Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Strength Keywords

Fortitude, power, confidence, courage, bravery, encouragement, self-control, stubborn, resilient

Strength Numerology


Strength Astrology Zodiac


Strength Tarot Suit

Major Arcana

Journal Prompts for The Strength Tarot Card

– How can I best assert/apply myself here and now, regardless of what might be going on (or not) in my life?

– Are fears, doubts, etc affecting my ability to take action towards my goals? (What can I do to turn this around?)

Strength Tarot Card Meaning

A larger than life, feminine figure, is seen dressed in a long, white gown, looking down upon and tending to a male lion. The way in which she interacts with the lion suggests her position of power and authority over him, while also highlighting her soft and gentle approach. As she pets his muzzle, it is clear that they share a mutual trust. She may even be attempting to calm the lion down. He licks her right hand and his tail is tucked between his legs, emphasizing both his excitement in the moment, as well as his submission to the woman.

An infinity symbol hovers above her head in place of a halo. She wears flowers in her hair and has a garland of them wrapped around her waist. They even seem to be intertwined with the lion’s mane. Here we see the connection and balance between primal instinct/urge and higher awareness/self-discipline finds its place within Strength.

* Based on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.

Strength Upright

Strength often appears in your tarot reading at a time when you are being called to step into a position of patience and self-fortitude in some way or form. This energy invites you to master your own core, primal instincts, strong/intense emotions and/or urges, even if it means (at times) having to take action against them. Be aware of any particularly magnetic, intense, quick connections and/or feelings coming up at this time. While there may be a lot of excitement, interest and/or even an instant connection/bond that forms, take things slowly and remember to use patience and mindfulness as you move forward. There is no need to rush–stability and longevity are possible when you approach things thoughtfully, intentionally and mindfully.

The meaning of the Strength archetype calls you to embrace the bigger picture and to have faith in your long term goals and dreams, especially when it may seem as though what you want is right in front of you, and yet still out of reach. Remain steadfast, do not give up on yourself and/or your goals. At the same time, be willing to self-adjust and/or do things differently, even if it means taking the longer route and/or even doing the unexpected, to ensure your success.

When the Strength card appears, you may be in a position of putting your ego aside for the sake of others and/or the end goal. Recognize and remember, when you really apply yourself, the sacrifices you have made and/or are making, will surely come full circle in the long run–one way or another.

This energy may also signify a time when your core sense of drive–your passions, emotions, urges, etc–may be very prominent. You may be feeling very strongly and/or opinionated about something and/or someone at this time. If that is the case, the Strength card may be calling for you to be self-aware. Do your best to be mindful of how your current attitude and/or actions may impact you and/or those, as well as the world, around you.

Strength may also appear as a reminder that just because you can, it does not mean you should. For example, just because you can eat an entire cake in one sitting, it does not mean that you should. Using your better judgment and/or sense of discernment may be required at this time–especially when it comes to if, when, where and/or how you should (or should not) go about doing something.

Compassion and kindness are also indicated with the Strength card. You and/or someone in your life may be representing such ways of being at this time. By standing in and wielding your power from such a positive way, you display your abilities to overcome and succeed when you really apply yourself. When your approach to the situation is rooted in respect, care and integrity especially, you can accomplish most anything you set your heart and mind to.

Strength Reversed

You may be experiencing feelings and/or moments of fear, doubt, weakness, depression, restlessness and/or as though you just do not know what to do. Sometimes, when Strength is reversed, it can feel as though you are too overwhelmed and/or even trapped in your own thoughts to make a solid, clear decision–let alone have confidence, in terms of knowing what to do when things become too intensified. If this resonates, take a moment to consider what you are going through and do your best to self-adjust accordingly. Remember, when you trust in yourself, others are much more likely to trust you sooner rather than later.

Be mindful if you are seeing reversed Strength as it may be revealing energies of disharmony and imbalance in various ways. You, someone around you and/or your current situation may be creating a hostile, stressful and/or overbearing environment. It is possible that someone is thinking too highly of themselves and therefore may be overly confident in their approach and/or abilities. A bit of humility with the right attitude goes a long way.

There may be a great deal of conflict at hand and/or there may be a lot to contend with at this time. You may be feeling stuck and/or pulled in various directions. You might be unable to make a confident, clear and/or solid decision. Keep your sense of perspective in mind. Do your best to balance both your view of the bigger picture as well as your focus upon the smaller details. 

Inner strength, in and of itself, may be lacking when this archetype appears in a reversed position. You may not be in the best condition to take on the current situation. When it comes to your circumstances, whether physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually, you may not be quite as ready and/or as strong as you thought you were–at least, not right now. If you are not feeling up to par, do not force yourself to push beyond your actual abilities. You may not have the energy, desire and/or the wherewithal to see things through. It is healthy to know your limits and to recognize when you may be experiencing moments where you simply are not ready, able and/or willing to exert yourself in such a way.

The reversed strength card could also be an indication that you may be struggling with your sense of self-confidence and/or personal fortitude in some way. Are you feeling insecure and/or doubtful in your abilities and/or where you are currently at in your life? Take a moment to step back and reevaluate your intentions, goals, etc. Give yourself the space to make any necessary adjustments as needed. Do your best to regroup and find your center again. 

Have you been repetitively going over plans, details, possibilities, etc without taking any steps, making any effort and/or implementing any sort of tangible, actionable moves? If so, take this as your sign to do what you can to start turning things around. It is time to get out of your head, to drop into your heart and to have faith in knowing that with clear, solid intention(s), actionable effort, persistence and fortitude, you can accomplish your goals and manifest your dreams over time. You may also need to rethink your approach and/or whether or not the path that you are on is truly worthwhile when it comes to looking at your bigger picture goals.


Kapualani is a natural-born healer, intuitive, medical intuitive and overall clairsensitive— engaging various modalities of SoulSpirit Work such as:

Mysticism, Shamanism, Ancestral, Mediumship, Quantum Field, Vortex, Tarot, Oracle, Astrology, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Chakras, Pranic, Shadowork, Akashic, EFT Tapping, Breathwork, Mentorship and more…

Work with Kapualani with a 1:1 Tarot Reading here.

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