Virgo Super Full Moon March 2020 Girl and Her Moon

Our first Super Full Moon of 2020 in the most beautiful, divine timing.



  • Sydney: Tuesday 10 March 4.47am
  • Hong Kong: Tuesday 10 March 1.47am
  • Moscow: Monday 9 March 8.47pm
  • Paris: Monday 9 March 6.47pm
  • London: Monday 9 March 5.47pm
  • New York: Monday 9 March 1.47pm
  • Los Angeles: Monday 9 March 10.47am


Taking a step back and looking at all that the Universe brings us, all of the astrological events, new energies, retrogrades, all of it, you start to see just how divinely timed and perfect it all is. The Universe is always bringing us what we need, whether we realise (or agree that we need it) or not – and this Super Full Moon is no different.

Mercury has been in retrograde for 3 weeks now, asking us to go deeply within and connect with our Souls, and with this has come wisdom, inner connection and a stillness to reflect. While this new-found wisdom and connection may still be foggy, the Full Moon is bringing that to an end.

And now, March Equinox and Aries season is just around the corner and with this, we are stepping into a brand-new cycle of energy and being, a new space of awakening – we are stepping into a new astrological year.

But before we start leaping forward, the Universe is bringing all of the clarity we have been moving towards during Mercury Retrograde and shining a big and bright Super Moon light onto it. La Luna has taken on the Virgo energy of truth seeking and is bringing clarity, realisations, awakenings and healing.




This Super Full Moon is all about bringing clarity and realisations into our lives.

We are being guided to step into our own power, our inner wisdom, our own intuitive guidance and healing before we start taking those big steps into a new cycle.

If you are still enough, this inner clarity will be heard. Use this energy, use what La Luna is trying to bring you and take the time to sit with your Soul. Take the time to connect with yourself. Take the time to dive in deep and discover just how wise, powerful and intuitive you really are. And then follow the guidance that comes with it.




A Super Moon is La Luna in her fullest and closest to our Earth, allowing us to feel the already powerful effects even more powerfully – use this as an indication of what March is energetically for us.

This month is bringing us bold, potent and transformative energy. There is a lot going on energetically for each of us, so use this Virgo energy to deeply connect with your body and your health.

La Luna is bringing attention to any misalignments within your physical body. Take the time to listen to your body. Take the time to connect with your body and ask it what it needs from you. Energy healing, naturopathy, medicine, therapy, meditation, spa time – whatever your body is seeking. Move forward with your healing and give yourself love.






Aries Girl and Her Moon


Fiery Aries, this Super Full Moon is a powerful one for you. We’re talking upgrades in your business life, daily routine, productivity, health and fur babies!

Attention to detail and productivity are two energies that are flowing your way this Full Moon. There is a focus on your home, work environment, health and pets. If any of these areas of your life are out of alignment, be open to La Luna showing you this. But remember, for something to change you need to change it. If you receive guidance, be brave and take the steps.

If you have been seeking something new and exciting in your business life, be open to it now, because it’s exactly what La Luna and Mars have teamed up to bring you. Sit down and get honest and clear with your Soul about what it is you would really like to be doing. How would you like to be spending your time, how would you like to funnel your abundance, what kind of impact would you like to make in the world, what lights your Soul up?

Work with the cosmos. Start energetically planning and creating the career of your dreams.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Taurus Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Let your Soul shine through you this Full Moon, Taurus, this energy is all about creativity for your beautiful self. When we are creating we are allowing the flow of life move through us, we are allowing our Souls expression and we are aligning our energy with the Universe. Have some fun, build something, get your paintbrush out, take photography classes – whatever is calling your name… and while you’re at it, La Luna is all for you having a little sneaky spa session with that massage you have been craving.

If you have children, bring them in on your creative pursuits, activities, hobbies or sports. Let them remind you of the child within you. Let them bring that pure innocence and wonder into your energy.

Mercury goes direct in your work sector, meaning, it’s a beautiful time to get involved in a project at work, and you can expect great results in due time.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Gemini Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Fancy some feng shui? La Luna is bringing you the energy and eye to rearrange and redecorate your home space!

If you have been wanting to rearrange, paint, or get your hands on some new décor, now is a beautiful time. The environment that surrounds you is such a beautiful indication of the environment within you, and with an upgrade to your home, you are allowing your inner world the space to also upgrade. Create a space that has you feeling warm and fuzzy, in total awe of its beauty and connected to yourself.

It may even be the time to get inspired for your future homes by checking out open homes in your dream area, or by getting lost in the world of home inspo on Pinterest.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Cancer Symbol Girl and Her Moon


We’re in an energy of new beginnings for you beautiful Cancer, especially relating to online work, communication or even networking. If your Soul has been guiding you towards taking a new step, or even a giant leap, trust in that guidance. Be brave. You are so worth it and La Luna is looking for an opportunity to flow so much magic into your life, you just need to follow that guidance within and open the doors.

We may even be talking short, unexpected trips, get your bags packed! Another area of life that La Luna is shining into is your siblings, if you have them, it’s a good time to check in with them, connect and show your appreciation and love for them.

Mercury is going direct in your sexuality and truth sector and bringing you the energy and confidence to powerfully speak your truth.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Leo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


La Luna wants you to have the world, Leo, but oftentimes, we are the only ones standing in the way of that.

This Full Moon is asking you to dive into your money mindset and release any beliefs that are holding you back from receiving you all that you desire. Grab a money mindset book or do a course, and remember, you are worth all that you desire, you are worthy of receiving, you are capable of making money, and the Universe wants you to live an abundant life. Maybe it’s even time to shock yourself with a manifestation challenge – you’ll be amazed at how powerful you are!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Virgo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Beautiful Virgo, this is your Super Full Moon and your time to shine.

Those of us that are stepping into our spirituality can often get so caught up in connecting to our Soul, our emotions, working on our mindset etc, that we neglect the other huge part of us – we are human. Our body also needs love and connection and attention, and this is what La Luna is reminding you of this Full Moon – love your body. If there is any sort of misalignment within your physical body/health, she’s bringing that into the spotlight so that you can address it. It’s not a time to ignore the yearnings of your body. It’s time to love it.

Similarly, if there has been misalignment within your daily routine, La Luna is shining a light on that so that you can do what you do best and reorganise. You are worth the daily dedication to your dreams.

And lastly, this Full Moon is bringing insight around anyone who is negatively impacting you. Not everyone’s energy works together.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Libra Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Lovely Libra, it can be difficult for you sometimes, confrontation isn’t really your thing, but oftentimes, this avoidance can do greater harm than good. This Full Moon, La Luna is bringing you the energy to fully express yourself and your truth in a way that will bring a sense of freedom and inner power. Use your voice, let yourself be heard, and don’t be afraid to shake things up if needed.

This Full Moon indicates the end of a cycle for you, spend time with your Soul doing some release work in line with La Luna and you will find yourself light and full of energy as we move into Aries season.

If your body has been trying to get your attention, don’t ignore it. Tend to your body, give it attention and ask it where it needs healing.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Scorpio Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Have you been receiving all the love that you have been putting out, Scorpio? It’s time to look at those you surround yourself with, and really look. Are your friendships in alignment with the person you are creating yourself to be, are your friendships bringing you love, support and connection? You deserve the world, Scorpio, and your friends should be reminding you of this.

This is a beautiful time to put yourself out there and meet new friends Scorpio, and if you do, the cosmos is hinting at a deep, healthy and long-term connection.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Sagittarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Success is coming your way, Sagittarius! La Luna sees you working hard, she sees your focus and dedication and she wants to bring you that success – however you define success.

If you have been unclear about your next steps in your career, clarity is coming. If you have been wanting a change or promotion, this is your time. If you have been wanting to start a new process, take this Virgo energy and move forward with discipline and care.

With Mercury going direct shortly after the Full Moon, your communication abilities, cognitive skills, curiosity and passion are getting a jolt of energy!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


La Luna is bringing you clarity in your favourite are of life Capricorn, your business life! Sit down with the Moon to look at your business plan and the direction you are walking in. Take the Virgo energy and lean into the details. You have powerful, powerful, abilities to create such an impact in this life and La Luna wants you to lean into this knowing with confidence and trust. If any legal or commercial matters have been pending or unclear, things will start moving forward with clarity shortly. There may also be some important business-related and social-media-related travel coming your way.

It may also be time to start some form of education now that Mercury is going direct again. If you have been wanting to learn a particular skill or dive into a particular topic, the cosmos is supporting you to move forward with this.

Mercury is going direct in your income zone – meaning, it’s time to receive.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Take a deep breath Aquarius and sit in gratitude for a moment. If you have been waiting to receive news on inheritance, alimony, scholarships or loans, La Luna is bringing you exactly that. Remember, with trust and belief in your power, you can receive all that you seek. Lean into the knowing that you are worthy or your desires, you are worthy of the life of your dreams. La Luna wants to remind you of this this Full Moon, sit under her shine and let yourself be reminded.

If a partner or spouse has been working towards financial gains, it’s good news for them too! Let La Luna remind them that they also, are worth the life of their dreams. Maybe you can remind them, too.

Any hermit-like-anti-social-energy that came with Mercury in retrograde will soon be over. It’s time to re-enter the world, Aquarius!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾


Pisces Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Clarity, insights, decisions, your next steps – it’s all flowing right to you beautiful Pisces, so please don’t worry yourself about any confusion that has been sitting around your mind. If there has been any unpredictability relating to relationships, La Luna is bringing this to an end.

This Full Moon is allowing you to find the power within you to make decisions with confidence, and to step forward with trust. You have that power within you, lean into this. Sit under the Moon and let her show you just how capable and strong you are.

Your intuition and psychic abilities are strengthening once again with Mercury going direct. Have some fun with this, pull out your Tarot deck, do some Soul-work, anything that pulls you back into your spirituality.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Virgo Full Moon Reading ☾



Want to work alongside La Luna each month?

Our beautiful Flow with the Moon members are aligning with this powerful energy through ritual, soul-work and spiritual practices, as they do each month.

They have access to exclusive monthly astrological, numerological & tarot guidance, Moon ritual, and Soul-work.

But it doesn’t stop there. Find out more about here!

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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