Girl and Her Moon

Soul ~ Astrology ~ Energy ~ Tarot

“Girl and Her Moon has been a catalyst for change in my life and I am forever grateful to this space.”

The Membership

Astrology Classes

Energy & Soul Work

Expert Teachers

Sacred Gatherings

“My Flow with the Moon membership has guided me to communicate with and open to my soul in ways I didn’t know possible.”

Courtney, Flow with the Moon Member

1:1 Soul Readings

Whether through the cards or the stars, our readings are here to create the space for more of you, your medicine, gifts, presence, authenticity, and more of your true relationship and dance with Life.

Whether you seek clarity and direction, or a safe space to tap back into your true nature…

Our readings explore a range of topics from purpose to love, career to past lives, and are tailored to meet you wherever you are.

Book Tarot

Tarot Readings

Book Astrology

Astrology Readings

“The lessons, insight, and guidance I received through this reading are things I will carry with me for years to come.”

Audrey, Soul Purpose Tarot Reading

All Access

Unlimited access to all workshops, meditations, soul journeys, healings, live workshops, trainings, and a lot more – for less than $1 a day.

Included in your Flow with the Moon Membership.


Astrology is a mirror to unveil the mysteries of life, self, and soul.

Learn, or remember, the language of the stars.

Classes included in your Flow with the Moon Membership.

Monthly Astrology Classes

Learn Astrology

You are of the stars. May this be a space to remember this.

Join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership for an entire Astrology Course filled with remembering and teachings, with practical understanding and esoteric wisdom.

From astrology foundations to starry extras. From chart exploration to reading transits.

Together we will learn to read the language of the stars, build a relationship with guiding celestial bodies, and coming home to ourselves in the process.

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