Taurus Full Moon November 2024: Astrology & Horoscopes

Foundations crack open so that new ones may be built. A new story around freedom and security, liberation and safety, desiring to be written.

This lunation is a mirror. A mirror for the spaces, emotions, patterns, and structures in our lives that keep us from ourselves, that keep us from empowerment, and that keep us from a life of freedom, and the futures that call us toward them.

When is the Full Moon in Taurus November 2024?

The November Taurus Full Moon occurs on November 15 or 16, 2024, depending on where you are in the world.

  • Wellington: Saturday November 16, 10:28am
  • Sydney: Saturday November 16, 8:28am
  • Tokyo: Saturday November 16, 6:28am
  • Singapore: Saturday November 16, 5:28am
  • New Delhi: Saturday November 16, 2:58am
  • Dubai: Saturday November 16, 1:28am
  • Istanbul: Saturday November 16, 12:28am
  • Paris/Berlin: Friday November 15, 10:28pm
  • London: Friday November 15, 9:28pm
  • New York/Toronto: Friday November 15, 4:28pm
  • Los Angeles/Vancouver: Friday November 15, 1:28pm

November Full Moon Astrology

It’s a Taurus full Moon. Where our relationship to our bodies, security, inner value and outer security illuminate from the shadows within. Where our intuition speaks through our five senses and the Earth calls us to re-communion with her physicality.

It’s a Taurus full Moon, where the Sun sits on the other side of the cosmos in the watery depths of Scorpio. Where this Sun strips away all that is not real, all that is not lasting, so that we may find true security, empowerment, and a self-trust solely within ourselves.

Yet what is different about this Taurus full Moon is the presence of Uranus.

As the Moon meets her fullness, she does so right next to this innovative, creative, non-conforming planet – creating a heightened, sharp, and electrifying frequency reverberating through the cosmos, and through our being.

There is a whisper for each of us, asking us to take a certain leap. For Uranus is always calling us into a wild, inspiring, creative breakthrough. A whisper calling each of us to free ourselves from stagnation and heaviness, rigidity and obstinacy.

To free ourselves from the spaces where predictability and loyalty to a certain way have kept us from truly living. To free ourselves from outdated, disempowered, and fear driven perspectives of security and stability – both materially and emotionally.

Change can only meet us when we say yes to it.

This full Moon invites us to descend within and occupy more of this physical body that is our loving home for this lifetime. To bring a deeper sense of safety, rootedness, presence, love, and trust within its walls. To feel the Earth beneath our feet and remember that we are here to live just as fully, colourfully, and boldly as her.

On the same day, Saturn finishes its retrograde in Pisces and begins moving once again. Another cosmic invitation to plant ourselves in the tangible, so that we may build our dreams, so that we may live our visions.

We are being invited to find Taurean security, safety, trust and stability within ourselves first – so that we may then take the leaps, follow our joys, and listen to the restless call of Uranus – this planet that is simply, yet powerfully, representing a readiness for change from within ourselves, and then translate this impulse into long-term tangible action, as Saturn so desires for us.

Can we feel safe and free? Secure and liberated? Stable and open to change? There are realities where these seemingly opposingly ways of being co-exist, create together, and support each other.

This lunation desires to take us there.

Taurus Full Moon Planetary & Astrological Influences

  • Sun in Scorpio opposite Moon in Taurus
  • Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus
  • Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus
  • Saturn station Direct in Pisces
  • Moon and Uranus in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces
  • Moon and Uranus in Taurus trine Pluto
  • Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Full Moon in Taurus Ritual

Full Moon in Taurus Ritual: Earth, Body & Cosmos with Girl and Her Moon founder, Jordane.

Welcome to your medicine journey with the Earth, your body, and the cosmos. A soul journey filled with both a deep release and soul activations, a stripping away and a return to what matters.

The intention of this journey together is to remember your intrinsic oneness with the Earth, Cosmos, and all of existence, to anchor safety and belonging into your body, and to come home to your own knowing of what matters to you, untangling from the rest.

Access via the Flow with the Moon Membership.

Taurus Full Moon November 2024 Horoscopes for your Zodiac Sign

Watch below for your Taurus Full Moon Horoscope for your zodiac sign by Kapualani. Be sure to watch your Sun, Moon and Rising Sign!

For a personal 1:1 Soul Tarot Reading, explore your options here.

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Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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