The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune Keywords

Karma, destiny, fate, fortune, patterns, (major) cycles, turning point, change(s), luck

The Wheel of Fortune Numerology


The Wheel of Fortune Astrology Zodiac

The Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

– What insight(s) can I gain by stepping away from distractions and outside influences?

– What action(s) can I take in order to gain personal fulfilment/joy from within?

– How can I shift my perspective in order to move forward with clarity and confidence?

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

An orange wheel turns, as it hovers in the sky before us–it is the Divine Wheel in the Sky. The sacred wheel of time, space, karma and destiny. The Wheel of Fortune has various symbols and markings on it, representing the core elements of creation: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. These elements are also embodied as golden/yellow, winged figures of the zodiac. A serpent moves through the sky (symbolizing knowledge); and the four signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) are positioned around the wheel. They are each reading a book (of knowledge, life, etc) and are seated upon their respective clouds surrounding the wheel. A blue sphinx sits atop the wheel, casually holding a sword. The being seems to be instilled with a sense of indifference but is attentive and orderly, nonetheless. Meanwhile, a red horned figure leans against the base of the wheel–is The Wheel of Fortune turning the devilish figure or is the figure turning the wheel?

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Wheel of Fortune Upright

The Wheel of Fortune card indicates that whatever the case may be, your fortune(s) are about to change for the better. You are encouraged to let go and let flow, as you allow The Universe to take the proverbial wheel. In this case, it truly benefits you to do so. It is an indication that this is a moment, when the things that are beyond your control, are truly within the hands of the Divine. 

This is also a sign that the fates–karma, destiny, luck, etc–are guiding you and are smiling upon you and your efforts. Let this be confirmation that you have overcome the various trials and/or tribulations that have perplexed you along the way. Trust that the Universe is working on your behalf, even if/when it doesn’t seem like anything is happening at all.

This archetype is a messenger of hope in many ways. More than anything, The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder that just as life is in a constant state of flux, so too is this moment that you are moving through. Also, keep in mind the divine symbolism represented here–it encourages you to surrender to divine time, order and alignment. 

For example, if you missed an opportunity, trust that another chance will come around again. Remember though, that when opportunity does strike, do not let yourself miss out this time around. You are more than prepared, so do not be afraid to apply yourself and go for it. 

If the upright Wheel of Fortune is appearing in your tarot reading, you are being guided to shift and/or to prepare for things to shift in your favor. Sometimes preparation means to simply adjust your perception. You may be called to take a step back, so that you can take a better look at the bigger picture; especially if you have been busy taking care of the details. Either way, consider this as a positive opportunity to see and/or do things in a different way.

On the other hand, if you have been waiting and watching, watching and waiting, the appearance of The Wheel of Fortune card suggest this might just be the perfect moment to step into action where it aligns with your goals. Remember to be mindful of any potential twists and turns that may pop up as you proceed.

When this major arcana card appears, if you haven’t already been seeing signs, now may be a very good time for you to start noticing them. Your guides may also be trying to call your attention to something and/or may be trying to tell you that good things are finally happening–so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. 

The Wheel of Fortune could also be an indication that things are slowing down and that your foundation(s) (and/or reality) is starting to settle after a possible time of upheaval, uncertainty, anxiety, stress, etc. Things that have been left open-ended and/or incomplete can be put to rest at long last. If you have been working toward a long term goal especially, this is an indication that any and/or all significant, major cycle(s) have come to a close and/or are closing out. Hence, a new major cycle(s) is underway so take this time to gather yourself.

When it comes to relationships (regardless of whether this is related to friendship, romance, work, etc), this energy could foretell a potentially fated connection and/or changes occurring within your relationships. If you have met someone recently who has made a significant impression on you, this is definitely validating your new encounter.

Likewise, if there is someone whom you have known for a long time but have only been friends with, it is possible that things are getting ready to evolve in some way (whether that is related to work, matters of the heart, etc).

The Wheel of Fortune Reversed

Things may be feeling quite wobbly and unstable when The reversed Wheel of Fortune card appears in your tarot reading. You may be getting caught up in old and/or unhealthy patterns, situations, relationships; and/or such aspects of your life may be creating a lot of drama, chaos, distraction, etc for you at this time. If so, you are encouraged to reevaluate your situation so that you can take the necessary steps toward clarity, etc. 

That being said, be mindful of your steps when the reversed Wheel of Fortune tarot card is around. In this position, the fates could be trying to caution or warn you of possible mishaps and/or misfortune(s) nearby. If anything, consider this your higher self, your guides, etc giving you a spiritual heads up–just keep your eyes open and be alert. 

It is possible that you, yourself may be feeling as though you are cursed and/or have bad luck. Have you been experiencing a string of negative events lately? If so, this could be a sign that karma is working itself out and unfortunately, you may have something of a karmic debt to pay. Remove yourself from any external distractions and do your best to find your center before trying to push anything forward. 

Sometimes when things do not appear to be working out for us, in the end, as it turns out, they really are. Take this as a sign that seeing The Wheel of Fortune upside down does not have to mean that you and your circumstances are meant to be that way forever. Destiny may be telling you that in spite of your best efforts, your energy and focus are better channeled elsewhere. When you are not in a position to initiate changes around you, turn your attention within. Let go and let flow, as it is said.

When this archetype is reversed, it could be a way of telling you that you are chasing your tail and/or pursuing something/someone who will only keep you going in circles. Likewise, you may be feeling as though you are lacking in direction and/or stuck in the same cycles and patterns over and over again without a solution.

This may be Spirit’s way of really getting your attention and nudging you to snap out of any funk and/or lull that you may be experiencing. In this case, the reversed Wheel of Fortune is pointing out the obvious: No more letting go and letting flow; it is time to take control.

Think about shifting your perspective by removing yourself from the people, places, situations, etc that only create confusion for you. Do your best to start focusing on ways to ground, center and stabilize yourself from the inside out. You can and will regain your foothold again, just give yourself some time but definitely put your effort into it.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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