2025 is a year of profound astrological movement, where we find ourselves teetering upon the edge something entirely new, opening new doors and exploring new lands. It is the birthing of a new world, inspiring new ways of living and welcoming entirely new energy, together we are peering into the future as we continue to create and weave new ideas into form.
While we have been in a period of deep transition these past few years, it is 2025 that finally points us to the rebirth. Change, release, even a crumbling and dismantling have held us in their arms, and it is this year that we meet the new beginning made possible from this dismantling.
Much of this change comes from our outer planets, also known as collective or transpersonal planets. For as these planets (Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) shift and dance through our cosmos, they create the kind of change that ripples into every corner of our shared and individual realities. As the outer planets change, the fabric of our very reality is being rewoven.
A world between worlds, what is opening this year acts as a peek behind the curtain for all that is streaming forth in coming years, even decades. As our outer planets shift, they only dip their toes into these new zodiacs before retrograding back into familiar lands, telling us that all that we are opening to in 2025 is but a preparation for 2026 and beyond.
Learn more in our 2025 Astrology Workshop here.
2025 Horoscope & Forecast for each Zodiac Sign
With themes of healing, spirituality, inspiration and creation, this year also invites us to play with action, innovation, and a step outside of the known – observing where the life force alive within and expressing through each of us desires to take us.
It is a year to heal our relationship with Divinity, remembering that divinity and humanity are one, and it is an opportunity to take back our power and together, create greater freedom, liberation, and self-autonomy for all.
With such change on the horizon, this year is an opportunity for each of us to heal our relationship with the nature of change itself.
Bringing continued security, love, and safety into our bodies, as well as developing a greater trust in our own guidance and instincts, and the very whispers and intentions of life itself, will support each of us in navigating the new territory opening to us.
Find some of the most anticipated astrological shifts of 2025 below, as well as a list of all retrogrades, key transits, lunations, eclipses, and cazimis.
North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo
Date: January 11 2025 – August 16 2026
Themes: Spirituality, Compassion, Surrender and Acceptance.
The Lunar Nodes in Astrology are points of direction, growth, and evolution. While the North Node points towards the future inviting us to lean into and embrace the sign it finds itself in, the South Node invites a release, a healing, and a closure of outdated energies of its zodiac sign.
While the North Node travels through Pisces offering us medicine and healing, the South Node moves through Virgo, asking us to release any ways in which we have been relating to this archetype that isn’t supporting us.
Pisces Medicine is found in surrender. The final zodiac, it is where we remember ourselves as the Divine and One with All. It is compassion, empathy, creativity and imagination. It is flow and trust, Sacred Love and acceptance.
As we lean into the medicine of Pisces, we are being offered an opportunity this year to bring deep healing to our own self-judgement and crippling expectations. It is a year to be kinder to ourselves, and to remember the wholeness and beauty in who we are, and where we are, in this season of our lives.
We are invited this year to heal our relationship to control and perfectionism, finding peace in surrender and acceptance. And we are bringing a loving closure to the narratives, emotions, and spaces within us that feel as if we are never quite enough.
The Lunar Nodes travelling through the Virgo-Pisces axis invites greater intuition, connection to spirituality, surrender, and dreaming. It invites us to play within possibility, bring dreaming into form, and find peace in forgiveness – forgiveness towards ourselves, others, and even life itself.
You can read more about the Lunar Nodes in 2025 here.
Venus Retrograde in Aries & Pisces
Date: March 1 – April 12 2025
Themes: Healing Inner Worth & Relationship with Desire, Action, Intuition, and the Divine
Venus Retrogrades every two years, meeting us this year in March and April, beginning in Aries and spinning back into Pisces.
Our planet of beauty, love, connection and art, Venus also represents our relationship, self-worth, and resources. As she retrogrades, we are reviewing these areas of ourselves and of our lives.
We are finding the spaces within us that are asking for more love and becoming that for ourselves. We are questioning the narratives and measurements of our own worth and remembering that our value is unquestionable. We are observing the way we offer love, receive love, and find beauty in life. And we are looking over our relationship with resources – both inner and outer, intangible and tangible.
As Venus Retrogrades through Aries, we are invited to remember and embody our inherent value. We are invited to re-align our own energy, action, and living from a space of greater respect for ourselves, respect for our life force, respect for our own desires, and respect for our instinctual knowing and inner guidance.
This retrograde period is a beautiful time to review our relationship with both desire and action, bringing healing and re-alignment into these spaces of ourselves.
As Venus Retrograde shifts into Pisces on March 27, 2025, it invites us to question the checklist of accomplishments, ideas, expectations and more that allow us to feel worthy and valuable within our own being. Pisces is the Sacred, and reminds each of us that we are the Sacred, too.
Throughout this time we are being invited into the remembering that our value cannot come from anything outside of us, and is not dependent upon anything that is external. Our value is innate, seeded in us as an divine expression of life itself.
Venus Retrograde in Pisces is a beautiful time to bring healing into our hearts through creativity, imagination, forgiveness, surrender, and compassion. And it is a time to bring greater trust into our intuition, visioning, and inner knowing.
Conjunct the North Node in Pisces from April 1 – 4 2025 and again from April 17 – 21, 2025 these days will bring profound healing, growth, evolution, and connection with the Sacredness of Life, and the Sacredness of Self.
Neptune in Aries
Date: March 30 – October 22 2025
Themes: Bringing Imagination into Form, Weaving Dreams with Action. A New Chapter after 160 Years.
Neptune is one of our outer planets re-weaving the fabric of reality itself as it steps into a new sign for the first time in 14 years this year. Crossing the threshold of our final zodiac, Pisces, into our first zodiac, Aries, Neptune will be entering us into an entirely new era in 2025.
Dipping into Aries for just a few months, Neptune will enter the fire sign from March to August 2025 before retrograding back into Pisces, and it is in February 2026 that Neptune will again enter Aries where it will then remain until 2039. These few months act as our opportunity to get to know this new energy. To welcome it into our bodies and begin acclimating to it, preparing ourselves for the following decade plus.
Neptune is our planet of intuition, compassion, and spirituality. It is our cosmic doorway into the All, where we return to the ocean of Oneness from which we are all born. It connects us to imagination, visioning, and possibility. It heightens our senses and welcomes us into the intangible and unseen world of the Sacred.
And while Neptune dissolves any sense of individual Self, Aries defines the Self. Aries is our singular birth from the All into a Self, bringing definition, intention, direction, and passions into who we uniquely are. It is a sign of desire, courage, action, and initiative.
As these two energies of Neptune and Aries come together in our skies, it is a beautiful opportunity to become a channel for our visions. It is a space to weave imagination into action, to materialise the intangible, and to create our dreams within our lives.
Much like our North Node in Pisces and Venus Retrograde in Pisces, it brings spirituality into the forefront of our lives and expressions of self, acting as a reconnection to the Divine and offering a deep remembering of our own divinity.
This planetary shift brings heightened intuition, creativity, personal passion, and the play of vision into form. It asks us to trust in our instincts and desires as our guiding compass, and to live in inspiration until it spills forth through us into action and building.
Saturn in Aries
Date: May 24 – September 1 2025
Themes: Self-Mastery, Intentional Expression, Practical Action, Building Courage
Another planet crossing the threshold from Pisces into Aries is Saturn, our builder of the zodiac. A planet that desires mastery, commitment, self-responsibility, and the creation of a life that is aligned with who we know we are here to be.
Much like Neptune, Saturn will dip its toes into Aries this year, before re-entering the fire sign in February 2026 where it will remain until April 2028. These few months are an opportunity to peer into what these next few years of Saturn in Aries is inviting us into, observing how it feels in our bodies and preparing ourselves for the shift.
As our planet of legacy enters the sign of Self, this cosmic pairing is an opportunity for each of us to learn how to become the master of our own energy, the authority of our own lives, and the director of our own creative spark so that we can bring desire into form.
It’s the long-distance runner (Saturn) paired with the sprinter (Aries), as we learn how we keep our own flame of inspiration and passion alive – to turn a quick flame into a slow burn – one that lives long enough to become a consistent and reliable resource as we build beautiful, fulfilling, meaningful, and purposeful lives for ourselves.
As Saturn enters Aries, it is a transit inviting us to bring greater definition to our desires, legacy, and long-term goals, and to commit to those visions and inspirations that are calling our name bringing the loving self-responsibility, devotion, and commitment required along the path.
It is a space where we can heal our relationship to authority, taking back leadership of our own lives. And it asks that we lean into patience, persistence, courage, and action.
Jupiter in Cancer
Date: June 9 2025 – June 29 2026Â
Themes: Emotional Healing, Inner Child Nurturing, Deepened Safety & Belonging, Growth of Inner Circle or Family
After a year in Gemini, Jupiter enters Cancer this year in June where it will remain for the next 12 months. As our planet of luck, expansion, growth, opportunity and wisdom, meets the sacred waters of Cancer, we are offered opportunity for deep emotional healing. It moves us from the mind into the body, and from thought into feeling.
Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and this year it will be expanding our inner world. It invites us to travel within, reconnect with our fundamental needs, and meet the inner child within us all.
It invites us to learn how to best nurture ourselves, how to cultivate safety and belonging within ourselves, and how to open our hearts to the chosen people in our lives. Greater emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and deep healing is available with Jupiter in Cancer.
And it is a beautiful time to bring awareness to the patterns, energies, emotions, and narratives formed in our childhood, both conscious and unconscious, that feed into the person we are today and the decisions we make.
As Cancer rules family and the home, as Jupiter travels through its waters it invites us to reconnect with our lineage, ancestry, and sense of deep belonging in the world. It is a beautiful time for ancestral healing as much as it is for accessing the gifts and medicine travelling through our lineage.
It brings expansion and hope into our family lives, whether chosen or created, asking for more love, intimacy, and connected with our people, and even – inviting growth to our inner circle.
Jupiter’s year long travel through Cancer invites us all to become the carer and nurturer that we need, to become the healing we are craving deep down within ourselves.
Uranus in Gemini
Date: July 7 – November 7 2025
Themes: Innovation, Inspiration, New Ways of Thinking, Open Mindedness, and Liberation of unsupportive Narratives
Another outer planet, and a wave of major change in our skies for 2025, is that of Uranus entering the quick, curious, and open air sign of Gemini. Following Neptune and Saturn, Uranus will spend just a few months in this new energy before returning to Taurus for a final closure. And it is in April of 2026 that Uranus will re-enter Gemini where it will remain until 2032.
Uranus is our planet of innovation, change, and inspiration. It is a portal through which the future arrives here in the now, collapsing old structures so that we may plant new seeds. It moves for the sake of freedom, liberation, and higher possibility.
As this electric planet moves into Gemini, it brings this change, innovation, and liberation into the mind. It brings a new way of communicating, learning, sharing, and perceiving into our awareness both individually and collectively – a way that we simply haven’t seen before.
It invites a breaking free from the narratives, thought forms, and perspectives within our minds that are keeping us caged, limited, and stagnant. It inspires intuition and connects our minds to the ever present field of possibilities, imagination, innovative ideas, and future potentials that are awaiting our awareness.
These few months inspire us to think outside of the box and embrace change. Collectively alongside Pluto in Aquarius it welcomes new ways of learning, innovative technology, changes to social media and communication, pushing us to embrace new perspectives and technologies, encouraging us to step into unchartered territories.
This is a very cerebral and very quick energy. We invite you throughout this time to balance it with grounding, embodiment practices, and earth medicine. For the more we are in our bodies, the further out we can reach. And the more discerning (very important for this time) we are with what we bring into our minds, the more clearly what is for us can reach us.
2025 Retrogrades:
- December 6, 2024 – February 23 2025: Mars Retrograde in Leo and Cancer
- March 2 – April 13, 2025: Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- March 15 – April 7, 2025: Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- May 4 – 14 October, 2025: Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius
- July 4 – December 10, 2025: Neptune Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- July 13 – November 28, 2025: Saturn Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- July 18 – August 11, 2025: Mercury Retrograde in Leo
- July 30, 2025 – January 2, 2026: Chiron Retrograde in Aries
- September 6, 2025 – February 4 2026: Uranus Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus
- November 9 – November 29, 2025: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio
- November 11, 2025 – March 11, 2025: Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer
2025 Eclipses:
- March 14, 2025: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
- March 29, 2025: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
- September 7, 2025: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
- September 21, 2025: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo
2025 Zodiac Seasons:
- 21 December, 2024 – January 19, 2025: Capricorn Season
- January 19 – February 18, 2025: Aquarius Season
- February 18 – March 20, 2025: Pisces Season
- March 20 – April 19, 2025: Aries Season
- April 19 – May 20, 2025: Taurus Season
- May 20 – June 20, 2025: Gemini Season
- June 20 – July 22, 2025: Cancer Season
- July 22 – August 22, 2025: Leo Season
- August 22 – September 22, 2025: Virgo Season
- September 22 – October 22, 2025: Libra Season
- October 22 – November 21, 2025: Scorpio Season
- November 21 – December 21, 2025: Sagittarius Season
- December 21, 2025 – January 19, 2026: Capricorn Season
2025 Key Dates & Transits:
- December 6, 2024 – February 23, 2025: Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer
- January 2, 2025:Â Mars Retrograde opposite Pluto
- January 6, 2025:Â Mars Retrograde enters Cancer
- January 11, 2025:Â Lunar Nodes enter Pisces and Virgo
- January 21, 2025:Â Pluto Cazimi in Aquarius
- February 1, 2025:Â Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- February 1, 2025:Â Venus conjunct North Node in Pisces
- February 7, 2025: Neptune conjunct North Node in Pisces
- February 9, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius
- March 1 – April 12, 2025: Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- March 12, 2025:Â Saturn cazimi in Pisces
- March 13, 2025:Â Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
- March 14 – April 7, 2025: Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces
- March 22, 2025:Â Venus Cazimi in Aries
- March 24, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Aries
- March 27, 2025:Â Venus Retrograde enters Pisces
- March 27, 2025:Â Venus Retrograde conjunct Neptune in Pisces
- March 29, 2025:Â Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries
- March 29, 2025:Â Mercury Retrograde enters Pisces
- March 30, 2025:Â Neptune enters Aries
- April 1st, 2025:Â Venus Retrograde conjunct North Node in Pisces
- April 3, 2025:Â Mercury Retrograde conjunct North Node in Pisces
- April 12, 2025:Â Chiron cazimi in Aries
- April 21, 2025:Â Saturn conjunct North Node in Pisces
- April 23, 2025:Â Venus conjunct North Node in Pisces
- April 26, 2025:Â Mars in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius
- May 17, 2025:Â Uranus Cazimi in Taurus
- May 24, 2025:Â Saturn enters Aries
- May 29, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Gemini
- June 9, 2025:Â Jupiter enters Cancer
- June 15, 2025:Â Mars in Leo square Uranus in Taurus
- June 15, 2025:Â Jupiter in Cancer square Saturn in Aries
- June 18, 2025:Â Jupiter in Cancer square Neptune in Aries
- June 24, 2025:Â Jupiter cazimi in Cancer
- July 7, 2025:Â Uranus enters Gemini
- July 17 – August 11, 2025: Mercury Retrograde in Leo
- July 20, 2025:Â Mars conjunct South Node in Virgo
- July 31, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Leo
- August 8, 2025:Â Mars in Libra opposite Saturn Retrograde in Aries
- August 9, 2025:Â Mars in Libra opposite Neptune Retrograde in Aries
- August 11, 2025:Â Venus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer
- August 28, 2025:Â Uranus in Gemini sextile Neptune Retrograde in Aries
- September 1, 2025:Â Saturn Retrograde enters Pisces
- September 4, 2025:Â Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer
- September 7, 2025:Â Total Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
- September 13, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Virgo
- September 21, 2025:Â Partial Solar Eclipse in Virgo
- September 24, 2025:Â Mars in Scorpio square Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius
- October 22, 2025:Â Neptune Retrograde enters Pisces
- November 4, 2025:Â Mars in Sagittarius opposite Uranus Retrograde in Gemini
- November 6, 2025:Â Uranus Retrograde enters Taurus
- November 9 – 29, 2025: Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio
- November 20, 2025:Â Mercury Cazimi in Scorpio
- December 8, 2025:Â Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces
- December 14, 2025:Â Mars in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces