Virgo New Moon September 2021 ⏀ All you need to know + Ritual!

Virgo New Moon September 2021 Girl and Her Moon

We are reorganising. We are refining. We are getting clear on what is important, what truly matters in our hearts.



  • Wellington: Tuesday September 7 – 12.51 pm
  • Sydney: Tuesday September 7 – 10.51 am
  • New Delhi: Tuesday September 7 – 6.21 am
  • Dubai: Tuesday September 7 – 4.51 am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Tuesday September 7 – 3.51 am
  • Paris/Berlin: Tuesday September 7 – 2.51 am
  • London: Tuesday September 7 – 1.51 am
  • New York/Toronto: Monday September 6 – 8.51 pm
  • Los Angeles: Monday September 6 – 5.51 pm


This New Moon truly is the beginning of a new cycle.

A new beginning. A new path.

One where we know what is important. One where we are clear on our priorities. One where we are dedicated to the quietest, smallest, yet deeply impactful, calls to align with our inner selves, over and over again. And perhaps contradictory, one where we are being asked to surrender into mystery, into stepping into a vastness and openness that we have not yet ventured into.

This New Moon is both clarity and mystery. Logic and intuition. Precise and abstract. Narrow and wide.

But what is clear, is that it is a new beginning for each of us. Like a bursting seed, there is new life in motion.

Virgo is a sign of deep healing, it is blessed with a sharp eye that can see what doesn’t fit, what doesn’t belong, what needs to be moved, what needs to be let go, in any situation.

It also reorganises energy. Putting things into their most optimal and efficient positions. It takes all that is in disarray and creates the perfect system to restore balance. That’s why it is known as the healer, the doula, the medicine woman.

That is what we are doing under this New Moon. We are reorganising. We are refining. We are restoring balance to our lives. Both energetically and physically.

We are getting clear on what is important, what truly matters in our hearts.

We are stripping away all that is left over.

And we are realigning ourselves with the systems that can best support our health, wellbeing, balance, and fulfilment.

Trine Uranus, this New Moon is also taking us into our future. Uranus is our planet of change, and he is our planet of highest potential. He shows us all that is possible. And with that, he highlights anything that is out of alignment with that highest possibility. As does Virgo. So we cleanse. We strip back the excess. We focus on the possibility, we focus on what truly matters, we zone in, and we take our steps towards it.

Neptune is also active under this New Moon, which brings a wider perspective to what could otherwise feel like a narrow lunation. Where Virgo is clear, narrow and precise, Neptune is open, vast, often blurring the edges.

With the magic like imagination of Neptune, we are being encouraged to dream big. To tap into the wealth of options and abundance that is available in the realms beyond what we can see, hear, smell, and touch. It may feel like a space of the unknown, of mystery, because this is a vastness that we have not ventured into before. Open wider. Let your mind wander. Bring in the magic of mystery, the magic that is found only in a complete surrender.

Virgo is a hard worker, and with the power of our imagination and dreams attached to this hard work comes a beautiful recipe for powerful change, manifestation, and new beginnings.

It’s time to start anew. It’s time to breathe in fresh, open, and healing air. It’s time to open ourselves wider to all that is possible for us. It’s time to declare that we are ready for more. For more love, more fulfilment, more expression, more of who we are. And anything else, we let it go with deep gratitude for getting us to this exact moment.



Virgo New Moon Ritual:

Embodiment & Breath Work

Virgo New Moon Healing Breathwork Session with Tanya Saunders – an exclusive ritual to our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Pre-recorded to move through in your own safe space, and aligned time, you will have lifelong access to this recording to move through as many times as you desire, whenever your heart is calling you for wider expansion, higher energy, and integration of deep wisdom.

This breathwork session is designed to align with the energy of Virgo. To clear energy. To move energy. To reorganise energy. To ground. To restore health and balance. To refine our intentions, our motives. To remember and return to the truth of what and who we desire to be, to bring clarity to how we desire to live.

Join us under this New Moon to embody the beautiful energy of this beautiful New Moon. The recording will be available instantly upon signing up.

Find out more about the Flow with the Moon Membership here. 🖤


Virgo New Moon Ritual September 2021 Girl and Her Moon


If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the New Moon – Dilosh has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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