What is Soul Work?

What does 'Soul Work' mean? Girl and Her Moon Blog

Hi beautiful,


I wanted to talk a little about our Soul Work offers.

But I’m finding myself getting a bit tripped up on the title.


What does Soul Work mean?

If I’m honest, I’ve been contemplating changing this name that I picked 12 months ago for these Soul inspired creations and offers.

The word ‘work’ has so much energy attached to it, many ideas of what it means, expectations, and for me, it holds the energy of hard work and ‘efforting’.

So, I’m welcoming in a new name to flow into my life with ease and magic.

I trust that it will. And so it will. And I’m interested to see what comes through.


And that’s kind of what these offers, our Soul Work, are about.

Directing energy. Setting the intention. Opening the doors.

Trusting so deeply that I know there is nothing else I must figure out or ‘effort’ into.

It’s me energetically saying yes to deeper alignment, even if it feels as small as a change of word.


When we invest in something like our Soul Work, Tarot, or committing to our monthly membership – we are intending, surrendering, and saying with our energy;


Yes, I am ready for more.

I am ready to know myself as the Divine knows me.

I am ready to witness the endless streams of magic within.

I am ready to express and embody more and more and more of my authentic self.

I am ready to shift my energy, and therefore shift my life.

I am ready to align with the fullest expression of all that I am.

I am ready to team up with you, God, Universe, Goddess, Life.

I am ready to direct my stream of energy into my growth, my blooming, my becoming.


Just as setting an intention or surrendering to the Divine for guidance – taking the inspired action to commit fully to the ‘work’ (new word pending!) is a massive energetic step and evolution.

These energetic steps that may seem small, but truly, are life changing.

Every single moment we say yes to our Soul has a massive ripple effect that has the opportunity to change our entire reality.

I take these energetic steps often – I speak to my Soul often, I speak to the Divine often, I speak to my guides, Mother Earth, the Stars, often.

From this understanding and energy of surrender and intention, the Soul Work journeys were created.

It’s not about ‘work’.

To me it’s a beautiful surrender and at the same time, an empowering and intentional direction of my energy.

That’s what it means to take the step into our Girl and Her Moon Soul Work.

It means YES to more. YES to alignment. YES to opening to higher levels of every desire on your heart. YES to your Soul.


These journeys are created from the perspective that you are perfectly where you are, that you are on your journey, and that now is the time to up level – in whatever way that means for you, and you know deeply where and what you are ready to step into.

Whether that step is into your Souls Purpose, or whether you’re ready to open the floodgates of abundance.

Whether you’re ready to reconnect with your body, the Earth, and Source in a deeper way than ever before, or whether you’re ready to receive clear and concise guidance.

Whether you’re ready to renew your energy inside of the Akashic Records or manifest alongside your Spirit Guides.

Each Soul Work has its own unique energy and message to share.



Girl and Her Moon Soul Work


All my love,

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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