. Let her illuminate any details or bring clarity where there was confusion. As you sit in the truth that your work is on purpose and of the highest, most sacred, service (whatever it is that you do – it has it’s divine place), let the rest fall into place.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Virgo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Your mind is expanding under this Full Moon Virgo. Just as the Moon illuminates what could not have previously been seen, just as the Full Moon brings light to all that was hidden, you can now see all that was outside of your view as the lens through which you see Life through suddenly widens.

This Full Moon lights up a trail of curiosity and expansion, it lights up the potential and endless opportunity of your Life. Where would you go if there were no limits? What would you do if there were no limits? Can you see your path lit up ahead of you? Don’t worry too much about details now, instead look to the bigger picture, the biggest possible picture. Can you feel the pulls in direction by what excites your heart and brings a passion to your mind?

This Full Moon brings your awareness into dimensions above and above and above, where there is a potential for endless expansion and wisdom to be remembered. Your beautiful mind is open and free. Let yourself be curious.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Libra Symbol Girl and Her Moon


This Full Moon is a soft encouragement of surrender, Libra. Life is change. Life is movement. Life is cyclic. A constant expansion.

Where we may have not been taught to see beauty in the constant shifting of Life – our Souls thrive in this unknown. The mystery is her playground, where she can play and test, and learn and fall, and grow and flourish. Our Souls know we are in a constant evolution, a constant expansion – and there is no better feeling. Our eternal seeking for stability and security is something that we have learned to chase after out of fear – but this is not where we thrive, and it is not our truth.

This Full Moon is a reminder of that playful energy, that curious energy, that deep and unwavering trust, that can only be found in the mystery of the unknown. A reminder that you don’t need to have it all worked out. That your dreams, and your greatest growth require that surrender into the unknown, into the depth of mystery.

This Full Moon is saying let go. There is the most beautiful, heart filling transformation and expansion waiting to meet you, with joy and a Life beyond what you could mentally put together at this time.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Scorpio Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Scorpio this Full Moon in your opposite sign speaks to the greatest mirrors in Life – your relationships.

The Moon, being in stable and grounded Taurus, may have you seeking greater stability in the relationships around you. Or it may be speaking to a needed release around your relationships, whether that be a physical or energetic release, that will bring that greater security in the long run.

The Sun is in your Sign now Scorpio, and there is an incredible intuitive connection that is flowing through you under this Moon. There have been messages, guidance, the feeling of something tapping on your heart. Now is the time to listen to it. What guidance has been coming through? Your heart has been speaking to you. Your relationships have been reflecting certain things to you. Is there a change, a decision, a commitment, something waiting for you? Even if it seems small. Or perhaps it feels too big. Listen. Trust. Your intuition is strong now.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Sagittarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Sagittarius this Full Moon is a big beautiful energetic release. Your body is speaking to you under this Full Moon, and if you take the time and space to let your body really step forward and guide, there can be an incredible release and healing alongside this lunation.

Your body holds deeper wisdom than we could mentally understand. Your unique body, your beautiful body, your home. Your body that does everything for you. Your body that holds you in this beautiful life and moves you through the experience of being a human – from the most ecstatic joy through to the deepest sorrow. Its natural state is health, thriving, joy, abundance – and when it is trusted deep enough, that is where it will return.

Give it the space and trust to move through energy and release all that you have been holding onto. Yoga, movement, breathwork, dance, however you take the time to be with your body – tonight be with your body. Let it speak to you. Let it free you.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Capricorn this Earthy Moon is a reminder of Life’s natural state of overflow. Overflow of love, beauty, creativity, opportunity, joy, adventure. This Full Moon is a reminder to soften into the you that came into this Life full with excitement and dreams that put stars in your eyes, the you that knew you could do absolutely anything, that you could live without limits and would always be supported, the you that saw this Life as a playground.

This Full Moon is a reminder that Life isn’t, and doesn’t need to be, always serious. Joy is your natural state. Can you take some time to return to that? To do things for the pure reason that they bring you joy? Just because it excites you? Because it fills your heart? There is no better ‘reason’ to do anything, Capricorn.

Your connection to the Earth is heightened under this lunation, and by deliberately connecting to her energy you will be led to this beautiful softening and playful curiosity that is waiting for you.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Aquarius it is no mistake that this Full Moon meets us during the celebrations of Halloween/Samhain and Día de los Muertos. This Full Moon is a building up of power and energy from beyond our physical world, a time of our ancestors, a time of inward intuition and connection, with higher realms, and with Earth and her cycle of death and rebirth.

There is such an illumination for you around your connection with your ancestors, around those who came before you and continue to walk beside you, around those who celebrate your triumphs and heal alongside your heart. This Full Moon is a loud, clear, and strong reminder that you are supported, you are guided, you are held, and you are surrounded with love. This Full Moon is a loud, clear, and strong reminder that there always has been, and always will be, so much more than what your eyes can feel and hands can touch.

Whether you know much about your ancestors or already have a strong connection with them – they are there either way. Don’t worry about having the facts down – just close your eyes, open your heart, and let yourself feel their presence.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

Pisces Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Pisces this Full Moon is an illumination of your beautiful mind. There is a grounded energy to this Full Moon that brings us into the here and now of the physical world, and at the same time there is a real opening into higher dimensions and all that is beyond the physical. This coming together is powerful force that is channelling guidance, insight, wisdom, through your mind. Under this Full Moon you are an open channel, coming from both above into the cosmos, and below your feet from Mother Earth.

It may feel busy, it may feel like you are buzzing with activity and energy in your mind – ideas, thoughts, insights, excitement. Let it be a thrill. Welcome it through you as you write, speak, express all of it out without judgement. If there is a question or space you have been seeking insight into, ask the question and picture the energy coming from above you in the cosmos and entering through your head, and from below you into the earth and entering below your feet – and flow it out through writing, speaking, or other creative expression.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Taurus Full Moon Reading ☾

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

3 Responses

  1. I am aquarius and I was just thinking ‘ok, i feel i saw in a dream or it was reality, anyway i saw an acestor?’… and now you are saying that they are supporting and loving me. trusting all with love and light!

  2. I’m a newbit to girlandhermoon – and I’m loving it!
    Thank you for these lovely words – they feel powerful and very needed during these increasingly strange times. Appropriately, they are very grounding for this Taurus Full Moon.
    And, as a Piscean, I really felt your thoughts for my sign.

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