Weekly Horoscope May 26 – June 1 2024: Astrology for Your Zodiac Sign

It’s a quiet week in our cosmos, still feeling the blessings and reverberations of last week’s entrance into Gemini Season and the Sagittarius full Moon. With more subtle movements in our skies, it’s a supportive week for our minds as Mercury makes contact with both Saturn and Uranus.

Mercury Sextile Saturn: May 27 2024

Mercury will join the Sun and shift into Gemini next week, but before it leaves Taurus, it goes about joining forces with Saturn on May 27 2024.

Mercury in Astrology is our mind. It’s the way we take in our environment, processing what we see and making sense of this world we find ourselves in. It’s learning, mental organisation, pattern formation, thoughts, and communication. Saturn, in a similar way, relates to the organisation of our environment too. Unlike Mercury however, it’s less about our minds and more about the tangible action we are taking. Saturn is the organisation of our environment through the grounded and practical building of our lives over time.

As May 27 reaches us both planets come into what is called a sextile, a harmonious angle of 60 ° in our skies. The two planets in collaboration invite practical planning, a space for us to bring together thinking and planning with long-term visions.

It creates an aura of clear thinking, sacred discipline, grounded judgement, and practical groundwork. It is a day to clearly and lovingly approach tasks and organisation that supports who you want to be, where you want to go, and the life you are building as you continue to move through the world.

Mercury conjunct Uranus: 31 May 2024

Closing the month on 31 May 2024 is the conjunction (coming together) of Mercury and Uranus in our skies. A louder, and perhaps stronger, energy than Mercury and Saturn, Mercury conjunct Uranus is a day of mental expansion, liberation of the mind, and vast visioning.

It is a free and open streaming of information and possibility, as if floating in the ethers for us to simply and easily tune into, allowing it to expand the bounds of our minds.

Uranus in Astrology is a beautiful paring for Mercury and the mind, speaking to future possibilities, change and breakthroughs, freedom and innovation. It has been likened to the ‘Universal Mind’, where all information, knowing, possibility and inspiration lives.

As Mercury and Uranus come together this week, allow it to be your invitation to open wider. Open to possibility, new ideas, and new perspectives. Allow yourself to tune into the ethers where all inspiration lives, inviting it to move your awareness past the structures of your perspectives, past the bounds of your beliefs, past the narrative of what is possible for you and your life.

Weekly Astrology: Bringing it Together

While the week opens with a subtle inspiration of practical planning for the grounded building of our lives, it closes with the less subtle invitation to take our visioning, beliefs of possibility, and perspectives far beyond where they currently are. We have built a framework to hold us as we tend to the practicalities of our lives, and now we are allowing that framework to propel us far into the ethers.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr once said, “A mind the is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”, and Mercury conjunct Uranus is where this stretching happens, if we so allow ourselves to let its energy in. As the week builds towards the 31st, create space for brainstorming, idea play, and possibility exploring.

Weekly Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign May 26 – June 1 2024

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrology chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for May 26 to June 1, 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrology chart, highlighting different areas of our human experience. By looking to your rising sign, you can begin to discern those shifts invitations.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

As you tend to your truth of what really matters and inspires the depth of your heart, there is an opening calling your name in the space of your financial reality. Open to new financial possibilities, letting inspiration and vast ideas break down the walls that have been restricting what you believe is possible for yourself.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

There is an expansion happening, Taurus Rising, in the core of who you are. Your identity is opening, shifting, letting in more of your light. This week, invite spaciousness and dreaming to take you beyond the bounds of how you see yourself and what you believe possible for you. There is much waiting to shift within you.

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Look practically ahead at the long-term visions you are building. How can you tend to these visions? What small actions or planning will support their manifestation? As the week builds, there is inspiration waiting in the ethers for you to tune into the unseen, play with possibility, and connect with the vaster flow of the Universe.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Look ahead, Cancer Rising. Dream ahead. Let wishes speak to your heart and open your mind – moving past what you’ve believed possible for yourself. And, don’t be surprised if collaborations and connections become a part of making your dreams come true.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

This week invites an expansion of your long-term visions and legacy, Leo Rising. It asks for you to create the space for new ideas and possibilities when it comes to the building of your dreams and impact you are here to make. Open to this invitation by inviting creative brainstorm sessions, visioning meditations, and big dreaming.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Mercury and Uranus coming together is like a door opening in our cosmos. For you, it opens a door to vaster wisdom, meanings, and insights of the workings of the universe. It asks you to explore philosophies and systems that bring you closer to these workings, letting it expand your mind, perspectives, and sense of belonging in this life.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

As you tend to the foundations of your wellbeing this week, much opens up within you, Libra Rising. As you provide yourself the daily support and structures of safety, you are invited to travel deep within you for an inner transformation that is calling your name.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

There is an invitation to offer your creativity more space, in a way that honours just how needed and necessary it is in your life. As you do so, there is growth and inspiration streaming through your favourite people to meet you. A beautiful week for brainstorming and inspiring conversations with partners and friends.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

As you tend to the foundations of who you are and the safety held within your own being, there is something opening within your daily life, Sagittarius Rising, that will propel you into a sense of movement, change, freedom and inspiration. Your overall sense of wellbeing is being invited into a new chapter.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Your thoughts are the foundation of your wellbeing, Capricorn Rising –  your state of mind, and the narratives that run within them. This week calls for a redesign of your mind as it propels you into joy, play, creative expression and perhaps even a little bit of romance.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

There is an overall invitation for security, stability, safety, and belonging calling your name this week, Aquarius Rising. Whether shown by your outer reality in the form of possessions, work, money – or within your own being, your body, psychology, and heart. How can you offer yourself safety?

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope

It’s all about the expansion of your mind, Pisces Rising. As Saturn invites you look at responsibility as something sacred supporting your growth, your mind is offered the opportunity to open wider and rearrange. As you lean into the truth that you are in charge of your life, much potential begins to open ahead of you.

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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