The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

The Chariot Keywords

Victory, control, willpower, determination, confidence, balance, movement, travel, ambitious

The Chariot Numerology


The Chariot Astrology Zodiac


The Chariot Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Chariot Tarot Card

– Are my choices/decisions/actions in alignment with my bigger-picture goals?

– Am I clear in my understanding of what is needed of me in order to achieve my goal(s)? If so–what is needed?

– What can I do to regain control and/or bring balance/harmony/etc to my current situation?

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

The Chariot is symbolized by the image of a charioteer, holding a blue wand, standing confidently at the helm. The masonic symbol upon his stone carriage–a shield with a red mallet and a winged gold disk–represents his mastery, self-awareness and self-control. He wears a golden crown and is dressed in silver armor–symbols of his divinely earned/appointed position. Crescent moons decorate each of his shoulders and a blue banner with white stars drapes his carriage; symbolizing divine connection and blessings.

There are no ropes for him to guide the two sphinxes–black and white, white and black–resting before him. Nonetheless, they represent his mastery at balancing polarities: positive and negative, light and dark, stop and go, etc. Behind him we see a river, a small stretch of land and a city of stone buildings with red roofs reminding us that there may be obstacles to overcome, but there is a journey at hand and/or something significant is underway.

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

The Chariot Upright

Overall, themes related to control, focus, balance and will power come to mind when The Chariot appears in a tarot reading. This is a being who is calling you to step into your individual journey, to take the reins (so to speak) and to be confident in yourself, as well as your ability to succeed. Ultimately, this energy is guiding you to trust and know that you have what it takes to navigate and/or overcome any and all challenges that may arise within your current situation. With courage, conviction and determination, success and victory can be yours.

The Chariot may be calling you to step into a more resilient space, harnessing your core will power and self-discipline on a deeper level. Whether you are dealing with a long term or short term situation, if this archetype has appeared, it is a sign that you have what it takes to succeed, but you may need to really pay attention and focus on the tasks at hand in order to get to the other side and overcome obstacles. You are being guided to take things step by step, day by day, knowing that you will cross the bridges that you need to cross as they appear. 

The two black and white/white and black “twin” sphinxes, resting before the charioteer, emphasize the active state and necessity of balancing positive and negative energies–as well as being mindful of keeping the balance in alignment. The banner of blue with white stars draped above him and his golden crown with an eight-pointed star upon his head, symbolize his authority and connection to the divine. This being is charged with actively holding the balance between the known and the unknown. Let The Chariot serve as a reminder that success is possible, but you will need to maintain a heightened state of conscious awareness, focus and determination; while also letting go and surrendering to the divine flow–the sacred unfolding of the process. 

The Chariot card encourages you to clear or “empty” your mind, while maintaining and sustaining a focused state of present awareness. There is a journey underway (physically and/or otherwise); and whether The Chariot is in motion or not, there is a core knowing that even while you are standing still, life in and of itself is in a constant state of flux. In this case, you are being reminded that managing the light and the dark, positive and negative, like anything else, can sometimes take a bit of finesse. 

It is possible that travel, relocation and/or movement may be at hand. If this is the case, you may need to be a bit more self-aware and on-top of things as you move forward. You are encouraged to assert yourself and to stand firmly in your sense of personal power and self-confidence. When things are in motion, there may be obstacles and/or unforeseen events that pop up along the way; let The Chariot be a strong affirmation of courage and the ability to overcome and achieve your goals – even if it is your own anxieties, stress, etc that you are having to get through.

The Chariot Reversed

Energies related to imbalance, misalignment, defeat and/or disorder may arise when The reversed Chariot appears. Consider whether or not your role and/or position in your current situation is leaving you feeling powerless and/or having to contend with external, opposing forces. If this happens to be the case, focus on tangible ways that you might be able to regain your sense of control–more specifically where harnessing and/or managing your self-control, especially, comes into the picture.

While you may not be able to manipulate everything/everyone and/or be all-knowing at all times, you are able to focus, prioritize and be in control of yourself and your choices. You may be feeling a lack of direction, control, motivation and/or drive. There may be obstacles, challenges, etc. that have either taken its toll on you and/or have discouraged you from wanting to push through and keep going.

The reversed position of this archetype can be here to motivate and encourage you to take control of the situation by assessing what needs to be done, right here, right now; in order to successfully overcome and move forward. Do not give up, you have it within you to take control of the situation; to pick yourself up and to keep moving forward, toward your goal(s).

This major arcana card asks if you or is someone around you out of balance, alignment, etc? Be mindful of any overaggressive, overstepping, demanding and/or forceful energies, behaviors, etc. that may be projected–whether from yourself or from others. A strong sense of personal balance, order and control are essential when The Chariot is present. Conversely speaking, recognize where you and/or someone/something around you is acting in a way that may be misaligned, if not throwing things into a state of misalignment. 

With an emphasis on movement, speed, victory, etc at the heart of The Chariot, a reversed meaning could indicate a block and/or lack with regard to such energies. The reversal of this energy could also mean that what you are considering may not be worth it. In the end, it may be too draining, overwhelming, etc for you to consider the endeavor worthwhile.

You may be feeling sluggish and/or uninspired. Your focus, effort, actions, etc may be lacking. This could be a good time for you to reevaluate whether or not this is a situation that is worth pursuing and/or seeing through. If you feel that it is worthwhile, take this as a sign that you will need to reassess your actual ability to succeed.

Take a moment to regain your foothold and gain clarity as to whether or not this is truly the right time, place, etc for you to consider. There may be a better opportunity and/or another way for you to get what you want if you look at things from a different perspective. This is not the right time to force anything, rather it is a time to shift and surrender in order to move forward. Let go and let flow.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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