Virgo Full Moon Magic March 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign

To cleanse. To remember. To purify. To refine.

To witness and release within our bodies, our minds, our unconscious and our emotions, anything that is not the magic of our own energy, our own frequency, our own operating system, our own guidance, our own emotions, our own expression of the Divine.

As we as swim through the magic of Pisces Season, this lunation invites us to remember our light as that of the sacred, the All – and to simultaneously remember our role of discernment.

As we exist and express through these beautiful bodies, living within the tangible space of sacred separation that Virgo represents, our role of discernment, purification, and intuition becomes even more important. Our role of maintaining our individual vessels, our individual channels, our individual paths, of fine tuning our intuition, our own connection – becomes even more important.

Welcome to February’s supportive and intuitive Full Moon in Virgo.

Read on for astrological insights, horoscopes for your zodiac sign, and a full Moon ritual below.

When is the Virgo Full Moon?

The Virgo Full Moon takes place on 24 February 2024.

  • Wellington: Sunday 25 February, 1.30am
  • Sydney: Saturday 24 February, 11.30pm
  • Tokyo: Saturday 24 February, 9.30pm
  • Singapore: Saturday 24 February, 8.30pm
  • New Delhi: Saturday 24 February, 6pm
  • Dubai: Saturday 24 February, 4.30pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Saturday 24 February, 3.30pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Saturday 24 February, 1.30pm
  • London: Saturday 24 February, 12.30pm
  • New York/Toronto: Saturday 24 February, 7.30am
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Saturday 24 February, 4.30am

 February Full Moon in Virgo Astrology

A Full Moon meets us when the Sun and Moon are directly opposite one another in our cosmos. As the Sun in Pisces shines, the Moon reaches fullness in its opposite sign, Virgo, highlighting one of the many paradoxes of what it means to be a human.

There is a space in which we are all One, the waters from which all life emerges, highlighted by the dreamy Pisces Sun. Yet there is also a space where you are you, and I am me. Where your guidance is different to mine, and my path is different to yours.

Virgo is the discerning filter that maintains its own light in its own body, cleansing itself from all energy, frequency, emotion, and guidance that is not uniquely for it. It is the purification of all the ways in which we have taken in the All – trying to hold, feel, or filter it through our own bodies, emotions, psyche, and energy field.

Not all energy is for us. Not all emotions are for us. Not all paths are for us. Our bodies remind us of this. Our nervous system reminds us of this.

Virgo Full Moon Invitations

A full Moon is a time of release. It is a culmination. An illumination. this full Moon is a shining forth of all that rests within us – whether true or untrue to who we are, whether supportive or unsupportive of our path.

Whether it is felt emotionally, in our bodies, our minds, or reflected back to us through others, or experiences, in our outer reality. This full Moon speaks to us, showing us what we are ready to release. Showing us what we are holding onto, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is our mirror.

As you look into this mirror, as you see yourself, your life, your reality, from this illuminated perspective – how much of it is you? How much of it is theirs? How much of it is the collective? How much of it is learned patterns and narratives that were never a part of your unique system? How much of it is emotion that you have absorbed from the environment around you? How much of it is simply not the pure magic that is you?

As we swim through Pisces Season, the magic of this full Moon and this illumination is that as we release what is not ours, or simply not aligned with our current and next season – the more we attune to what is.

The more we fine tune our intuition. The more we hear, see, know what is for us. The more clarity streams through our third eye. The more our bodies flow, move, operate. The more we can express in our tangible, every day, lived lives, the sacred path that is for us. The more we live in the expression of our Souls, our desires, our fulfilment, our unique dance with Life.

As Virgo is an Earth Sign, this full Moon brings us deep into the body, where the intuition, too, comes into and expresses itself through the body.

Virgo Full Moon Ritual

Full Moon Ritual: Intuition Activation Workshop

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Created with the Virgo and Pisces Axis, this workshop supports us in activating our intuition in both the tangible and intangible realms, tuning into our inner guidance in a profound and embodied way.

Together with Intuitive Alchemist, Laura Brown, we are holding the space and intention for deepened connection and collaboration with our intuition – so that we may begin playing in the arena of our inner knowing, collaborating with it, dancing with it, and forming the deep roots through which a solid foundation and partnership can build.

Join us here.

What the Full Moon in Virgo Means For Your Zodiac Sign

Watch on for your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope for your Zodiac Sign below, with Girl and Her Moon Intuitive Healer and Tarot Reader, Dilosh.

We recommend watching your Sun, Moon & Rising Sign!


YouTube video
Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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