Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

pictured: St.Soleil Lucid Dreams Tarot Deck

Two of Cups Keywords

Fulfillment, love, union, unity, romance, partnership, bond, soulmate, mutual attraction, (one-on-one) connection, harmony

Two of Cups Numerology


Two of Cups Astrology Zodiac

Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Two of Cups Tarot Suit

Minor Arcana, Suit of Cups

Journal Prompts for Two of Cups Tarot Card

– How do I feel about the balance (or imbalance) between myself and my partner (spouse, family member, coworker, friend, etc)?

– Is this relationship mutually fulfilling? (If not, what is needed to create mutual fulfillment?)

– Am I ready to enter into a partnership? (If not, what can I do to be ready/open to a partnership?)

Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Cups is represented by two individuals–female and male–standing on a platform, facing each other. The female figure stands on the left side of the image holding a chalice in both of her hands. She appears to be presenting it to the male figure, who is standing in front of her; to the right side of the image. He holds a chalice of his own in his left hand. His right hand is extended, as though he is accepting the other chalice from the female.

The woman is dressed in a long-sleeved, white gown and a blue smock. She wears a wreath of green leaves upon her head and red shoes on her feet. The man’s clothing appears similarly to that of The Fool’s, from the major arcana. His leggings and boots are yellow/beige. His smock is yellow with orange-red accents and a pattern of black clovers printed upon it and a long-sleeved white blouse underneath. He wears a wreath of red flowers upon his head.

Black snakes coil up and around a black staff connected to a red-winged, lion head. These components form a powerful caduceus; hovering above and at the center of the image, between the couple. Clear blue skies surround them.

In the background, is a house with a red roof, surrounded by trees, sitting on a rolling green hillside.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Two of Cups Upright

The Two of Cups is generally a very positive card to receive in a reading and often indicates a partnership of some kind. It is very promising, especially when it comes to relationships. Whether the connection is romantic, familial, platonic, etc, each person involved should experience mutual satisfaction and fulfillment within the union.

This energy can also be evocative of The Lovers card from the major arcana. In fact, it is often said that when it comes to romantic relationships, the Two of Cups is even more validating and affirming of a successful union than The Lovers, because it is grounded in the mundane.

That being said, where matters of the heart are concerned, this card would describe a significant romantic partnership. You and/or your partner are communicating clearly, openly, effectively and from the heart. The energy between the two of you is healing and effortless. There is a shared attraction and each partner experiences fulfillment. If you have been experiencing difficulties and/or miscommunications with your partner, the Two of Cups is an optimistic sign of reconciliation and/or healing.

The female and male figures depicted in the Two of Cups represent the sacred feminine and sacred masculine energies and aspects of the self. If you have drawn this card, it can mean that you will experience personal and/or inner fulfillment in whatever it is that you are inquiring about. The core nature and message here is that so long as you remember to choose yourself (your health, happiness, etc) first and foremost, in any given scenario, you can do no wrong.

Overall, the Two of Cups often appears in a tarot reading as an indication that emotional harmony and balance has been achieved. Keep in mind that if your question involves money matters, while positive in nature, more work and/or a long term effort may be necessary to maintain and sustain positive results.

When it comes to your career, this card could be a sign that you are treating your job/career as though it is your partner–meaning that you are married to your work. Just remember not to allow your professional life to take time and/or attention away from your personal life.

There may be a possible love-connection and/or mutual attraction showing up at the workplace. Be aware, if the Two of Cups does appear in a job-related reading that you are careful when it comes to blending business with romance.

Otherwise, work-based relationships may begin to develop more in terms of camaraderie and even form into friendships. Meanwhile, friendships may grow and evolve in terms of trust and/or closeness. Additionally, the upright Two of Cups upright meaning could also indicate that a current friendship has the potential to become a romantic connection, if it hasn’t already started to show signs.

Two of Cups Reversed

If the Two of Cups card appears in the reverse position, some form of disharmony, imbalance and/or potential disconnect is likely being indicated. You and/or your partner may be experiencing dissatisfaction within the relationship. Friction and/or instability could also be showing up between you and your mate. One or both of you could also be starting to notice and/or pick up more on certain habits, details and/or traits that you and/or they do not like.

Depending on the circumstance, try to remember why the two of you were drawn to each other in the first place. If things are not balanced, do your best to step back and look at how each of you have contributed and/or are contributing to the relationship. See what can be done to achieve harmony and bring the energy back into a more mutual flow of give and take.

Internally, something that you are deciding on may feel “off” and/or out of sync with your own happiness. If so, just remember not to force yourself into anything that just does not resonate for you. Anyone pressuring you into making a decision you are not ready to make is not worthy of your time, attention and/or energy.

On a personal level, the Two of Cups reversed could mean that a choice you made will end up unfulfilling and/or you may have mixed feelings about the outcome in the end. Do your best not to be too hard on yourself, especially if you are not experiencing the result(s) you originally wanted and/or intended.

Regarding your career and/or work life, the reversed Two of Cups could be an indication that you are devoting too much time, energy and/or attention to your job. If you are spending more time at work than at home and/or with your loved ones you may need to reevaluate things. Consider whether or not time off might be necessary and/or helpful. Think about what you can do to shift out of any counterproductive behaviors. This card in reverse could also be a sign that you are no longer fulfilled with what you are doing for a living.

Relationships at work may be strained and/or you may be experiencing a form of discord with a co-worker, etc. If this resonates, do your best to communicate with the proper channels in order to ensure that things do not escalate and/or get worse. Where friendships are concerned, you and a friend may not be getting along with this card showing up in reverse.

The reversed meaning of the Two of Cups could also be telling of a close relationship (whether romantic, platonic, familial, professional, etc. that is ending and/or about to experience a separation. If there is strain between yourself and another, see what can be done to communicate authentically and bring healing energies into the situation. Even if you are not able to resolve things, at least you can agree to disagree so that both of you can leave the connection with a mutual understanding.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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