Weekly Astrology Horoscopes: September 8 – 14 2024

As Virgo Season continues to ground and anchor each of us, this week Mercury too joins the earth sign of Virgo, bringing its energy into our minds. It’s a week of both expansion and contraction as the Sun dances with Saturn and Jupiter in our skies.

Sun square Saturn: September 8

Saturn in Astrology represents responsibility, wisdom, boundaries, and mastery. It is a planet that asks reliability, resilience, commitment, and discipline from each of us. The Sun is our centre. It is the evolution of who we are and who we are becoming. It is the spark of Spirit alive within each of us, expressing into this world as the individual of you.

This week on September 8, 2024, the Sun and Saturn sit directly opposite one another in our cosmos – highlighting differences, contradictions, opposite energies – yet within this, inviting us to find the space where these opposites become one within us.

As the Sun continues to travel through Virgo we are invited to ground, anchor ourselves into our bodies, routines, the practicalities of our days that support and nourish us. And as Saturn travels through Pisces, where it has been since 2023 and will continue until 2025, it invites discipline into our creativity and spiritual practice, responsibility for the building of our dreams and imaginations, and the practice of compassionate boundaries in a way that support both ourselves, and others.

While Virgo focuses on the tangible, Pisces lives in the intangible. This opposition however, reminds us that these seemingly separate worlds live on one continuous line of expression. They are partners, informing one another, building and moving together.

On this day, allow yourself to explore themes of practicality, responsibility, inspiration, mastery, and commitment. And how the intangible dreams and ideas that call forth cannot become anything without devoted and consistent tangible action. While oppositions can represent discomfort – they don’t need to. How do you feel sitting with seemingly opposing ideas?

Mercury enters Virgo: September 9

Before its recent retrograde, Mercury was in Virgo from July 25 to August 15 2024, and this week it makes its re-entrance on 9 September 2024, where it will remain until September 26, 2024.

The Sun is already travelling through Virgo bringing earth and body wisdom, organisation and refinement. As Mercury joins this domain of the cosmos, the energy of Virgo becomes concentrated in our minds, the way we think, learn, perceive, process, and communicate.

As Mercury moves through Virgo we are invited to lean into practical thinking, organised planning and visioning, and a clearing and refining of the mind. We are invited to observe ourselves and the world around us with an adaptable way of thinking and perceiving, allowing things to shift and reveal more of themselves to us. And we are invited to tend to productive day-to-day matters, cleaning and organising ourselves and our lives.

Sun square Jupiter: September 12

The Sun has moved away from its connection with Saturn and now enters a conversation with our expander of the cosmos, Jupiter. This week on September 12, 2024, the Sun in Virgo comes into a square with Jupiter in Gemini.

Jupiter is a seeker. It is wisdom, faith, growth and magnification. It is a planet that looks to the future, so that it may become who it needs to be to step into that future.

On this day it may feel as if Jupiter is inviting us to step forward, claim possibilities for ourselves and magnify the growth that is always happening beneath the surface. Jupiter is inviting us to hope, hold faith and trust in ourselves and the unfolding of our journey, and to say yes to the expansion that this planet represents.

Yet with the energy of a square present, our real opportunity is in noticing first the invitations calling us forward, and then feeling our response, and all that lives within us that reacts to this invitation. Do we feel safe enough to lean into this growth? Are there patterns, beliefs, or fears alive within that arise in response to it? What is ‘in the way’ is the way on this day. Allow yourself to curiously explore what arises – for they are doorways into your Jupiterian growth and gifts.

Weekly Astrology: September 8 to 14 2024

There is a grounded energy to this week. A practicality, organising, and planning energy humming beneath the surface. And it is through exploring our relationship with these themes that energy flows.

It’s a week for organising your mind, space, habits and life. It is a week to tend to your dreams and imaginations in a way that is empowering, committed, and planted in responsibility and compassionate self-discipline. And it is a week that invites a mirror to observe who we are becoming, and what arises within us in response to that – tending to what appears with love, presence, and understanding.

Zodiac Sign Horoscopes

As the planets shift in our cosmos, they simultaneously shift through our astrological chart, highlighting different areas (houses) of our human experience. By looking to your zodiac sign – in particular your rising sign, we can begin to discern those shifts and invitations.

Read on for your horoscope forecast for 1 to 7 September 2024. For a greater in depth reading based on your astrology chart, explore our Transits Astrology Reading.

Aries Rising: Aries Weekly Horoscope

There is a sacred energy flowing through this week for you, Aries Rising. Where you are reminded that creativity, imagination, and dreams hold a spark of divinity within them. Where do you go when you dream? What are you meeting in your fantasy? Explore this, so that you may then tend its tangible building.

Taurus Rising: Taurus Weekly Horoscope

This week reminds us that a healthy collective is made up of healthy individuals, Taurus Rising. You are here to be you. And in being you, you add life, essence, and beauty into this world. Are there lingering patterns, energies, or narratives within that say otherwise? That to be worthy, accepted, and safe you must dim your shine, change to fit in, follow the crowd?

Gemini Rising: Gemini Weekly Horoscope

As you continue to cultivate and tend to your inner world Gemini Rising, there are dreams and potentials that continue to ask for you out in the world – for your tangible building, for you to put yourself out there and commit to the call – a readiness calling your name.

Cancer Rising: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

It’s an expansion of the mind this week, Cancer Rising. An observation of what lives within your mind – or even, who lives within your mind. Are there perspectives, ideas, and beliefs belonging to others masquerading as yours? There is an opening of beliefs, understanding, and wisdom calling you toward it. Clear the space in your mind and you will find it.

Leo Rising: Leo Weekly Horoscope

What is safety to you, Leo Rising? What is security? What does it feel like to trust in yourself, and to feel strong and anchored in your worth and your body? Allow yourself this week to explore your answers, for there is deep transformation and empowerment waiting to be met within them.

Virgo Rising: Virgo Weekly Horoscope

This week is a beautiful opportunity to explore the throughline between the intangible and tangible, the energetic and the physical. While vast energy moves into the practical and physical world, allow life to remind you of the sacred, energetic, and spiritual – for this week invites you to explore a new way of being in your career and legacy – and both worlds are required to meet it.

Libra Rising: Libra Weekly Horoscope

There is a mystical essence to this week for you, Libra Rising. An invitation to clear space for yourself – in your, mind, time, and presence – to feel the hands of something larger holding and guiding you. The more you create pockets for this, through habit, routine, and organisation of your time, the more becomes available.

Scorpio Rising: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope 

Create space for your creativity this week, Scorpio Rising. For there is deep opportunity available in this space that cannot be separated from your sense of belonging, dreaming, and ideas for this world. Let your self-expression open you wider to the whispers calling your name, and the inner transformation awaiting you.

Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Season (August 22 – September 22) has been inviting you to look ahead, commit to your dreams, and begin organising, planning and building. This week continues this invitation while bringing a focus to your inner world, the foundations upon which the rest of your life grows. By tending to what lives within, we influence and shape what lives without.

Capricorn Rising: Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

This week invites an openness to the mind, Capricorn Rising. To ponder on beliefs, ideas, perspective and truths. To allow your mind to shift and show you more, revealing more of life and yourself in the process. Journalling exercises that invite you into a conversation with something vaster will unearth much this week.

Aquarius Rising: Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 

Who would you or what would you be doing be if money were not a limitation? What is true within you, calling you towards it, asking you to claim this part of self? This week invites you not to abandon the practicalities of finances, but to claim your truth and observe how you can begin building in the tangible from this truth.

Pisces Rising: Pisces Weekly Horoscope 

This week invites you deeper into your humanness, Pisces Rising. It desires for you to bring your vast imaginations, creativity, and ideas into this world. What empowering responsibilities, compassionate boundaries, devoted commitments, and practical organisation is required to bridge potentials and possibilities into manifest creations? Allow others to support and guide you, for you are not on this journey alone.

The Moon & other planets in transit this week:

  • September 9 2024: Moon Enters Sagittarius
  • September 10 2024: Moon in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces
  • September 11 2024: Mercury in Virgo Sextile Mars in Cancer
  • September 11 2024: Moon Enters Capricorn
  • September 13 2024: Moon in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus
  • September 14 2024: Moon in Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
  • September 14 2024: Moon Enters Aquarius
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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