The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Keywords

Commitment, relationship, union, responsibility, marriage, choice, contract(s), partnership, agreement(s), harmony, next level, balance, feminine/masculine 

The Lovers Numerology:


The Lovers Astrology Zodiac:


The Lovers Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Lovers Tarot Card:

– Am I ready to commit myself to the next level of this journey/situation? (What can I do to be ready?)

– Are the choices that I’m making in alignment with my goals/dreams?

– Are my decisions/partnerships in alignment with myself and where I see myself heading?

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

Three figures are presented in the depiction of The Lovers. Two nude, human beings–both female and male forms, respectively–stand before and beneath what appears to be a benevolent winged figure; watching over and/or guiding them. This higher being (an angel, angelic being, spiritual guide, etc–representing the divine) appears to be manifesting from the clouds in the sky. With wings, hands and arms extended, the vast sun shining behind them (all) further affirms divine presence and blessings. The female standing before a fruit tree with a serpent winding around it–the tree of life gazes upward, focused on the angel above; while the male behind him a burning tree/bush–the tree of knowledge looks over at his human counterpart, seemingly unaware of the divine presence.

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Lovers Upright:

When The Lovers appear in your tarot reading, they are often here to signal a time of harmony, attraction, connection, balance and/or alignment. More than anything, there is a deeper focus on commitment(s) (possibly affecting things on a bigger, more long term scale) and/or stepping into your ‘next level(s)’–whatever that might be.

Additionally, your own, core feminine and masculine energies/aspects are in a position of evolving, aligning, integrating, etc.

You may be in a position to receive an opportunity or at the very least accept some kind of major offer. Whether it is personally or professionally related, this opportunity is one that would most likely alter and/or change your reality in some way, shape or form. 

This card indicates that significant and/or important contracts, agreements and/or possible (major) partnerships may be at hand. If so, you are being guided to pay attention to the steps and signs throughout your journey. The Lovers, in this case, could be an indication that you are on the right track, and are heading toward expansion and fulfillment. More than anything, you are in a position to accept something that will lead you toward new heights and into new areas of possibility, potential, growth, etc. Be mindful of your decisions and of any possible sacrifices that may come up as you proceed. 

That being said, this major arcana card and energy may also represent a time when there may be an important choice or decision to be made. When you are in such a position to be making possibly life-changing steps, you want to have confidence and faith in what you are doing. The appearance of the winged figure (representing the divine and/or blessings from a higher power) hovering above the human beings indicates that whatever this opportunity or decision may be, it is something that has been blessed and/or guided by the divine (and/or orchestrated by a higher authority). Continue to have faith in yourself and in your higher power as you continue to move forward on your journey.

The upright Lovers may indicate that you are in a strong space to reach new heights and to empower yourself by trusting your own inner/higher guidance and taking action accordingly. When it comes to life choices and life decisions, trust and know that you are ready and able to make things happen. You are ready to grow, expand, etc. and are being affirmed and encouraged to acknowledge this point of completion/wholeness in the process. 

On an independent level, The Lovers card represents a time when you are entering and/or reaching a state of fulfillment, harmony and/or realization in terms of accomplishments, growth, expansion, romantic relationships, etc. After putting in the work and taking the steps necessary, you have arrived and are being acknowledged and congratulated on your success.

The Lovers Reversed:

Conflict, disharmony and/or disagreement(s) especially can arise when The Lovers card appears in a reversed position. Arguments and/or selfishness may also be a major focus at this time. Consider whether or not the circumstances, situations and/or people in your environment are aligning with you, your core values and/or sense of self. Consider your own wants, needs and/or behavior(s) where both your inner and outer worlds are concerned. Think about what you can do to bring things back into alignment and/or what steps you can take to at least start heading in that direction.

A reversed version of this energy can be a signal that it may be necessary for you to recognize whether or not your current situation is truly resonating and lining up with who you are and where you see yourself going in the future. A sense of balance is needed at this time and you are being encouraged to take a moment of pause so that you can step back, and do your best to find your center before moving forward. 

If this is a case of an opportunity or offer being presented, The Lovers reversed is an indication that this may not be the best path or decision for you. If anything, it could also mean that whatever is being offered may not be all that it appears. Additionally, this could also indicate that while something/someone may seem enticing, in the end, the offer/person may not work out (as hoped) when all is said and done.

You and/or someone you are involved with may be misguided at this time. Take this as a sign for you to reevaluate the situation. While there may not be false/harmful intentions involved, there is a significant imbalance that is needing to be addressed, whatever the circumstances, whomever the individuals involved.

When this archetype of the reversed lovers appears, it may be addressing areas where someone is potentially being irresponsible. Have you, and/or someone you are involved with, made a commitment, agreement, etc that is not being honored? Are you fulfilling your duties and/or honoring the agreements that you have committed yourself to? 

Whether the situation involves your relationship with your partner, your money and/or yourself–this energy is all about looking at sustaining and maintaining balance over time. Are you making choices and/or decisions that are in alignment with your long term growth, success and/or stability?

Additionally, this card also asks the question – is your partner and/or are your close/major connections (business partners, etc) showing up and being responsible where it counts? In this case, pay attention to your significant connections, partnerships, responsibilities, etc. and notice if/where any changes and/or adjustments need to be made in order for there to be harmony and balance; especially when it comes to looking things from a long term perspective.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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