The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

The Hanged Man Keywords

Pause, different perspective, patience, waiting, surrender, integration, holding back, withholding, sacrifice, suspended

The Hanged Man Numerology


The Hanged Man Astrology Zodiac


The Hanged Man Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Hanged Man Tarot Card

– How can I see things from a different perspective and what can I gain in doing so?

– What can I do to focus my energy and attention best, especially when things are not within my control?

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

A blonde, male figure wearing red leggings, a long-sleeved blue jumper and yellow colored shoes; is seen hanging upside down. His colors red (physicality, passion, root chakra) blue (self-expression, communication, throat chakra) and yellow (free will, taking action, solar plexus chakra) all have significance and hint at his conscious choice to be suspended as such.

His right foot is tied to what appears to be a living tree that’s been turned into a post. His left leg seems relaxed and is bent, perpendicular to his other knee. Regardless of his suspended position, The Hanged Man appears to be at ease.

That being said, since we cannot see behind his back, it is unclear as to whether or not The Hanged Man’s hands are bound or free. The golden halo of light around his head indicates his enlightened perception, sight and knowing. Perhaps The Hanged Man chooses to put himself in this situation voluntarily.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

The Hanged Man Upright

The uniqueness of The Hanged Man is in his conscious willingness to be uncomfortable. Even though, at first glance it may not seem obvious or apparent, when you take a closer look, there are a few clues hinting that his position is very likely self-inflicted. The idea of willingly surrendering to discomfort does not immediately evoke feelings of excitement and/or joy, but sometimes, the sacrifice turns out to be worthwhile in the end. 

Just like the process of baking cookies, even after measuring out the ingredients and putting everything together, you still need to divide out the dough, place it onto the pan, into the oven and… wait for it to finish baking, cooling and then you can finally enjoy a cookie! But it is always worth the wait in the end, isn’t it?

Delays and/or postponements may be influencing your current situation. However frustrating that it can be, if this major arcana card has appeared in your tarot reading, regardless of what your desired timeline is, it is likely that things will be stalled or blocked no matter how hard you try. In that case, this energy is definitely here as a validation and reminder that not only are the circumstances beyond your control, but in many ways it is just karmic and meant to be. It is on your behalf to breathe and surrender to the process as best as you can. 

That being said, if this archetype has shown up on your path, he may be suggesting that you take a moment to slow down. Don’t rush, take a mindful pause before making any decisions. There may be something that you aren’t fully seeing, grasping, etc, and The Hanged Man is likely encouraging to take a step back and/or consider all of your options.

Another interpretation along those lines might inspire you to see things from a different perspective. For example, if you are in a disagreement with someone, The Hanged Man advises you look at the situation from the other person’s point of view, opening up to a new perspective.

Additionally, use this moment of stillness as an opportunity for contemplation and observation. There may be a lot to learn, absorb, experience before jumping ahead and/or moving forward. This could be an opportunity for you to be of service in some way. The association with sacrifice may also be a suggestion that just because you cannot do as you wish, it does not mean that you are powerless. You are in a position to give and/or to be of service to others, now would be the perfect time to be there for others as you are able to.

You may be feeling unsure, indecisive and/or uncertain about what to do, where to go, etc. If this is the case, consider The Upright Hanged Man as confirmation that you are meant to wait and that now may not be the right time for you to take action anyway. It is very likely that this is a situation that does not have direct and/or “actual” answers but that simply is a matter of things coming together in the right time and order.

Be gentle with yourself and the process. The Hanged Man reminds us to trust and know that any confusion and/or or discomfort will pass; and that the path, the answers, will eventually be revealed.

The Hanged Man Reversed

When in reverse, The Hanged Man encourages you to think about how, what, where, whom, etc you are investing your time, energy and value in because you may be making senseless sacrifices. This may be a good time for you to recognize if and where there are any area(s) in which you are giving to someone and/or something (be it related to relationship(s), work, activities, friends, etc), who simply is not willing and/or even trying to give back equally, even if in their own unique way.

On the other hand, you may also be feeling as though the time and energy you are investing (regardless of whom, what, etc you might be investing in) has been a waste and/or is going unnoticed. You may be feeling unappreciated and/or undervalued after a long period of sacrifice, hard work, etc.

If any of this rings true, lean on this reversed archetype as encouragement and a guiding light. You are supported energetically in removing yourself from any situation(s) that are simply using you at the end of the day. Whether it is a drain to your resources, love, energy–whatever the case may be, see this as validation from the Universe that it is time for you to walk away. 

Do not hold yourself up and/or put your life on pause for anything and/or anyone right now, especially where it counts. The Universe is encouraging to you stop delaying. It is time for you to take all that you have learned, experienced, absorbed, etc and putting it into aligned action(s). You are ready to trust yourself and all that you have managed to move through up till now. You have done the work and you’ve taken the time to process, integrate, observe, etc–set yourself free and take those next steps.

For example, you accept a job and start at a lower pay rate with the agreement of a promotion/increase after a training period. Promotion time comes and the increase was not as much of a raise as discussed, you had hoped for and/or anticipated.

The message of this major arcana tarot card is NOT telling you to quit your job and/or throw a fit! Rather you should consider aligned steps you can take to change your circumstances for the better. Speaking to your boss and/or HR; searching for other opportunities; adjusting how much effort you put into your work; etc. Is it possible that you are doing more than is required and/or asked of you? If so, your best move is to downshift–switch gears. In this case, The reversed Hanged Man can indicate that perhaps less is more.

Another perspective with a reversed position of The Hanged Man meaning could indicate that things could be finally turning around and/or moving forward again. You may see the appearance of this energy after a long wait, blocks, indecision(s), etc. Whether the situation was within your control or not, The Hanged Man reversed meaning is a sure sign that the wait is over and the coast is clear.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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