Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

Temperance Keywords

Balance, moderation, patience, (inner) peace, harmony, tranquil/tranquillity, extremes, hasty, calm, integration, alchemy, restraint

Temperance Numerology


Temperance Astrology Zodiac


Temperance Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Temperance Tarot Card

– What is needed to create balance and harmony in my life/at this time?

– What is the best way to move forward, considering the bigger picture?

Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

A genderless, winged figure wearing a white gown holds and carefully pours water (emotional balancing) from one chalice to the other. The way the angel is focusing on the golden vessels makes it clear that s/he is intent on the task at hand. A halo shines brilliantly above the angel’s head; indicating divine blessings, authority and responsibility. The orange triangle upon the center of the angel’s chest represents the alchemy symbol for fire.

This emphasizes that intentions and actions should be acted upon and guided by the heart. With one foot dipping into a pool of clear, blue water and the other, resting on the green grass–Temperance reminds us that all things should be done with balance and moderation. Next to the angel, two yellow irises are in bloom–symbolizing that relationships, friendship, commitment, deep love, etc blossoms with time. A path leads us from the water’s edge and into the blue mountains in the background; the sun is just starting to set behind it.

*Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck

Temperance Upright

When Temperance appears in a tarot reading, it can be a sign that you have managed (and/or are managing) to let go and let flow and/or find balance. You are striking up a happy middle-ground, and have found (and/or are finding) your pace, especially where it counts the most. Additionally, you may be someone who has a tendency of being the bigger person and/or not holding onto grudges. If anything, Temperance is influencing you to consider integrating those qualities with regards to your situation. 

This major energy also reminds you that while your ideas and intentions may be inspiring and exciting, there also comes a time when you must apply yourself. That being said, Temperance encourages you to be aware of the bigger picture while also remaining present to the moment. In doing so, you allow time and space for your thoughts and dreams to transform into tangible, actionable steps.

Rather than rushing through the journey, the upright Temperance card suggests that you slow down and take your time. You don’t want to drag things out of course, but with the element of fire at the heart of Temperance, you are guided to balance and align your desires and actions with your emotions. All things in moderation is key.

Do your best to pay attention to the process. Notice the details without getting lost in them. Keep your sights set on your greater vision and/or goals while you are at it. Remember, excellence takes time and there are some things that just cannot and should not be rushed.

Temperance may also indicate that a significant journey of some kind may be underway. You may be reconsidering a choice right now. If so, this energy would suggest that you exercise patience, restraint, clarity and/or focus when it comes to your situation. This archetype can also serve as a reminder that a bit of personal fortitude might benefit you as well. The answer(s) and/or outcome that you seek will likely take time to develop and/or provide solid answers. You are guided to approach your current circumstance(s) from the perspective of being an observer first and foremost. 

With an emphasis on alchemy, keep in mind that patience, thoughtfulness and timing is likely going to play a significant part of the bigger picture. Temperance may also be guiding you to take your time when it comes to making any major decisions and/or moves. Mindful awareness and focus are needed when it comes to your situation. 

Whatever it is that you are inquiring about, realize that with Temperance present, this is a time of integration and consideration. Just as you carefully measure and weigh ingredients before mixing them together, this major arcana card asks you to get organized and apply things step by step in order to accomplish your goal(s). While there are some areas where you can be flexible, remember that there are other areas where it is best to follow the directions fully and completely–even if it takes a little longer.

Temperance Reversed

Too little and/or too much–these “all or nothing” kind of extremes may be present when Temperance is reversed. Your decision, balance, moderation, timing, etc is off and/or misaligned in some way. Ask yourself whether or not you are resisting something which may be preventing you from taking action. Feelings of confusion, imbalance, discontent and/or as though enough is never enough might be coming up. Do your best to recognize any temporary, strained feelings and/or frustration so that you can get through it authentically. 

Conversely, ask yourself whether or not you are and/or have been hasty about things. If so, why? This reversal energy can show up at times when you might be rushing into things without considering your plans and/or long term goals. Your decision(s) and/or reaction(s) to your external environment (people, places, situations, etc) may be fleeting and/or coming from an imbalanced, unrealistic space. You could also be overreacting to something/someone; jumping to conclusions and/or making snap judgements when the reversed Temperance card is revealed.

Additionally, you may be feeling extra sensitive and/or over emotional. If you find that your emotions are running high, take a step back and give yourself room to breathe and restore balance. Remember that it is always best to respond mindfully, rather than to react thoughtlessly. 

Reversed Temperance tarot card may also be advising you to take such a moment of mindful pause; so that you can gather yourself and shift gears the right way. Think about what you truly want out of this situation and what steps you can take to move forward accordingly. Even if the results you seek end up taking a little longer to come into fruition, trust that the process will be well worth it. This major arcana tarot card reminds us that there are moments in life and people, especially, that you cannot and should not try to force. Enjoy the journey. Recognize what, if any, adjustments are needed so that you can make the necessary changes to support your greater goals. 

The reversed meaning of the Temperance can also indicate that something is imbalanced and/or possibly unfair in regards to your situation. Whatever this concerns, whether it is internal or external, you are guided to look at both your inner and outer worlds for clarity and direction. Do your best to detach and to see things from various angles and/or perspectives. If you have already been doing this, take this as a sign that it is time to clarify your perspective and apply yourself. The Universe is calling your attention to areas where such decisions and/or shifts are needed. 

You might be acting carelessly and/or your attitude about something and/or someone may need to be revisited. Temperance reversed suggests that you might be wavering, stalemated, stagnant, etc. in some way. On the other hand, recognize and correct any careless, mindless treatment you may be receiving from others. If things have felt as such, trust that you are being guided to take a conscious approach with what you are actively doing (including who you are spending time with) to avoid veering off track when it comes to your bigger picture and long term goals.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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