Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

pictured: St.Soleil Lucid Dreams Tarot Deck

Two of Swords Keywords

Indecision, detachment, indifference, neutral/neutrality, pause, stuck, uncertainty, stalled, stalemate, confusion, avoidance

Two of Swords Numerology


Two of Swords Astrology Zodiac

Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Two of Swords Tarot Suit

Minor Arcana, Suit of Swords

Journal Prompts for Two of Swords Tarot Card

– What can I do to see both sides of the spectrum (so that I can make more well-informed choices)?

– How does one choice/option/etc vs the other affect me?

– What can I do to shift out of indecision?

Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

A blindfolded woman sits on a stone bench. She holds a pair of silver swords, one in each hand, respectively. Her arms are crossed at her wrists, as she holds the swords equally and steadily in front of her.

The woman wears a long-sleeved, white gown–even the blindfold covering her eyes is white. The use of white suggests purity, purification and/or neutrality. Her shoes as well as the crescent moon are yellow–hinting at another shared connection–free will, the color of the solar plexus.

Even though she is blindfolded, her hands and feet are completely free. This indicates that if she wanted to, she could easily put the swords down, remove the blindfold and walk away at any moment. In this instance she is choosing to remain as she appears.

The ground beneath the woman’s feet is a smooth, cement or stone surface. The background set behind her is decorated by an open ocean with rocky boulders exposed (set on both the right and left-hand sides); and what appears to be a barren stretch of land, off in the distance.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Two of Swords Upright

When the Two of Swords appears, it can indicate that you are being faced with a difficult choice (or opposing choices) that may have you at a standstill and/or feeling indecisive about what to do – you have arrived at a crossroad. If this is the case, you may benefit from taking a moment of pause before deciding, especially if you have not already done so. Use this time to gather as much information as you can to make a well-informed decision, rather than one based on emotions.

On the other hand, when all the logic and information in the world happens to be the thing(s) keeping you stuck. This could be a time to go inward and meditate on what to do instead. If the costs and benefits have canceled each other out, step back and ask yourself how you would feel about one outcome versus the other. Having properly assessed and looked at all of the relevant information, overcoming any fears, doubts, etc–tune in. Allow your instincts and your emotions to guide you, based on the details provided.

This energy can, at times, symbolize a need for meditation and/or removing oneself from distractions–especially during moments when you really need to hear your own inner voice. The main thing to keep in mind is in the information you are either addressing or ignoring, regardless of any confusion or other potential emotional bias.

The Two of Swords can also be an indication that you may be stuck in your own thoughts and are perhaps even keeping yourself stalemated. Rather than looking at the answers that are right in front you, you may be denying it, unintentionally creating your own confusion. When this card appears you may even be procrastinating or coming up with excuses and/or reasons to avoid making a firm decision.

Consider whether or not you are symbolically blindfolding yourself from the truth and/or any other relevant information, details, etc that could lead you to making a definitive choice. Step back and recognize whether or not you are being swayed by your feelings. Perhaps you are overwhelmed or feeling anxious about having to face certain decisions, details, etc. 

When relating to/with another person, the Two of Swords indicates that one or both of you could be avoiding something–whether it is avoiding a conversation and/or the other person. Depending on what other cards appear next to the Two of Swords, the outcome could go either way. If this card happens to be the outcome, it may be best to revisit the situation at another time. The best answer in these types of instances may be to leave things as they are for the moment, knowing that it is temporary and will eventually pass.

You may find yourself caught between two opposing family members, friends, co-workers, etc if the Two of Swords appears. If so, you most likely want to remove yourself from the situation altogether. If you are able to do so, you should. If this is a situation that requires your input, as was previously mentioned, your best angle is by basing your decision(s) on logical information. Do your best to recognize if and/or when you might be allowing for your feelings to cloud your judgment.

Following the Ace of Swords, with the Two of Swords in play, while you might pause or feel stuck in the moment, you will eventually have to make a move or be prepared for external factors to decide for you. That being said, do not be afraid to see what’s right in front of you so that you can feel empowered when you do take action. In the end you are better off removing the proverbial blindfold and addressing what needs to be addressed.

Two of Swords Reversed

The reversed Two of Swords can allude to a time when things are simply not moving forward and may even need to be put on hold, potentially, indefinitely.

Also, it is possible that the situation you are dealing with has provided you with circumstances that create an unfavorable outcome, no matter what you do.

With the reversed position of the Two of Swords appearing, you may be avoiding and/or putting something and/or someone off that you are no longer able to continue procrastinating on. Additionally, you may be forced to make a decision on something, without having the option to walk away or opt out.

It is not always easy to be caught in the middle of a dispute, especially when it involves loved ones and/or situations where you are close to the individuals at odds. Often, one might choose to stay out of things that do not directly concern or involve themselves. However, that isn’t always the case and sometimes, your intervention and “tie-breaker” choice is the only acceptable answer. 

If you are faced with circumstances that leave you feeling confused and/or helpless about being caught in the middle, do your best to detach from your emotions; so that you can keep as logical of a perspective as possible.

The reversed Two of Swords may also suggest that rather than avoiding things, you’re ready to take a look at whatever is needing your attention. You may have found that both sides of a situation have valid points and/or equal standing but either way, you are ready to make a decision.

There might be moments where you may not feel comfortable with delegating or even speaking on the phone. Unfortunately there are some things that simply must be dealt with and in this case, the Two of Swords in reverse would suggest that you’re ready to handle things. The consequences of not taking care of such tasks, especially when they are simple in nature but potentially tedious, are just not worth it and you are likely ready to accept that and overcome it.

The Two of Swords reversed could also indicate that you have realized that you need to take action; otherwise you run the risk of making matters worse and/or harder on yourself by continuing to avoid things.

The reversed Two of Swords may appear during a time in which you are lacking all of the information necessary to make a well-informed decision. For example, when it comes to an argument or difference of opinion–this energy would indicate that you and/or another may have been struggling but are now ready to see things from the other person’s perspective.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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