The One-ness Challenge

Girl and Her Moon Spiritual Blog The One-ness Challenge

The human body is all linked with everything on the Earth, with everything we can see and cannot see.  When we go against our Soul’s desires it knocks us off balance and moves us to live in the physical world without regarding our internal world.  When this happens all too frequently, our soul essence begins to weaken along with the one-ness with the Universe.

A lot of us live our lives without considering our Soul.

Think about your day for a moment.  When did you stop to connect with your Soul?  Maybe you had to make a decision at work.  Perhaps you were busy, just being busy.  Afterwards, you finish your day without once connecting with the Divine. Sound familiar?

What you may not realise, is that we are all Soul beings – every single person on this planet.  Our souls all merge to the one cosmic universal energy that contains everything in existence.  When you’re in deep connection with your soul and see everyone else’s soul, it helps increase your expanded self awareness. Throughout my life journey I’ve found that by devoting more time, energy and thoughts to my internal world and sacredness it has helped me evolve into the better version of myself.

It has ramped up my connection with my inner self and helped me to channel the universe – even if it’s for a few moments throughout the day.  People who live in this awareness have had an awakening and feel more connected with others and also see themselves reflected in others.

As you can imagine, God is everywhere and even just taking daily small moments to meditate, sense your soul and other people’s soul allows your body to realign back into peace and harmony.

The regular practice of meditation can help connect with your inner self and help you maintain this deeper understanding.

I challenge you to meditate every day for the next 21 days and connect with the Universal One-ness.



Suzanne Burton // @rookie_life_blog

Monthly Energetics Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

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