Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

Three of Swords Keywords

Anguish, heartbreak, sorrow, grief, loss, ache, sadness, powerless, hopeless, confusion, forgiveness

Three of Swords Numerology


Three of Swords Astrology Zodiac

Air: Libra & Gemini

Three of Swords Tarot Suit

Minor Arcana, Suit of Swords

Journal Prompts for Three of Swords Tarot Card

– What can I do to shift my focus? (For example, from worst-case scenario into something productive)

– What steps can I/we take to authentically heal/move forward?

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

A red heart is seen with three swords piercing through it. One of the swords goes through the heart vertically and directly down, through the middle. The other two swords pierce through the center of the heart, criss-crossing each other diagonally, from the left and right hand sides. (Three) Clouds and a gray, rainy scene color the background and reflect the more painful, emotional tone that the Three of Swords also embodies. Even though the depiction of this energy is simplistic in nature, the message it conveys of sorrow, grief, etc is very clear.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Three of Swords Upright

The Three of Swords upright can be a troubling card to receive and often appears during difficult, even heartbreaking times. It can also indicate unfavorable circumstances or outcomes. Generally speaking, your answer would likely be “no” when the Three of Swords shows up in a tarot reading. This card may be an indication that you are struggling and/or suffering in some way. Your mind may currently be in a state of severe confusion and/or imbalance, causing you emotional disruption, upset, etc.

The loss that you are experiencing could be more relatable to feeling “at a loss”; as though you are directionless and/or unable to see the situation clearly, including yourself. It is possible that something upsetting has happened and your sense of clarity may be thrown off. Often the mental and emotional disruption can cause you to feel helpless and/or powerless. Your perception is also likely to be distorted at this time.

The Three of Swords can appear during moments when you are feeling torn or conflicted between your mind and your heart. You may be facing a decision-making situation and are unsure of what to do. You may also feel as though you have no control over whatever it is that is currently happening. You may be feeling indecisive, stuck or even hopeless about your circumstances.

At times, the upright Three of Swords in a tarot card reading can indicate that a betrayal has taken place. You may feel as though you’ve been stabbed in the back somehow. Someone may have said and/or done something scathing, unkind, harmful, etc to and/or about you. Whether it was said to your face or behind your back, you are now experiencing the repercussions of their hurtful words and/or actions.

This card can also indicate a break-up, ending or loss of some kind, inevitably leading to sadness, grief, tears, etc. You could have lost your job or are separating from a romantic partner, friend or loved one. Either way, the situation you’re going through does affect you on an emotional level and can leave you in a state of uncertainty. 

In relationships there may be arguments, disagreements and/or even a third party interfering in your connection. This third party could be someone your partner is cheating on you with or it could be a friend, family member, etc that is creating a disruption within your relationship. For example, you or your partner’s friend could be very needy and it is starting to adversely affect your connection. On the other hand, you and/or your partner’s job(s) could be interfering with your relationship. One or both of you may be spending too much time at work or even on other projects, hobbies, etc.

If you’re single and this deals with love, you may be suffering or struggling with heartache or heartbreak from a previous relationship. This may be an indicator that healing and/or cleansing is necessary. Before you can wholeheartedly welcome a new connection, there may still be some inner repair to be done first.

Where work matters are concerned, this may be a time of increased stress, pressures, etc. You may be facing job loss or employment setbacks if the Three of Swords appears. There may be disagreements and/or clashing personalities creating miscommunication, disharmony, etc at the workplace. If and when possible, do your best to seek fair mediation (you may be the mediator) to resolve things in the best way possible.

Three of Swords Reversed

Where there have been arguments and/or strain within a preexisting relationship, the reversed Three of Swords can indicate a turn around. Of course, depending on the circumstances and surrounding cards, it does not exactly promise a full turnaround. Do your best to make sure that the core, underlying issues in the connection have been dealt with and worked through. If not, the reversed card could be a sign that you risk running into the same issues again, in the future.

While the reversed card can indicate the opposite of its counterpart, it is fair to say that this is not necessarily always the case. Meaning, if the upright version of this card indicates a break-up, the reversal does not exactly mean an automatic make-up. It could mean that things are starting to head toward forgiveness and/or mending, but steps still need to be taken to fully heal or resolve things.

At times the reversal of this card can indicate that a more recent heartache, loss, etc. may have occurred and you could be needing time to recover. If you have been single for years, the Three of Swords reversed may reveal that you have not gotten over an ex partner and/or you are having difficulty letting go of an ex. On the other hand, depending on the circumstances the meaning could also translate to the complete opposite. Perhaps you are finally ready to move on and open up again to new connections and possibilities in love.

Relief may be felt when the Three of Swords reverse appears. Where you may have been experiencing overwhelming pressures or stresses, you could be seeing things lifting and/or improving. There may be clarity after a time of conflict, especially when it comes to feeling indecisive or stuck about a situation.

As it relates to work, this energy may appear as a sign that your fortune is turning around. If you’ve been struggling to find work, the good news is that you should start to see opportunities opening up. For example, if you have applied and/or sent out resumes, etc and have not had much success previously, it is possible that you will finally receive call backs.

If there has been conflict at your current workplace, the Three of Swords reversed may mean that people are ready to move on and put the troubles of the past behind them. However, be mindful of the surrounding cards and energies. While on the surface, it may appear as though things have been resolved, be mindful that there are no lingering resentments or passive aggressive behaviors.

The main message with the reverse Three of Swords focuses on not leaving things unhealed or unresolved.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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