The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Keywords

Withdrawal, the past, isolation, inner wisdom, inner guidance, elder, lonely/loneliness, spiritual knowledge, solitude, self-reflection, going inward

The Hermit Numerology


The Hermit Astrology Zodiac


The Hermit Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Hermit Tarot Card

Inquiry/Journal Prompts:

– What insight(s) can I gain by stepping away from distractions and outside influences?

– What action(s) can I take in order to gain personal fulfilment/joy from within?

– How can I shift my perspective in order to move forward with clarity and confidence?

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit is represented by an elderly, male figure. He has a long white beard and is seen wearing a hooded, gray cloak. His appearance in both age and attire imply and symbolize his life-lived elder wisdom and knowledge. He stands atop a snowy mountain terrain and faces west, emphasizing his journey into and connection with the past. He holds a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other. He appears reserved as he guides himself (if not someone else) through the darkness.

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Hermit Upright

The Hermit calls calls you into a space of self-reflection and invites you to go within for your answers. If this archetype is appearing in your tarot reading, you are being encouraged to remove yourself from external influences, distractions, opinions, etc; and take the time and space necessary to journey within. Trust that meditation and a bit of solitude will bring you the clarity and guidance you seek.

The archetype of The Hermit also implies the significance of a journey in some way or form. Generally, it is a soul-based journey and one that can only be gained by simply going through it. It can also indicate that people, situations, etc from your past may be trying to get your attention for whatever reason. Something from the past may need your attention in order for you to be able to move forward.

This energy may be encouraging you to consider what brings you joy and fulfillment. Regardless of what aspect of your life this involves, on all levels, The Hermit may be a messenger that even though everything seems to add-up on the outside, on the inside you may not be feeling quite the same way. Think about whether or not you have been neglecting any area(s) of yourself and/of life. The Hermit calls you to reflect upon those areas in order to make the necessary changes so that you may move forward with clarity and relief.

For example, you could excel in a relatively healthy and “it looks good on paper”-type career when in reality, it doesn’t bring you any sense of joy or fulfilment whatsoever. Whether it is work-related or not, The Hermit guides you to address those areas within yourself that may leave you seeking, experiencing a sense of lack and/or left wanting.

Similarly, when it comes to relationships, The Hermit card would encourage you and/or your partner to consider creating and/or taking a bit of healthy, independent/individual time and introspection to regain perspective. Alternatively, the two of you could also invite this energy in as a way of removing yourselves from too many outside perspectives and/or variables. For example, sometimes a couple has close ties with a larger community of both family and friends. In this case, The Hermit would suggest that you and your partner take time away from everyone to focus more easily on your union. You may also consider creating more dedicated and personal/intimate time with each other.

The upright Hermit represents a “been there, done that, wrote the book, sold the book, still receiving royalties on the book, etc”–meaning–he cannot be bothered with trivial things or temptations of the flesh. His journey is spiritual and any path where wisdom can be gained is his destination. In addition, his appearance and the way he is positioned (facing west, looking into the past) further implies that materialism has no value in his world. Again he values the knowledge, life-lived experiences and wisdom he has gained over time and through his own efforts.

This major arcana card would suggest that the answers you seek cannot be found through instant gratification, materialistic and/or financial pursuits. It involves self-dedication, self-commitment and a willingness to be independent, trusting your inner voice and guidance. Remember, this is your journey to embrace, even if it means not knowing how long the journey may take.

The Hermit Reversed

When The Hermit card appears in a reversed position, this could be suggesting that isolation and time away may not be beneficial to you right now. Though you may want to withdraw from others and may already have withdrawn, you could actually be best served by reaching out instead. 

At times, a reversed meaning of this energy can also represent someone who might be struggling and/or experiencing moments of withdrawal, depression, etc. Consider your current state of being, and remember that while everyone benefits from taking time to themselves, you should try not to remove yourself for too long. Additionally, if you have been isolating yourself, this may be a sign that it is time to come out of hiding.

If The Hermit appears reversed, you may be feeling lonely, isolated and/or experiencing some form of sadness in your current circumstances. Perhaps you have given something and/or someone your time, energy, etc only to end up on the losing side of things. When it comes to relationships, whether this involves romantic partnerships, familial and/or work related ties, a reversal of this energy could mean that you are experiencing some form of loneliness even though you may not be physically alone.

There may even be feelings of regret and/or regrettable things may have taken place. In such situations, the reversed Hermit suggests and encourages you to turn things around by focusing on the bigger picture and the road ahead, rather than to pick at the details. Sometimes, perspective is best gained when you embrace the journey step by step, knowing that your answers will come over time.

Keep in mind, while rushing does no good, it also does not help to do nothing at all. The reversed Hermit could be a sign for you to shift gears in how you have been approaching things. For example, if you have already considered all of your possible variables but have not yet applied any actionable steps, this could be your sign to get going. 

Make sure that you are keeping a balanced perspective if The Hermit is reversed. It is possible that you are spending too much time in your own thoughts, daydreams, ideas, etc and are not allowing others a place to share, participate and/or engage. Whether or not you mean to and regardless of your intentions, make sure that you are allowing others a space to share their thoughts and opinions as well.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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