Solar Eclipse in Gemini June 2021 + Ritual!

Gemini Solar Eclipse New Moon June 2021 Girl and Her Moon

It is taking the awareness that the Lunar Eclipse brought us, and turning it into a new beginning.



  • Wellington: Thursday June 10 – 10.52pm
  • Sydney: Thursday June 10 – 8.52pm
  • New Delhi: Thursday June 10 – 4.22pm
  • Dubai: Thursday June 10 – 2.52 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Thursday June 10 – 1.52 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Thursday June 10 – 12.52 pm
  • London: Thursday June 10 – 11.52 pm
  • New York/Ottawa: Thursday June 10 – 6.52 am
  • Los Angeles: Thursday June 10 – 3.52 am

This Eclipse speaks to new beginnings and unexpected opportunities guided by our Souls. It speaks to elevated states of consciousness, new directions, and quick shifts.

Gemini is a dynamic sign, mutable in nature it is changeable, quick, curious, lively. It is the restless energy of air, constantly shifting, moving from one place to the next. Its purpose is to air out stagnant energy, and to clear, and disperse new energy.

Solar Eclipses are also quick, they are intense, they signify new beginnings and open doors that change our lives for years to come.

Last month’s Lunar Eclipse was a powerful illumination, where the Moon, alongside our Soul, was tapping us on the shoulder, whispering to us where we have walked out of alignment with our most fulfilling path and urging us to let go of all that it not us, all that is not in our highest growth and deepest purpose.

This Solar Eclipse is a gateway from the Universe into our highest potential – guiding us into realising and embodying the change that we so deeply deserve and desire, urging us to begin anew.

It is taking the awareness that the Lunar Eclipse brought us, and turning it into a new beginning.

Right now, we are presented with a fork in the path, we have the decision to continue on the path and cycle we have been on – continue with the patterns, the beliefs, the old identities, the extra ‘stuff’ in our lives and in our energy that deep down, we know are not our truth – or we can take this exit. We can jump off the cycle, we can take this new path that is presenting itself. We can say yes to something bigger, something so much more aligned with our Souls, we can walk in the direction that feels like our truth.

This Eclipse is calling for a full body yes. A full mind surrender. An energy filled yes to this new path. It’s the start of a new becoming. The beginning of a new journey. A new path. A new us.

A new beginning where we stand in the fullness of ourselves. Where we know the unlimited potentials of our minds.

As Gemini is related to our minds, we are reminded under this Solar Eclipse the power that our minds hold. The creative power. The manifesting power.  Our minds are a gift, a powerful tool that we can guide and use in whatever direction and purpose we desire.

This Solar Eclipse is guiding us into tapping into an energetic state of higher consciousness, where we can begin to use our minds for our highest purpose, and the highest purpose of humanity.

With Mercury and Saturn in Retrograde, and Jupiter and Neptune to follow, this New Beginning may feel somewhat familiar – a new beginning that we have been preparing for for some time, a new beginning that maybe we decided to walk the path of a while ago, but it is here and now that we have a readiness in our system to say yes to.

We have moved through incredible healing, we have plunged into beautiful growth, we have gotten intimate and nurtured ourselves into the readiness we now feel. This Solar Eclipse is our full body yes to be the version of ourselves we have been waiting for.


Gemini Solar Eclipse Ritual

Akashic Record Eclipse Activation

Inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership we have an incredible, potent, and magical channeled Akashic Record Message, alongside a channeled Soul Journey Activation.

This beautiful Solar Eclipse Ritual is a collaboration with Ashely Wood of A Line Within, who works with the Pleiadians, who this message and journey is from.

We knew this Eclipse, this powerful time in the cosmos, this incredible new beginning, needed a ritual that matched the intensity of energy, and we are so excited and grateful to share this collaboration with you.

Gemini Solar Eclipse New Moon June 2021 Ritual Girl and Her Moon

With two additional pages of writing prompts designed to access all of the wisdom, answers and guidance your Soul is waiting to share with you.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership, by joining this month you will also receive instant access to intention work, a monthly tarot reading, and our Capricorn Full Moon Ritual Future Self Soul Journey, and more valuing at over $400.


If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the New Moon – Dilosh has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Jordane Maree is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, psychology, symbolism and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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